You can prescribe values of basic solution variables, including displacements and
rotations in stress/displacement analysis and temperature in heat transfer or coupled
thermal-stress analysis.
Boundary conditions:
can be used to specify the values of all basic solution variables
(displacements, rotations, warping amplitude, fluid pressures, pore pressures,
temperatures, electrical potentials, normalized concentrations, acoustic
pressures, or connector material flow) at nodes;
can be given as “model” input data
(within the initial step in
to define zero-valued boundary conditions;
can be given as “history” input data (within an analysis step) to add,
modify, or remove zero-valued or nonzero boundary conditions; and
can be defined by the user through subroutines
DISP for
Relative motions in connector elements can be prescribed similar to
boundary conditions. See
Connector Actuation
for more detailed information.
Only zero-valued boundary conditions can be prescribed as model data (i.e., in the initial step in
You can specify the data using either “direct” or “type” format. As described
below, the “type” format is a way of conveniently specifying common types of
boundary conditions in stress/displacement analyses. “Direct” format must be
used in all other analysis types.
For both “direct” and “type” format you specify the region of the model to
which the boundary conditions apply and the degrees of freedom to be
restrained. (See
for the degree of freedom numbers used in
Boundary conditions prescribed as model data can be modified or removed
during analysis steps.
Any number of data lines can be used to specify boundary
conditions, and in stress/displacement analyses both “direct” and “type” format
can be specified with a single use of the
BOUNDARY option.
Category: Mechanical; Displacement/Rotation, Velocity/Angular velocity, or Acceleration/Angular acceleration; select regions and toggle on the degree or degrees of freedom
Category: Electrical/Magnetic; Electric potential; select regions
Category: Other; Temperature, Pore pressure, Mass concentration, Acoustic pressure, or Connector material flow; select regions
If you are specifying a temperature boundary condition for a
shell region, you can enter multiple degrees of freedom, from 11 to 31,
Using the “Type” Format in Stress/Displacement Analyses
The type of boundary condition can be specified instead of degrees of
freedom. The following boundary condition “types” are available in both
Symmetry about a plane
(degrees of freedom ).
Symmetry about a plane
(degrees of freedom ).
Symmetry about a plane
(degrees of freedom ).
Fully built-in (degrees of freedom ).
Pinned (degrees of freedom ).
The following boundary condition types are available only in
Antisymmetry about a plane with
(degrees of freedom 2, 3, 4 ).
Antisymmetry about a plane with
(degrees of freedom 1, 3, 5 ).
Antisymmetry about a plane with
(degrees of freedom 1, 2, 6 ).
When boundary conditions are prescribed at a node in an
analysis involving finite rotations, at least two rotation degrees of freedom
should be constrained. Otherwise, the prescribed rotation at the node may not
be what you expect. Therefore, antisymmetry boundary conditions should
generally not be used in problems involving finite rotations.
Prevent warping of an elbow section at a node.
Prevent ovalization of an elbow section at a node.
Prevent all cross-sectional deformation (warping, ovalization, and uniform
radial expansion) at a node.
For example, applying a boundary condition of type
XSYMM to node set
EDGE indicates that the node set lies on a plane
of symmetry that is normal to the X-axis (which will be
the global X-axis or the local X-axis
if a nodal transformation has been applied at these nodes). This boundary
condition is identical to applying a boundary condition using the direct format
to degrees of freedom 1, 5, and 6 in node set
EDGE since symmetry about a plane
X=constant implies ,
and .
Once a degree of freedom has been constrained using a “type” boundary
condition as model data, the constraint cannot be modified by using a boundary
condition in “direct” format as model data; modifying a constraint in such a
way will only produce an error message in the data (.dat)
file indicating that conflicting boundary conditions exist in the model data.
Load module: Create Boundary Condition: Step: Initial: Symmetry/Antisymmetry/Encastre: select regions and toggle on the boundary condition type
Prescribing Boundary Conditions at Phantom Nodes for Enriched Elements
Phantom nodes for an enriched element can be either colocated with real
nodes or located on an element edge between two real corner nodes (see
Modeling Discontinuities as an Enriched Feature Using the Extended Finite Element Method).
For phantom nodes coincident with real nodes, boundary conditions can be
specified using the node numbers of the real nodes.
