Applying concentrated loads
Required parameter for reading concentrated nodal force from an output database file
Set this parameter equal to the name of the output database file from which the data are to be read. The file extension is optional.
Required parameter for cyclic symmetry models in steady-state dynamics analyses
Set this parameter equal to the cyclic symmetry mode number of loads that are applied in the current steady-state dynamics procedure.
Optional parameters
Set this parameter equal to the name of the amplitude curve that defines the magnitude of the load during the step.
If this parameter is omitted in an Abaqus/Standard analysis, the reference magnitude is applied immediately at the beginning of the step or linearly over the step, depending on the value assigned to the AMPLITUDE parameter on the STEP option (see Defining an Analysis). If this parameter is omitted in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis, the reference magnitude is applied immediately at the beginning of the step.
Include this parameter if the direction of the load is assumed to rotate with the rotation at this node.
This parameter should be used only for large-displacement analysis and can be used only at nodes with active rotational degrees of freedom (such as the nodes of beam or shell elements).
Concentrated buoyancy, drag, and fluid inertia loads in Abaqus/Aqua analyses are automatically considered to be follower forces, so this parameter is not necessary in those cases.
In general, UNSYMM=YES should be used on the STEP option in conjunction with the FOLLOWER parameter in DYNAMIC and STATIC analyses in Abaqus/Standard. The UNSYMM parameter is ignored in eigenvalue analyses (such as BUCKLE or FREQUENCY) since Abaqus/Standard can perform an eigenvalue extraction only on symmetric matrices.
This parameter is relevant only when the FILE parameter is used.
Set this parameter equal to the increment in the selected step of the previous analysis from which the concentrated nodal forces will be read. By default, the concentrated nodal forces will be read from the last increment of the step specified on the STEP parameter or from the last step if the STEP parameter is omitted.
This parameter applies only to Abaqus/Standard analyses.
Set this parameter equal to the load case number. This parameter is used in RANDOM RESPONSE analysis (Random Response Analysis), when it is the cross-reference for the load case on the CORRELATION option. The parameter's value is ignored in all other procedures.
- OP
Set OP=MOD (default) for existing CLOADs to remain, with this option modifying existing concentrated loads or defining additional concentrated loads.
Set OP=NEW if all existing CLOADs applied to the model should be removed. New concentrated loads can be defined.
This parameter applies only to Abaqus/Explicit analyses.
This parameter is relevant only for concentrated loads applied on the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain. If concentrated loads are applied to nodes in the interior of an adaptive mesh domain, these nodes will always follow the material.
Set REGION TYPE=LAGRANGIAN (default) to apply a concentrated load to a node that follows the material (nonadaptive).
Set REGION TYPE=SLIDING to apply a concentrated load to a node that can slide over the material. Mesh constraints are typically applied to the node to fix it spatially.
Set REGION TYPE=EULERIAN to apply a concentrated load to a node that can move independently of the material. This option is used only for boundary regions where the material can flow into or out of the adaptive mesh domain. Mesh constraints must be used normal to an Eulerian boundary region to allow material to flow through the region. If no mesh constraints are applied, an Eulerian boundary region will behave in the same way as a sliding boundary region.
This parameter is relevant only when the FILE parameter is used.
Set this parameter equal to the step number of the previous analysis from which the concentrated nodal forces will be read. By default, the concentrated nodal forces will be read from the last step of the previous analysis.
Optional, mutually exclusive parameters for matrix generation and steady-state dynamics analysis
Include this parameter to define the imaginary (out-of-phase) part of the loading.
Include this parameter (default) to define the real (in-phase) part of the loading.
Data lines to define concentrated loads for specific degrees of freedom
- First line
Node number or node set label.
Degree of freedom.
Reference magnitude for load.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define concentrated loads.