The type argument to the FieldOutput constructor describes the type of the data—tensor, vector, or scalar. The properties of the different tensor types are:
The valid components and invariants for the different data types are given in Table 1.
For example, the following statements add element data to the FieldOutput object: # Write stress tensors (output only available at # top/bottom section points) # The element defined above (S4) has 4 integration # points. Hence, there are 4 stress tensors per element. # Abaqus creates one layer of section points each # time the script calls the addData method. elementLabelData = (1, 2) topData = ((1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), ) bottomData = ((1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), (1.,2.,3.,4.), ) transform = ((1.,0.,0.), (0.,1.,0.), (0.,0.,1.)) sField = frame1.FieldOutput(name='S', description='Stress', type=TENSOR_3D_PLANAR, componentLabels=('S11', 'S22', 'S33', 'S12'), validInvariants=(MISES,)) sField.addData(position=INTEGRATION_POINT, sectionPoint=spTop, instance=instance1, labels=elementLabelData, data=topData, localCoordSystem=transform) sField.addData(position=INTEGRATION_POINT, sectionPoint=spBot, instance=instance1, labels=elementLabelData, data=bottomData, localCoordSystem=transform) # For this step, make this the default field for # visualization. step1.setDefaultField(sField) For a full description of the addData command, see addData(...). As a convenience, localCoordSystem can be a single transform or a list of transforms. If localCoordSystem is a single transform, it applies to all values. If localCoordSystem is a list of transforms, the number of items in the list must match the number of data values. |