Initial Conditions

You can use initial conditions to prescribe the initial value of relevant quantities, such as solution variables, predefined fields, and material state. You specify initial conditions for particular nodes or elements, as appropriate. You can provide the data directly; in an external input file; or, in some cases, by a user subroutine or by the results or output database file from a previous Abaqus analysis.

If initial conditions are not specified, all initial conditions are zero except

  • relative density in the porous metal plasticity model (which has the value 1.0);
  • solution-dependent variables that control element deletion (which has the value 1.0); and
  • element solution-dependent variables that control element deletion (which has the value 1.0).

This page discusses:

See Also
About Prescribed Conditions
In Other Guides
Using the predefined field editors

Products Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE