define the portions of a finite element model where mesh movement is independent of
material deformation;
can be used to analyze Lagrangian or Eulerian problems;
can contain only first-order, reduced-integration, solid elements (4-node quadrilaterals,
3-node triangles, 8-node hexahedra, 6-node wedges, and 4-node tetrahedra);
can be used in planar, axisymmetric, and three-dimensional geometries;
have boundary regions where loads, boundary conditions, and surfaces can be defined; and
are active only for geometrically nonlinear steps.
ALE adaptive meshing is performed in adaptive mesh
domains, which can be either Lagrangian or Eulerian. Within either type of adaptive mesh
domain the mesh will move independently of the material. Lagrangian adaptive mesh domains
are usually used to analyze transient problems with large deformations. On the boundary of a
Lagrangian domain the mesh will follow the material in the direction normal to the boundary,
so that the mesh covers the same material domain at all times. Eulerian adaptive mesh
domains are usually used to analyze steady-state processes involving material flow. On
certain user-defined boundaries of an Eulerian domain, material can flow into or out of the
mesh. By default, the mesh is not fixed spatially on these boundaries; mesh constraints must
be applied to prevent the mesh from moving with the material, as described in Mesh Constraints, presented later in this
section. There can never be any “empty” elements; all elements in the domain must be filled
completely with material at all times.
You must specify the region of the original mesh that will be subject to adaptive meshing.
Multiple adaptive mesh domains can be defined in a step by reusing the ADAPTIVE MESH option (for example,
to prevent material from flowing from one domain to another or to apply adaptive meshing
to unconnected domains). The element sets used to create adaptive mesh domains cannot
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Step module: OtherALE Adaptive Mesh DomainEdit: toggle on Use the ALE adaptive mesh domain below, and click Edit to select the region
Only one adaptive mesh domain can be defined in Abaqus/CAE for any particular step.
Modifying an ALE Adaptive Mesh Domain
By default, all adaptive mesh domains defined in the previous analysis step remain
unchanged in the subsequent step. You define the adaptive mesh domains in effect for a
given step relative to the preexisting adaptive mesh domains. At each new step the
existing adaptive mesh domains can be modified and additional adaptive mesh domains can be
specified (except in Abaqus/CAE, where only one adaptive mesh domain can be in effect for a given step).
Input File Usage
Use either of the following options to modify an existing adaptive mesh domain or to
specify an additional adaptive mesh domain:
If you choose to remove any adaptive mesh domain in a step, no adaptive mesh domains will
be propagated from the previous step. Therefore, all adaptive mesh domains that are in
effect during this step must be respecified.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to remove all previously defined adaptive mesh domains and
to specify new adaptive mesh domains:
If the
parameter is used on any ADAPTIVE MESH option within a
step, it must be used on all ADAPTIVE MESH options in the
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Step module: OtherALE Adaptive Mesh DomainEdit: toggle on No adaptive mesh domain for this step
Splitting ALE Adaptive Mesh Domains
User-defined adaptive mesh domains are examined by Abaqus/Explicit. The user-defined domain will be modeled using a single adaptive mesh if the domain:
consists of a single element type;
consists of a single connected region;
consists of a single material;
is subject to a uniform body force (including zero body force); and
has identical section controls.
The user-defined domain will be split into multiple adaptive mesh domains, separated by
boundary regions, if the domain:
consists of multiple element types;
spans part instances;
consists of multiple regions (including regions that are connected by less than a
single element face, only by contact conditions, or only by connectors such as
consists of multiple materials;
is subject to multiple body force definitions; or
is subject to multiple section control definitions.
In this documentation the term “adaptive mesh domain” refers to a single domain after
splitting by Abaqus/Explicit. On the rare occasion that a reference is made to an adaptive mesh domain prior to the
automatic splitting, it is referred to as a “user-defined adaptive mesh domain.” Since
adaptive mesh domains are split across element types, degenerate elements should be used
for mixed domains that include both triangles and quadrilaterals (or tetrahedron and
bricks). For example, when defining a mixed plane strain domain with quadrilateral and
triangular elements, the CPE4R element type
should be used to define both quadrilaterals and degenerated quadrilaterals. Using the
CPE3 element will result in split domains,
which is generally not desirable.
ALE Adaptive Mesh Boundary Regions
Each ALE adaptive mesh domain has a boundary, which can
consist of one or more regions. (Regions, in this context, are surfaces in three-dimensional
models or lines in two-dimensional or axisymmetric models.) A boundary region can be either
Lagrangian, sliding, or Eulerian. Some boundary regions are created automatically by Abaqus/Explicit; others can be created by defining boundary conditions, loads, and surfaces. Adaptive
mesh boundary regions are separated by edges in three dimensions and by corners in two
dimensions. Both edges and corners are referred to as “boundary region edges” throughout
this documentation.
Boundary Region Edges
Two types of boundary region edges can exist: Lagrangian and sliding. Lagrangian edges
are always associated with a material line. Material can never flow past a Lagrangian
edge, and nodes can move only along a Lagrangian edge (like beads on a string). Sliding
edges are associated only with the mesh. Material can flow past a sliding edge (that is,
sliding edges are free to slide over the underlying material).
Lagrangian boundary regions are the most common boundary regions in structural finite
element analysis; therefore, with the exception of contact surfaces, they are always the
default in Abaqus/Explicit. A Lagrangian boundary region has the most constraints of all the boundary region
types. The mesh is constrained to move with the material in the direction normal to the
surface of the boundary region and in the directions perpendicular to the boundary region
Lagrangian boundary regions have Lagrangian edges: the edges follow the material. On the
interior of a Lagrangian boundary region, the mesh can move independently of the material
in the surface of the boundary region. Thus, a Lagrangian boundary region can be thought
of as a “mesh patch” that follows the material. Nodes are free to move within and along
the edges of the patch but cannot leave the patch.
Lagrangian Corners
A Lagrangian corner is formed where two Lagrangian edges meet. The node at a Lagrangian
corner is constrained to move with the material in all directions; it is nonadaptive.
Sliding Boundary Regions
A sliding boundary region is the same as a Lagrangian boundary region except that it has
a sliding edge. Sliding boundary regions are created by default when you define a surface
on the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain (see About Surfaces).
The mesh is constrained to move with the material in the direction normal to the boundary
region, but it is completely unconstrained in the directions tangential to the boundary
region. Thus, a sliding boundary region can be thought of as a “mesh patch” that moves
independently of the underlying material.
Sliding boundary regions can be created by defining a surface, boundary condition, or
load on the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain (as explained later in this section).
Since the mesh is totally unconstrained in the directions tangential to a sliding boundary
region, the location of an applied boundary condition or load may not be physically
meaningful as the mesh moves over the material. Therefore, to retain the spatial meaning
of an applied boundary condition or load, spatial mesh constraints (described in Mesh Constraints, presented later in
this section) are usually applied tangential to sliding boundary regions.
Eulerian Boundary Regions
Eulerian boundary regions can be defined on the exterior of a model where it makes
physical sense to let material flow across the boundary (for example, at the inlet and
outlet of a steady-state extrusion or rolling problem). This flow across the boundary
distinguishes Eulerian boundary regions from Lagrangian or sliding boundary regions.
Eulerian boundary regions have sliding edges and must lie completely on an exterior
surface of a model. It makes no physical sense to allow material flow to originate on an
interior surface. You must explicitly define Eulerian boundary regions since, by default,
Abaqus/Explicit assumes that no material flows into or out of an adaptive mesh domain.
Eulerian boundary regions are created by defining a surface, a boundary condition, or a
load on the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain. On Eulerian boundary regions the mesh
motion usually should be constrained in the direction normal to the material motion;
therefore, the surface mesh should be fixed in space using spatial mesh constraints
(described in Mesh Constraints,
presented later in this section). Applying these constraints normal to an Eulerian
boundary region allows material to flow into or out of the mesh, as in a fluid flow
problem, while allowing adaptive meshing to occur on the surface of the boundary region to
maximize mesh quality.
The material flowing into an Eulerian boundary region is assumed to have the same
properties as the material that is inside the adaptive mesh domain.
Abaqus/Explicit will create adaptive mesh boundary regions automatically on
the exterior of a model,
the boundary between different adaptive mesh domains, or
the boundary between an adaptive mesh domain and a nonadaptive domain.
By default, a boundary region on the exterior of a model will be Lagrangian, so that the
boundary region follows the material, and loads, boundary conditions, etc. will retain
their Lagrangian interpretation. A boundary region between different adaptive mesh domains
is always Lagrangian: no material can flow through such a boundary region. A boundary
region between an adaptive mesh domain and a nonadaptive domain is always nonadaptive. The
only exception to this occurs if an Eulerian boundary region is defined on the boundary
between an adaptive mesh domain and a nonadaptive domain that comprises displacement-based
infinite elements. In this case the nodes on the boundary behave as in Eulerian boundary
regions (see the description under Eulerian Boundary Regions, presented earlier in
this section), and the mesh motion at the boundary nodes can be constrained using spatial
mesh constraints.
The boundary between two different materials can never “flow” through the mesh; such a
physical boundary is always associated with a Lagrangian boundary region or a nonadaptive
mesh boundary.
Figure 1 shows some boundary regions that will be created automatically by Abaqus/Explicit. In the model shown in this figure Abaqus/Explicit splits the user-defined adaptive mesh domain into two adaptive mesh domains because the
original domain is composed of two different materials.
Figure 1. Automatic splitting of mesh domains and creation of boundary regions.
In addition to the boundary regions created automatically by Abaqus/Explicit, Lagrangian, sliding, and Eulerian boundary regions can be created by the definition of
surfaces, boundary conditions, and loads, as described later in this section.
Geometric Features
Many models include distinct geometric kinks that take the form of geometric edges or
corners. It is usually not desirable to perform adaptive meshing across such geometric
features unless they flatten. Once a geometric feature does flatten, it is usually best if
the feature is deactivated so that adaptive meshing will occur across it. This is especially
true when adaptive mesh domains are subject to large deformation.
The adaptive meshing algorithm in Abaqus/Explicit will respect geometric features on Lagrangian and sliding boundaries. In three dimensions
geometric features consist of edges and corners (see Figure 2), while in two dimensions they consist of only corners. If a geometric edge coincides
with the edge of a Lagrangian boundary region, the presence of the geometric feature has no
effect on the treatment of the edge: material cannot flow perpendicular to a Lagrangian
Figure 2. Geometric features formed on a solid block with a crack.
Geometric features are not detected or tracked on Eulerian boundary regions because they
generally are not physically meaningful.
Controlling the Detection of Geometric Edges and Corners
Geometric features are identified initially as edges on boundary regions where the angle
between the normals on adjacent element faces is greater than the initial geometric
feature angle, (). See Figure 3. The default value for the initial geometric feature angle is .
Figure 3. Detection and deactivation of geometric features.
You can change the value of the angle that will be used to recognize geometric features.
Setting will ensure that no geometric edges or corners are formed on the
boundary of the adaptive mesh domain.
Controlling the Deactivation of Geometric Edges and Corners
Geometric features affect only Lagrangian and sliding boundary regions, where they act as
temporary Lagrangian edges. During each mesh sweep in an adaptive mesh increment, nodes
along a geometric edge are positioned by applying the basic smoothing methods (see ALE Adaptive Meshing and Remapping in Abaqus/Explicit). The nodes are constrained to lie along the discrete
geometric edge unless the angle forming the geometric edge becomes less than the
transition geometric feature angle, (). The default value for the transition feature angle is . If the angle across the geometric edge becomes less than , the boundary surface is considered to be flattened sufficiently for the
feature to be deactivated, and the mesh is allowed to slide freely over the material
(unconstrained by the deactivated geometric edge). Geometric corners are allowed to
flatten in a similar fashion. This logic allows great flexibility in mesh adaptation while
preserving geometric features in the model.
You can change the transition feature angle. Setting will ensure that no geometric edges or corners are ever deactivated.
In most adaptive mesh problems the motion of nodes in the mesh is determined by the meshing
algorithm, with constraints imposed by the domain boundary and the boundary region edges.
However, there are cases when you must explicitly define the motion of the nodes. As
explained earlier, Eulerian and sliding boundary regions generally require mesh constraints
for the regions to be physically meaningful. In some problems you may wish to keep certain
nodes fixed, to move nodes in a particular direction, or to force certain nodes to move with
the material. In other problems you may desire a node or particular set of nodes to follow
the material motion. Adaptive mesh constraints allow full control over the mesh movement and
act independently of any boundary conditions or loads applied to the underlying material.
Applying Spatial Mesh Constraints
Use a spatial mesh constraint (the default) to prescribe spatial mesh motion that is
independent of the material motion. You specify the nodes to which the constraint is
applied, the directions of the prescribed motion, and the amplitude of the prescribed
motion. You can prescribe either a displacement or a velocity for the spatial mesh motion.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define the mesh constraints explicitly:
Step module: OtherALE Adaptive Mesh ConstraintCreate: Types for selected step:Displacement/Rotation or Velocity/Angular velocity: select region: Motion:Independent of underlying material
Rules for Applying Spatial Mesh Constraints
Spatial mesh constraints can be applied without restriction to nodes on an Eulerian
boundary region or in the interior of an adaptive mesh domain.
In both two and three dimensions nodes at Lagrangian and active geometric corners are
fully constrained to move with the underlying material. No mesh constraints can be
applied at such corners.
Adaptive mesh constraints must not conflict with other mesh constraints inherent to
Lagrangian and sliding boundary regions; therefore, adaptive mesh constraints can be
applied only tangentially to a Lagrangian or sliding boundary region. This restriction
implies that adaptive mesh constraints can be applied only in two directions in a
three-dimensional boundary region, in one direction in a two-dimensional boundary
region, or in one direction on a Lagrangian or active geometric edge. It may not always
be feasible to adhere to this rule, particularly if the boundary experiences finite
rotation. Therefore, if the normal to a boundary region is not perpendicular to a
prescribed mesh constraint at a node, it is always moved along the current surface of
the boundary region so that the projection of the mesh motion in the direction of the
prescribed constraint is correct (see Figure 4).
Figure 4. Enforcing a spatial mesh constraint.
If the normal to the boundary region approaches the direction of the applied mesh
constraint, large mesh motions will be required to satisfy the constraint. By default,
an analysis is terminated if the angle between the normal to the boundary region and the
direction of the prescribed constraint becomes less than . This cutoff angle is referred to as the mesh constraint angle, and
its default value is 60°.
The mesh constraint angle, , is also used when adaptive mesh constraints are applied to nodes
along a Lagrangian or active geometric edge. Since independent mesh motion cannot be
prescribed perpendicular to these edges, an analysis is terminated if the angle between
the prescribed constraint and the plane perpendicular to the edge falls below the
specified mesh constraint angle.
You can change the value of the mesh constraint angle (). Setting is not recommended because it may cause errors in determining the free
surface geometry, especially for curved surfaces.
Step module: OtherALE Adaptive Mesh ConstraintCreate: Types for selected step:Displacement/Rotation or Velocity/Angular velocity: select region: Motion:Independent of underlying material: Amplitude:amplitude
Applying Spatial Mesh Constraints in Local Directions
Spatial mesh constraints are applied in local directions if a local coordinate system is
defined at a node (see Transformed Coordinate Systems); otherwise,
they are applied in global directions.
Applying Lagrangian Mesh Constraints
Lagrangian mesh constraints on a node are used to indicate that mesh smoothing should not
be applied; i.e., the node must follow the material.
Step module: OtherALE Adaptive Mesh ConstraintCreate: Types for selected step:Displacement/Rotation or Velocity/Angular velocity: select region: Motion: Follow underlying material
Modifying ALE Adaptive Mesh Constraints
By default, all adaptive mesh constraints defined in the previous analysis step remain
unchanged in the subsequent step. You define the adaptive mesh constraints in effect for a
given step relative to the preexisting adaptive mesh constraints. At each new step the
existing adaptive mesh constraints can be modified and additional adaptive mesh
constraints can be specified.
Input File Usage
Use either of the following options to modify an existing adaptive mesh constraint
or to specify an additional adaptive mesh constraint:
Step module: OtherALE Adaptive Mesh ConstraintManager: select the desired step and mesh constraint: Edit
Removing ALE Adaptive Mesh Constraints
If you choose to remove any adaptive mesh constraint in a step, no adaptive mesh
constraints will be propagated from the previous step. Therefore, all adaptive mesh
constraints that are in effect during this step must be respecified.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to remove all previously defined adaptive mesh constraints
and to specify new adaptive mesh constraints:
Step module: OtherALE Adaptive Mesh ConstraintManager: select the desired step and mesh constraint: Deactivate
Initial Conditions
There are no initial conditions specific to adaptive meshing; initial conditions can be
defined in the same way as in nonadaptive problems. If initial mesh sweeps are performed to
smooth the mesh at the beginning of a step (see ALE Adaptive Meshing and Remapping in Abaqus/Explicit), all
initial conditions (except temperatures and field variables, which are discussed in Predefined Fields, presented later in
this section) are remapped to the new mesh. Initial temperatures are remapped during
adaptive meshing in an adiabatic analysis.
