History data
Step module
Optional parameters
For the AMS eigensolver and Lanczos eigensolver, set
to include the effect of acoustic-structural coupling during the natural frequency
extraction procedure in models with acoustic and structural elements coupled using the
TIE option or in models with
ASI-type elements. This is the default
option for the Lanczos eigensolver.
For the AMS eigensolver and Lanczos eigensolver
based on the SIM architecture, set
to extract the uncoupled acoustic and structural modes and project the
acoustic-structural coupling operator during the natural frequency extraction
procedure in models with acoustic and structural elements coupled using the TIE option. This is the default
option for the AMS eigensolver.
to omit the projection of the acoustic-structural coupling operator and to ignore the
effect of acoustic-structural coupling during natural frequency extraction in models
with acoustic and structural elements coupled using the TIE option or in models with
ASI-type elements.
This parameter is not relevant for the subspace iteration eigensolver.
This parameter is relevant only for the AMS
eigensolver or for the Lanczos eigensolver used in conjunction with the
SIM parameter.
(default) to project the viscous and structural damping operators during the natural
frequency extraction procedure. If there is no damping defined in the model, Abaqus/Standard does not perform the projection.
to omit the projection of damping operators.
(default) to invoke the Lanczos eigensolver.
to invoke the automatic multilevel substructuring
(AMS) eigensolver.
to invoke the subspace iteration eigensolver.
to normalize the eigenvectors so that the largest displacement, rotation, or acoustic
pressure (in coupled acoustic-structural extractions) entry in each vector is unity.
Displacement normalization is the default for both the subspace iteration eigensolver
and for the Lanczos eigensolver when you do not include the
SIM parameter.
to normalize the eigenvectors with respect to the structure's mass matrix (Abaqus/Standard scales the eigenvectors so that the generalized mass for each vector is unity).
Mass normalization is the default and only option available for the
AMS eigensolver. Abaqus/Standard switches on mass normalization for both the Lanczos eigensolver and the subspace
iteration eigensolver when you use them in conjunction with the default
SIM parameter.
Set this parameter equal to the frequency at which to evaluate frequency-dependent
properties for viscoelasticity, springs, and dashpots during the eigenvalue
extraction. If you omit this parameter, Abaqus/Standard evaluates the stiffness associated with frequency-dependent springs and dashpots at
zero frequency and does not consider the stiffness contributions from frequency domain
viscoelasticity in the FREQUENCY step.
This parameter is relevant only for the Lanczos and
AMS eigensolvers.
Include this parameter to indicate that Abaqus/Standard should compute residual modes.
This parameter is relevant only for the Lanczos and subspace iteration eigensolvers.
Set the value of this parameter equal to
NO if the
non-SIM architecture is required for
the Lanczos or subspace iteration eigensolvers.
Set the value of this parameter equal to
YES (default) if the
SIM architecture is required.
The SIM architecture is the only
option if the AMS eigensolver is
Optional parameter when
Set this parameter equal to the name of the node set or include the parameter with no
value to allow Abaqus/Standard to automatically select the nodes at which to compute eigenvectors. If you omit
this parameter, Abaqus/Standard computes eigenvectors at all nodes.
Data line for a natural frequency extraction when
- First (and only) line
Number of eigenvalues to calculate. You can leave this field blank if you provide
the maximum frequency of interest and want to evaluate all the eigenvalues in the
given range. You must provide the number of requested eigenmodes in a cyclic
symmetry analysis or if the analysis includes more than one natural frequency
extraction step.
Minimum frequency of interest, in cycles/time. If you leave this field blank, Abaqus/Standard does not set a minimum.
Maximum frequency of interest, in cycles/time. If you leave this field blank, Abaqus/Standard does not set a maximum. This value is required if you left the first field
Shift point, in squared cycles per time (positive or negative). Abaqus/Standard extracts the eigenvalues closest to this point.
Block size. If you omit this entry, Abaqus/Standard creates a default value, which is usually appropriate.
Maximum number of block Lanczos steps within each Lanczos run. If you omit this
entry, Abaqus/Standard creates a default value, which is usually appropriate.
Acoustic range factor. This factor applies only to structural-acoustic problems
and is used to set the maximum frequency for the acoustic stage of the uncoupled
eigenproblem as a multiple of the nominal maximum frequency of interest. Abaqus/Standard supports this factor only when using the
SIM architecture and you provide
the maximum frequency of interest. The acoustic range factor must be greater than
0. The default value is 1.0.
- Subsequent lines when default residual modes are not sufficient or you
request residual modes
Node number or node set label.
First degree of freedom for which residual modes are requested.
Last degree of freedom for which residual modes are requested. You can leave this
field blank if you request residual modes for only one degree of freedom.
Repeat this line as often as necessary to request residual
Data lines for a natural frequency extraction when
- First line
Number of eigenvalues to calculate. If you leave this field blank, Abaqus evaluates all the eigenvalues from the minimum frequency of interest up to the
maximum frequency of interest.
Minimum frequency of interest, in cycles/time. If you leave this field blank, Abaqus does not set a minimum.
Maximum frequency of interest, in cycles/time.
multiplied by the maximum frequency of interest is used to
truncate local substructure eigenmodes in the reduction phase.
multiplied by the maximum frequency of interest is used to
truncate local branch substructure eigenmodes for defining a starting subspace in
the reduced eigensolution phase.
multiplied by the maximum frequency of interest is used to
truncate local leaf substructure eigenmodes for defining a starting subspace in
the reduced eigensolution phase.
Acoustic range factor. This factor applies only to structural-acoustic problems.
Use it to set the maximum frequency for the acoustic stage of the uncoupled
eigenproblem as a multiple of the nominal maximum frequency of interest. The
acoustic range factor must be greater than 0. The default value is 1.0.
- Subsequent lines if default residual modes are not sufficient or you
request residual modes
Node number or node set label.
First degree of freedom for which residual modes are requested.
Last degree of freedom for which residual modes are requested. You can leave this
field blank if you request residual modes for only one degree of freedom.
Repeat this line as often as necessary to request residual
Data line for a natural frequency extraction when
- First (and only) line
Number of eigenvalues to be calculated.
Maximum frequency of interest, in cycles/time. This user-specified maximum
frequency is increased automatically by 12.5% to help capture closely spaced
modes. Abaqus/Standard also reports all eigenvalues that converge in the same iteration as those in
the specified range, even if their frequencies are more than 12.5% above the
maximum frequency specified by the user. If you leave this field blank, Abaqus/Standard does not set a maximum.
- Abaqus/Standard extracts frequencies until either of the above limits is reached.
Shift point, in squared cycles per time (positive or negative). Abaqus/Standard extracts the eigenvalues closest to this point.
Number of vectors used in the iteration. If you omit this entry, Abaqus/Standard creates a default value, which is usually appropriate. The default number of
vectors used is the minimum of (n+ 8,
2n), where n is the number
of eigenvalues requested (the first data item on this data line). In general, the
convergence is more rapid with more vectors, but the memory requirement is also
larger. Therefore, if you know that a particular type of eigenproblem converges
slowly, you might reduce the analysis cost by providing more vectors.
Maximum number of iterations. The default is 30.