Abaqus/Explicit Output Variable Identifiers

Except for the information in the status file, results can be obtained from Abaqus/Explicit only by postprocessing.

The tables in the following sections list all of the output variables that are available in Abaqus/Explicit. These output variables can be requested as either field- or history-type output to the output database (.odb) file (see Output to the Output Database) or for output to the results (.fil) file (see Output to the Data and Results Files). In general, output variables that can be requested as field- or history-type output to an output database in ODB format can also be requested as output in SIM format (see The Output Database). When the output variables are requested for output to the results file, Abaqus/Explicit first writes these variables to the selected results (.sel) file and then converts the selected results file to the results file after the analysis completes.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Output
Output to the Data and Results Files
Output to the Output Database
In Other Guides
Abaqus/Explicit User Subroutines

Products Abaqus/Explicit