Predefined Fields

Predefined fields are time-dependent, non-solution-dependent fields that exist over the spatial domain of the model. Temperature is the most commonly defined field.

This section describes how to specify the values of the following types of predefined fields during an analysis:

  • temperature,

  • field variables, including predefined pore fluid pressure,

  • equivalent pressure stress, and

  • mass flow rate.

The procedures in which these fields can be used are outlined in About Prescribed Conditions.

Temperature, field variables, equivalent pressure stress, and mass flow rate are time-dependent, predefined (not solution-dependent) fields that exist over the spatial domain of the model. They can be defined:

  • by entering the data directly,

  • by reading an Abaqus results file generated during a previous analysis (usually an Abaqus/Standard heat transfer analysis), or

  • in a user subroutine.

Temperature and field variables can also be defined by reading an Abaqus output database file generated during a previous analysis.

Field variables can also be made solution dependent, which allows you to introduce additional nonlinearities in the Abaqus material models.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Prescribed Conditions
In Other Guides
File Output Format
Defining a temperature field
Defining values for predefined field variables
