Generating Matrices as a Linear Analysis Step

Matrix generation:

  • is a linear perturbation procedure;

  • allows for the mathematical abstraction of model data such as mesh and material information by generating global or element matrices representing the stiffness, mass, viscous damping, structural damping, and load vectors in a model;

  • generally creates matrices identical to those used in a subspace-based steady-state dynamic procedure (see Subspace-Based Steady-State Dynamic Analysis).

  • includes initial stress and load stiffness effects due to preloads and initial conditions if nonlinear geometric effects are included in the analysis;

  • writes matrix data to a binary .sim file that can be read as input by Abaqus;

  • can output matrix data to text files that can be read as input in other analyses by Abaqus or other simulation software; and

  • can check the quality of the generated global stiffness and mass matrices.

This page discusses:

See Also
Using Matrices
Defining an Analysis
In Other Guides
Element Matrix Assembly Utility

Products Abaqus/Standard