Alternatively, for phantom nodes with pore pressure degrees of freedom that
are located on an element edge, you can specify the boundary conditions by
identifying the phantom nodes in terms of the two real corner node numbers or
by indicating they will be interpolated from the specified real corner nodes
when the enriched element is cracked.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify boundary conditions at a
phantom node originally located coincident with the specified real node:
BOUNDARY, PHANTOM=NODEnode number, first degree of freedom, last degree of freedom
Use the following option to specify boundary conditions at a
phantom node located at an element edge:
BOUNDARY, PHANTOM=EDGEfirst corner node number, second corner node number, first degree of freedom, last degree of freedom
Use the following option to indicate that the boundary
conditions applied to a phantom node located at an element edge will be
interpolated automatically from the specified real corner nodes when the
enriched element is cracked:
BOUNDARY, PHANTOM=INCLUDEDnode or node set, first degree of freedom, last degree of freedom
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Prescribing boundary conditions at phantom nodes for enriched elements is
not supported in
Prescribing Boundary Conditions as History Data
Boundary conditions can be prescribed within an analysis step using either
“direct” or “type” format. As with model data boundary conditions, the “type”
format can be used only in stress/displacement analyses; whereas, the “direct”
format can be used in analysis types.
When using the “direct” format, boundary conditions can be defined as the
total value of a variable or, in a stress/displacement analysis, as the value
of a variable's velocity or acceleration.
As many boundary conditions as necessary can be defined in a step.
Specify the region of the model to which the boundary conditions apply, the
degree or degrees of freedom to be specified (see
for the degree of freedom numbers used in
and the magnitude of the boundary condition. If the magnitude is omitted, it is
the same as specifying a zero magnitude.
In stress/displacement analysis you can specify a velocity history or an
acceleration history. The default is a displacement history.
Input File Usage
Use either of the following options to prescribe a
displacement history:
BOUNDARY or BOUNDARY, TYPE=DISPLACEMENTnode or node set, degree of freedom, , magnitudenode or node set, first degree of freedom, last degree of freedom, magnitude
Use the following option to prescribe a velocity history (the
data lines are the same as above):
Category: Mechanical; Displacement/Rotation; select regions; Distribution: Uniform or select an analytical field or a discrete field; toggle on the degree or degrees of freedom; magnitude
Category: Mechanical; Velocity/Angular velocity or Acceleration/Angular acceleration; select regions; Distribution: Uniform or select an analytical field; toggle on the degree or degrees of freedom; magnitude
Category: Electrical/Magnetic; Electric potential; select regions; Distribution: Uniform or select an analytical field; Method: Specify magnitude; magnitude
Category: Other; Temperature, Pore pressure, Mass concentration, Acoustic pressure, or Connector material flow; select regions; Distribution: Uniform or select an analytical field; Method: Specify magnitude; magnitude
If you are specifying a temperature boundary condition for a
shell region, you can enter multiple degrees of freedom, from 11 to 31,
Prescribed Displacement
you can prescribe jumps in displacements. For example, a displacement-type
boundary condition is used to apply a prescribed displacement magnitude of 0.5
in degree of freedom 1 ()
to the nodes in node set EDGE. In a second
step these nodes can be moved by another 0.5 length units (to a total
displacement of 1.0) by applying a prescribed displacement magnitude of 1.0 in
degree of freedom 1 to node set EDGE.
Specifying a prescribed displacement magnitude of 0 (or omitting the magnitude)
in degree of freedom 1 in the next step would return the nodes in node set
EDGE to their original locations.
In contrast,
does not admit jumps in displacements and rotations. Displacement boundary
conditions in displacement and rotation degrees of freedom are enforced in an
incremental manner using the slope of the amplitude curve (see below). If no
amplitude is specified,
will ignore the user-supplied displacement value and enforce a zero velocity
boundary condition.
The displacement must remain continuous across steps. If amplitude curves
are specified, it is possible, but not valid, to specify a jump in the
displacement across a step boundary when using step time for the amplitude
will ignore such jumps in displacement if they are specified.
Using the “Type” Format in Stress/Displacement Analyses
The type of boundary condition can be specified (as history data) instead of
degrees of freedom in the same manner as discussed above for model data. The
boundary condition “types” that are available as history data are the same as
those available as model data.
Once a degree of freedom has been constrained using a “type” boundary
condition as history data, the constraint cannot be modified by using a
boundary condition in “direct” format. The constraint can be redefined only by
using a boundary condition in “direct” format after all previously applied
boundary conditions specified using “type” format are removed.