Initial conditions prescribed near an inflow Eulerian boundary region will affect the state
of the material flowing into the domain throughout the analysis. See Modeling Techniques for Eulerian Adaptive Mesh Domains in Abaqus/Explicit for a discussion of the proper treatment of
inflow boundaries.
Defining Surfaces on ALE Adaptive Mesh
When you define a surface on the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain (see About Surfaces), Abaqus creates a boundary region coinciding with the surface. By default, a sliding boundary
region is created. You can choose to create a Lagrangian or Eulerian boundary region
A surface defined in the interior of an adaptive mesh domain will move independently of the
material (unless constrained by mesh constraints).
Defining a Sliding Boundary Region Using a Surface
By default, the boundary region created by a surface definition will be sliding (the
surface edge will slide freely over the material).
Boundary regions defined using surfaces are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining an Eulerian Boundary Region Using a Surface
To decouple the surface from the material motion, create an Eulerian boundary region and
apply spatial mesh constraints normal to the surface. If no mesh constraints are applied,
the surface will behave like a sliding boundary region (no material will flow through the
As an example, it is often assumed that there is no normal or shear stress in the
material at the outflow boundary of an Eulerian domain. This condition can be modeled by
defining an Eulerian boundary region using a surface and applying spatial mesh constraints
perpendicular to the surface, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Modeling the outflow boundary of an Eulerian adaptive mesh domain.
Boundary regions defined using surfaces are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Lagrangian and sliding boundary regions created using surfaces can be used in general
contact and contact pairs; they have the same meaning as surfaces defined on nonadaptive
regions. Since contact generally involves relative sliding between bodies, sliding
boundary regions are typically appropriate for contact surfaces.
Surfaces defined on Eulerian boundary regions cannot be used in the contact definition.
The following restrictions are applied only when the contact pair algorithm is used:
Nodes that belong to an adaptive region cannot be part of a contact pair with a
self-contact definition. If the nodes are part of a contact pair with a self-contact
definition, contact is not enforced.
When a distributed pressure load is applied to the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain, Abaqus/Explicit creates a boundary region that coincides with the area of the load application. The
characteristics of boundary regions created in this way are identical to those of boundary
regions created by defining surfaces. If a pressure load is applied to a surface in the
interior of an adaptive mesh domain, the nodes on the surface will move with the material in
all directions (i.e., they will be nonadaptive).
Boundary regions created by different pressure loads may overlap. If pressure loads with
the same magnitude and amplitude definition are applied to adjacent regions, the regions
will be merged into a single boundary region to minimize the number of Lagrangian edges and
corners formed (see Figure 6).
Figure 6. Applying distributed pressure loads to an adaptive mesh domain.
If a nonuniform pressure is applied (for example, a pressure that varies linearly over a
surface) or if a pressure load is defined in user subroutine VDLOAD, each element face or edge
becomes a separate Lagrangian boundary region. Since Lagrangian corners are formed where
Lagrangian edges meet, all nodes will follow the material in every direction, and each
region becomes nonadaptive. Likewise, if a nonuniform body force is applied to an adaptive
mesh domain, the domain is split into multiple domains, each with a uniform body force. If
this splitting results in one-element domains, the region becomes nonadaptive.
Defining a Lagrangian Boundary Region with a Pressure Load
By default, the boundary region created to coincide with a pressure load will be
Lagrangian. Pressure loads applied to Lagrangian regions are identical to pressure loads
applied to nonadaptive regions, except that the mesh can move inside the boundary region.
Boundary regions defined using pressure loads are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining a Sliding Boundary Region with a Pressure Load
A pressure load can be applied to a sliding boundary region to simulate a load that is
fixed in space while material moves past it (see Figure 7). A sliding edge is unconstrained in the direction tangential to the boundary region;
therefore, unless adaptive mesh constraints are applied, the area of the load application
will move according to the adaptive meshing algorithm, which is probably not physically
To allow a pressure load to slide over the material, create a sliding boundary region.
Figure 7. Applying a sliding distributed pressure load to an adaptive mesh domain.
Boundary regions defined using pressure loads are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining an Eulerian Boundary Region with a Pressure Load
To decouple the area of pressure application from the material motion, create an Eulerian
boundary region and apply spatial mesh constraints normal to the surface. If no mesh
constraints are applied, the mesh will behave like a sliding boundary region (no material
will flow through the surface).
