Using Matrices

A matrix:

  • can be used to represent stiffness, mass, viscous damping, or structural damping for a part of the model or for the entire model;

  • is defined by giving it a unique name and by specifying matrix data, which may be scaled;

  • can be symmetric, unsymmetric, or have both instances;

  • can be given in text format in lower triangular, upper triangular, or square form or read from binary .sim files generated by the matrix generation procedure;

  • can be used to provide linear elastic response with large translations but not large rotations;

  • can be used in static and natural frequency extraction procedures;

  • can be used in direct-integration implicit dynamic analysis;

  • can be used in matrix generation and substructure generation procedures;

  • can be used in direct steady-state dynamic analysis;

  • can be used in transient modal dynamics, mode-based steady-state dynamics, subspace-based steady-state dynamics, random response, response spectrum, and complex eigenvalue extraction procedures that use the SIM architecture;

  • can have loads, boundary conditions, and constraints applied directly to any matrix nodal degrees of freedom;

  • can be used in submodeling analysis; and

  • cannot be used in mode-based analyses that do not use the SIM architecture.

This page discusses:

See Also
Generating Matrices as a Linear Analysis Step
In Other Guides
