About ALE Adaptive Meshing

The adaptive meshing technique in Abaqus combines the features of pure Lagrangian analysis and pure Eulerian analysis. This type of adaptive meshing is often referred to as Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) analysis. The Abaqus documentation often refers to “ALE adaptive meshing” simply as “adaptive meshing.”

This page discusses:

See Also
Ale Adaptive Meshing

ALE adaptive meshing is a tool that makes it possible to maintain a high-quality mesh throughout an analysis, even when large deformation or loss of material occurs, by allowing the mesh to move independently of the material. ALE adaptive meshing does not alter the topology (elements and connectivity) of the mesh, which implies some limitations on the ability of this method to maintain a high-quality mesh upon extreme deformation. Refer to About Adaptivity Techniques for a comparison between ALE adaptive meshing and other Abaqus adaptivity methods.

ALE adaptive meshing is distinct from the pure Eulerian analysis capability in Abaqus/Explicit. The pure Eulerian capability supports multiple materials and voids within a single element, which allows effective handling of analyses involving extreme deformation (such as fluid flow). In contrast, ALE elements are always 100% full of a single material; while this formulation limits the deformation of material in the model to the deformation of the elements, it allows more precise definitions of material boundaries and more complex contact interactions. For more information on pure Eulerian analysis, see Eulerian Analysis.

Although the adaptive meshing techniques and the user interface are similar in Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard, the use-cases and the level of functionality are different. Adaptive meshing in Abaqus/Explicit is intended to model large-deformation problems. It does not attempt to minimize discretization errors in small-deformation analyses. Adaptive meshing in Abaqus/Standard is intended for use in acoustic domains and for modeling the effects of ablation, or wear, of material. A comparison between the adaptive remeshing functionality in Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard is provided in this section.