As an example, it is often assumed that a uniform ambient pressure exists at the outflow
boundary of an Eulerian domain. This condition can be modeled by defining the pressure at
an Eulerian boundary region using a distributed load and applying spatial mesh constraints
perpendicular to the surface, as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Modeling an ambient pressure at the outflow boundary of an Eulerian adaptive mesh
Boundary regions defined using pressure loads are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Distributed Surface Fluxes and Thermal Conditions
In coupled thermal-stress analysis Abaqus/Explicit also creates boundary regions for distributed surface fluxes, convective film conditions,
and radiation conditions. The rules governing boundary regions for these loads are identical
to those discussed for distributed loads. The ability to specify the boundary region type is
also the same.
Concentrated Loads
When a concentrated load is applied to the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain, Abaqus/Explicit creates a boundary region to coincide with the load. Every node to which a concentrated
load is applied will be considered its own boundary region because it is not possible to
identify a surface area associated with a concentrated load. However, you can control the
behavior of each one-node region.
If concentrated loads are applied to nodes in the interior of an adaptive mesh domain,
those nodes will move with the material in all directions (i.e., they will be nonadaptive).
Defining a Lagrangian Boundary Region with a Concentrated Load
By default, the boundary region created by a concentrated load will be Lagrangian. Each
one-node Lagrangian boundary region will follow the material in every direction (the nodes
will be nonadaptive).
Boundary regions defined using concentrated loads are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining a Sliding Boundary Region with a Concentrated Load
A concentrated load can be applied to a sliding boundary region to simulate a load that
is fixed in space while material moves past it (see Figure 9).
Figure 9. Applying a concentrated sliding load to an adaptive mesh domain.
A sliding node is unconstrained in the direction tangential to the boundary region;
therefore, unless adaptive mesh constraints are applied, the point of load application
will move according to the adaptive meshing algorithm, which is probably not physically
To allow the concentrated load to slide freely over the material, create a sliding
boundary region.
Boundary regions defined using concentrated loads are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining an Eulerian Boundary Region with a Concentrated Load
To decouple the concentrated load from the material motion, create an Eulerian boundary
region and apply spatial mesh constraints normal to the surface. If no mesh constraints
are applied, each one-node boundary region will behave like a sliding boundary region.
Boundary regions defined using concentrated loads are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Concentrated Fluxes and Thermal Conditions
In coupled thermal-stress analysis Abaqus/Explicit also creates boundary regions for concentrated heat fluxes, film conditions, and
radiation conditions. The rules governing boundary regions for these loads are identical to
those discussed for concentrated loads. The ability to specify the boundary region type is
also the same.
Boundary Conditions
Lagrangian, sliding, and Eulerian boundary regions can be created by applying kinematic
constraints to the boundary of an adaptive mesh domain. If kinematic boundary conditions are
applied to nodes in the interior of an adaptive mesh domain, those nodes will move with the
material in all directions (i.e., they will be nonadaptive), regardless of the specified
boundary region type.
Defining a Lagrangian Boundary Region Using a Boundary Condition
By default, the boundary region created by a kinematic boundary condition will be
Lagrangian. Abaqus/Explicit will recognize surface-type and point or edge constraints automatically and will create
an appropriate Lagrangian boundary region for each type, as explained in the following
Boundary regions defined using boundary conditions are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Surface-Type Constraints Applied Using Boundary Conditions
Although boundary conditions are always applied to individual nodes in Abaqus/Explicit, they often represent physical constraints on surfaces. For example, symmetry
conditions, where nodes are constrained to move in a plane, are actually surface
constraints. A fully clamped (ENCASTRE) condition along
a boundary can also be considered a surface constraint. (During adaptive meshing it is
meaningful to allow nodes to move along a fully clamped edge.)
Abaqus/Explicit will examine an adaptive mesh boundary and try to create regions that are coincident
with the applied boundary conditions. Currently, Abaqus/Explicit can create boundary regions for surface-based constraints on:
symmetry planes,
fully clamped planes, and
planes on which a uniform motion is prescribed.
Figure 2 shows an example in which boundary regions are created by applying surface-type
boundary conditions. This figure shows a block of material with a crack and three
symmetry planes (therefore, three Lagrangian boundary regions). Material will not flow
across any symmetry plane, yet adaptive meshing can be performed within each Lagrangian
boundary region. This flexibility is often helpful in problems that have significant
Point or Edge Constraints Applied Using Boundary Conditions
Some boundary conditions represent point or edge constraints. For example, a
displacement can be prescribed at a node. The boundary regions associated with such
nodes are exactly the same as those created by concentrated loads.