Use the following option to specify boundary conditions at a
phantom node originally located coincident with the specified real node:
BOUNDARY, PHANTOM=NODEnode number, first degree of freedom, last degree of freedom, magnitude
Use the following option to specify boundary conditions at a
phantom node located at an element edge:
BOUNDARY, PHANTOM=EDGEfirst corner node number, second corner node number, first degree of freedom, last degree of freedom, magnitude
Use the following option to indicate that the boundary
conditions applied to a phantom node located at an element edge will be
interpolated automatically from the specified real corner nodes when the
enriched element is cracked:
BOUNDARY, PHANTOM=INCLUDEDnode or node set, first degree of freedom, last degree of freedom, magnitude
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Prescribing boundary conditions at phantom nodes for enriched elements is
not supported in
Defining Boundary Conditions That Vary with Time
The prescribed magnitude of a basic solution variable, a velocity, or an
acceleration can vary with time during a step according to an amplitude
definition (Amplitude Curves).
When an amplitude definition is used with a boundary condition in a dynamic
or modal dynamic analysis, the first and second time derivatives of the
constrained variable may be discontinuous. For example,
will compute the corresponding velocity and acceleration from a given
displacement boundary condition.
By default,
will smooth the amplitude curve so that the derivatives of the specified
boundary condition will be finite. You must ensure that the applied values are
correct after smoothing.
does not apply default smoothing to discontinuous amplitude curves. To avoid
the “noisy” solution that may result from discontinuities in
it is better to specify the velocity history of a node. See
Amplitude Curves.
Defining Boundary Conditions through User Subroutines
If an amplitude based evolution of a boundary condition is not sufficient,
you can define it yourself in a user subroutine. For this purpose,
provides the routine
DISP; whereas,
provides the routine
VDISP. The region to which the boundary conditions apply and the
constrained degrees of freedom are specified as part of the boundary condition
definition. The actual boundary condition is set within the user routine based
on a number of variables made available in those routines (see
DISP and
allows for an amplitude and a reference magnitude definition for a user-defined
boundary condition and you may overwrite the amplitude based boundary value
within the
DISP routine. Whereas,
ignores the reference magnitude, but passes in the amplitude value as an
argument to the user routine
VDISP and you may define the boundary condition to a non-zero
By default, all boundary conditions defined in the previous general analysis
step remain unchanged in the subsequent general step or in subsequent
consecutive linear perturbation steps. Boundary conditions do not propagate
between linear perturbation steps. You define the boundary conditions in effect
for a given step relative to the preexisting boundary conditions. At each new
step the existing boundary conditions can be modified and additional boundary
conditions can be specified. Alternatively, you can release all previously
applied boundary conditions in a step and specify new ones. In this case any
boundary conditions that are to be retained must be respecified.
Modifying Boundary Conditions
When you modify an existing boundary condition, the node or node set must be
specified in exactly the same way as previously. For example, if a boundary
condition is specified for a node set in one step and for an individual node
contained in the set in another step,
issues an error. You must remove the boundary condition and respecify it to
change the way the node or node set is specified.
Input File Usage
Use either of the following options to modify an existing
boundary condition or to specify an additional boundary condition:
Load module: Create Boundary Condition or Boundary Condition Manager: Edit
Removing Boundary Conditions
If you choose to remove any boundary condition in a step, no boundary
conditions will be propagated from the previous general step. Therefore, all
boundary conditions that are in effect during this step must be respecified.
The only exception to this rule is during an eigenvalue buckling prediction
procedure, as described in
Eigenvalue Buckling Prediction.
Setting a boundary condition to zero is not the same as removing it.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to release all previously applied
boundary conditions and to specify new boundary conditions:
automatically respecifies any boundary conditions that should remain in effect
during this step.
Fixing Degrees of Freedom at a Point in an Abaqus/Standard Analysis
In Abaqus/Standard you can “freeze” specified degrees of freedom at their final values from the last general
analysis step. Specifying a zero velocity or zero acceleration boundary condition has the
same effect as fixing the degrees of freedom for displacement or velocity, respectively. In
a one-step inverse procedure, all degrees of freedom are constrained based on the specified
initial configuration for the point.
parameter must be used with the FIXED
parameter if there are any other BOUNDARY options in the same step
that have the
parameter. Any magnitudes given for the boundary condition are ignored. Except for in a
one-step inverse procedure, the FIXED
parameter is ignored if it is used in the first step of an analysis.
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Load module; Create Boundary Condition; Step: analysis_step; boundary condition; Method: Fixed at Current Position (available only if a previous general analysis step exists)
One-step inverse analysis is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Prescribing Boundary Conditions in Linear Perturbation Steps
In a linear perturbation step (General and Perturbation Procedures)
the magnitudes of prescribed boundary conditions should be given as the
magnitudes of the perturbations about the base state. Boundary conditions given
within the model definition are always regarded as part of the base state, even
if the first analysis step is a linear perturbation step. The boundary
conditions given in a linear perturbation step will not affect subsequent
If a perturbation step does not contain a boundary condition definition,
degrees of freedom that are restrained/prescribed in the base state will be
restrained in the perturbation step and will have perturbation magnitudes of
zero. To prescribe nonzero perturbation magnitudes, you have to modify the
existing boundary conditions. You can also fix and prescribe perturbation
magnitudes of degrees of freedom that are unrestrained in the base state.