Defining a Sliding Boundary Region Using a Boundary Condition
A sliding boundary region associated with a boundary condition can move according to the
adaptive meshing algorithm. Since this behavior is probably not physically meaningful, the
edges of a sliding boundary region are usually fixed in the direction tangential to the
surface using adaptive mesh constraints. This approach can be used, for example, to
simulate frictionless contact between a rigid punch and a deformable body, as shown in
Figure 10.
Figure 10. Contact simulation using a sliding boundary region.
In this example the punch is replaced by a sliding boundary region with a constant
velocity boundary condition applied in the area of “contact.” A tangential mesh constraint
is applied to the edge of the boundary region at node N
(the other edge is constrained by the Lagrangian boundary region created automatically on
the symmetry plane). This problem definition allows material to flow radially underneath
the “punch” while retaining the original size and location of the “contact” area.
Abaqus/Explicit makes no distinction between surface-type constraints and point or edge constraints for
sliding boundary regions.
To allow the boundary condition to slide freely over the material, create a sliding
boundary region.
Boundary regions defined using boundary conditions are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining an Eulerian Boundary Region Using a Boundary Condition
To decouple the boundary region from the material motion, create an Eulerian boundary
region and apply spatial mesh constraints normal to the surface. If no mesh constraints
are applied, the mesh will behave like a sliding boundary region (no material will flow
through the surface).
As an example, the mass flow rate at an Eulerian inflow boundary can be prescribed by
defining an Eulerian boundary region using a boundary condition.
Abaqus/Explicit makes no distinction between surface-type constraints and point or edge constraints for
Eulerian boundary regions.
Boundary regions defined using boundary conditions are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Overlapping Boundary Regions
A Lagrangian boundary region can overlap any number of other Lagrangian or sliding boundary
regions (see Figure 11). If two boundary regions partially overlap, three regions are formed: the overlapping
region and the two initial regions minus the overlapping region. A sliding boundary region
is formed when a Lagrangian and a sliding boundary region overlap.
Figure 11. Overlapping boundary regions.
An Eulerian boundary region can never overlap a Lagrangian or sliding boundary region.
Furthermore, an Eulerian boundary region can never share a boundary with or overlap a
nonadaptive region. Because infinite elements are nonadaptive, this latter restriction
implies that infinite elements cannot be used to simulate ambient conditions at an outflow
Coincident Edges
Edges shared by different types of boundary regions are subject to the following rules:
An edge shared between a Lagrangian and a sliding boundary region will be Lagrangian.
An edge shared between a Lagrangian and an Eulerian boundary region will be sliding.
An edge shared between a Lagrangian and a nonadaptive boundary region will be
An edge shared between a sliding and a nonadaptive boundary region will be
An edge of an Eulerian boundary region can never be coincident with an edge of a
nonadaptive region.
Predefined Fields
There are no restrictions on applying prescribed temperatures or field variables in an
adaptive mesh domain, but these nodal values are not remapped when adaptive meshing is
performed. Therefore, predefined fields that are not spatially uniform may not be meaningful
within an adaptive mesh domain. (Time-varying, spatially uniform predefined fields are
acceptable, since adaptive meshing is applied at discrete instances in time.) However, if
temperature or field variable data are collected from a spatial frame of reference, it may
make physical sense to apply a spatially varying field for an Eulerian domain in which the
mesh does not move. Abaqus/Explicit does not perform any checks or calculations on predefined fields for adaptive meshing;
you must ensure that the predefined fields are meaningful.
For domains modeled with hyperelastic or hyperfoam materials the usefulness of adaptive
meshing is limited. The recommended enhanced hourglass method (Section Controls), which will
generally predict a much better return to the original configuration for these materials
when loading is removed, cannot be used in an adaptive mesh domain. Therefore, for
hyperelastic or hyperfoam materials it is recommended that the analysis be run without
adaptive meshing but with enhanced hourglass control.
If the porous failure model (Failure Criteria in Abaqus/Explicit), shear failure
model (Shear Failure Model), tensile
failure model (Tensile Failure Model), or one of the
progressive damage models (Progressive Damage and Failure) is
specified within an adaptive mesh domain, Abaqus/Explicit will continuously monitor the status of elements while performing adaptive meshing. When
elements within the domain fail, the nodes along the interface between the failed and
unfailed elements will become nonadaptive. This has the effect of creating a material
boundary between the failed and unfailed zones.
When failure occurs in elements that use the shear failure, the tensile failure, or the
progressive damage models without element deletion, elements in the failure zone will not be
deleted; they can carry some states of stress. Adaptive meshing will occur within the
failure zone but not along the interface with the unfailed material.
An adaptive mesh domain can contain only first-order, reduced-integration, solid elements.
All elements within an adaptive mesh domain must have the same geometry (all
two-dimensional, three-dimensional, axisymmetric, or plane strain, etc.). Since adaptive
mesh domains are split across element types, degenerate elements should be used for mixed
domains that include both triangles and quadrilaterals (or tetrahedron and bricks). All
elements other than first-order, reduced-integration, solid elements—including mass, rotary
inertia, and infinite elements—are nonadaptive. These elements can be connected to an
adaptive mesh domain, but their nodes are nonadaptive. All nodes and elements on a rigid
body are nonadaptive. Rebar are not supported within an adaptive mesh domain.
Multi-Point Constraints and Equations
As with boundary conditions, multi-point constraints (General Multi-Point Constraints) and equations
(Linear Constraint Equations) are always
applied to nodes but sometimes represent constraints on surfaces. Abaqus/Explicit will recognize surface-type constraints when the following conditions are satisfied:
an equation,
TIEMPC ties a
node set to a single node; and
all the nodes involved in the MPC or equation are
coplanar and lie within the boundary region.
If these conditions are satisfied, a boundary region will be associated with the node set
in the MPC or equation. If the
MPC is applied within a Lagrangian or sliding boundary
region, a Lagrangian edge will be created. If the MPC is
applied within an Eulerian boundary region, no edge will be created. If the above conditions
are not satisfied, all nodes connected to the MPC or
equation will be nonadaptive.
As an example, a constraint can be applied to force a plane section to remain plane in a
Lagrangian adaptive mesh domain, as shown in Figure 12(a). In this case all nodes are constrained by an equation to lie in the same plane
throughout the analysis, but adaptive meshing is allowed within the plane.
Figure 12. Using equations with adaptive meshing.
As another example, consider the outflow boundary of an Eulerian domain, as shown in Figure 12(b). The outflow boundary of an Eulerian domain is often assumed to be far enough
downstream that the velocity is uniform but unknown. To model this condition, an Eulerian
boundary region is created at the outflow boundary using a surface. An adaptive mesh
constraint is used to fix the mesh perpendicular to the boundary, and all nodes on the plane
are constrained by an equation to have the same velocity orthogonal to the plane.
For surface-based tie constraints (see Mesh Tie Constraints), all nodes on
the tied surfaces will be nonadaptive.
During an adiabatic analysis temperatures will be remapped properly in adaptive mesh
domains. Adaptive meshing is not used during annealing procedures or during geometrically
linear analyses.
Solution-dependent state variables defined in user subroutine VUMAT will be remapped to the new
mesh when adaptive meshing is performed.
Solution-dependent state variables that are defined on a secondary surface in user
subroutines VFRIC, VUINTER, VFRICTION, and VUINTERACTION will not be remapped
to the new mesh when adaptive meshing is performed. Therefore, to ensure physically
meaningful results, a Lagrangian adaptive mesh constraint should be used for nodes on the
contact secondary surfaces with solution-dependent state variables where the contact
constraint is defined using these user subroutines.
Since the mesh is no longer constrained to the material when adaptive meshing is performed,
output at elements and nodes must be interpreted differently than in a pure Lagrangian
problem. See Output and Diagnostics for ALE Adaptive Meshing in Abaqus/Explicit for details.
To create an Eulerian adaptive mesh domain with a prescribed velocity inflow condition
and a prescribed pressure outflow condition (both in the global
Data lines to define the surfaceSURFACE, NAME=OUTSURF, REGION TYPE=EULERIANData lines to define the surface
EQUATIONData lines specifying uniform velocity at the inflow
STEPDYNAMIC, EXPLICITData line to specify the time period of the stepADAPTIVE MESH, ELSET=ADAPT
INFLOW, 1, 1, 0
OUTFLOW, 1, 1, 0
INFLOW, 1, 1, 10.0
OUT, P2, 15.0