If degrees of freedom that are restrained/prescribed in the base state are
released, all restraints that are to remain must be respecified, remembering
that all magnitudes will be interpreted as perturbations.
Fixing the degrees of freedom at their final values from the last general
analysis step (see previous discussion) has the same effect as modifying the
existing boundary conditions to have zero perturbation magnitudes for all
specified degrees of freedom.
The antisymmetric buckling modes of a symmetric structure can be found in an
eigenvalue buckling prediction analysis by specifying the proper boundary
conditions (see
Eigenvalue Buckling Prediction).
Prescribing Real and Imaginary Values in Boundary Conditions
In steady-state dynamic and matrix generation procedures, a boundary
condition can be prescribed using either a real or an imaginary value (see
Direct-Solution Steady-State Dynamic Analysis
Generating Matrices as a Linear Analysis Step).
If the real value is prescribed for a degree of freedom (and the imaginary
value is not explicitly prescribed), the imaginary value is considered to be
zero. Similarly, if the imaginary value is prescribed (and the real value is
not explicitly prescribed), the real value is considered to be zero.
Prescribed Motion in Modal Superposition Procedures
In modal superposition procedures (About Dynamic Analysis Procedures)
prescribed displacements cannot be defined directly using a boundary condition.
Instead, the boundary conditions are grouped into bases in a frequency
extraction step. Then, the motion of each base is prescribed in the modal
superposition step. See
Natural Frequency Extraction
Transient Modal Dynamic Analysis
for details on this method.
Load module; Create Boundary Condition; Step:modal_dynamic_step, steady-state_dynamic_step, or random_response_step; Category: Mechanical; Types for Selected Step:Displacement base motion or Velocity base motion or Acceleration base motion
When using the submodeling technique, the magnitudes of the boundary
conditions in the submodel can be defined by interpolating the values of the
prescribed degrees of freedom from the file output results of the global model.
Node-Based Submodeling
for details.
Prescribing Large Rotations
Sequential finite rotations about different axes of rotation are not
additive, which can make direct specification of such rotations challenging. It
is much simpler to apply finite-rotation boundary conditions by specifying the
rotational velocity versus time. For a discussion of the rotation degrees of
freedom and a multiple step finite rotation example that demonstrates why
velocity-type boundary conditions are preferred for specifying finite-rotation
boundary conditions, see
When velocity-type boundary conditions are used to prescribe rotations, the
definition is given in terms of the angular velocity instead of the total
rotation. If the angular velocity is associated with a nondefault amplitude,
calculates the prescribed increment of rotation as the average of the
prescribed angular velocities at the beginning and the end of each increment,
multiplied by the time increment.
displacement-type boundary conditions that refer to an amplitude curve are
effectively enforced as velocity boundary conditions using average velocities
over time increments as computed by finite differences of values from the
amplitude curve. As with prescribed displacements (see
Prescribed Displacement
does not admit jumps in rotations.
Displacement-type boundary conditions in
Abaqus/Standard that
constrain just one component of rotation can have essentially no effect on the
solution because the two unconstrained rotational degrees of freedom can
combine to override the constraint.
Example: Using Velocity-Type Boundary Conditions to Prescribe Rotations
For example, if a rotation of
about the z-axis is required in a static step, with no
rotation about the x- and y-axes, use
a step time (specified as part of the static step definition) of 1.0, and
define a velocity-type boundary condition to specify zero velocity for degrees
of freedom 4 and 5 and a constant angular velocity of
for degree of freedom 6. Since the default variation for a velocity-type
boundary condition in a static procedure is a step, the velocity will be
constant over the step. Alternatively, an amplitude reference could be used to
specify the desired variation over the step.
If, in the next step, the same node should have an additional rotation of
radians about the global x-axis, use another static step
with a step time of 1.0 and again define a velocity-type boundary condition to
prescribe zero velocity for degrees of freedom 5 and 6 and a constant angular
velocity of
for degree of freedom 4.
Prescribing Radial Motion on an Axisymmetric Model
The radial coordinate for any node in an axisymmetric model must be
positive. Therefore, you must make sure that any specified boundary condition
does not violate this condition.