Fabric Material Behavior

The fabric material model:

  • is anisotropic and nonlinear;

  • is a phenomenological model that captures the mechanical response of a woven fabric made of yarns in the fill and the warp directions;

  • is valid for materials that exhibit two “structural” directions that may not be orthogonal to each other with deformation;

  • defines the local fabric stresses as a function of change in angle between the fibers (shear strain) and the nominal strains along the yarn directions;

  • allows for the computation of local fabric stresses based on test data or through user subroutine VFABRIC, which can be used to define a complex constitutive model; and

  • requires that geometric nonlinearity be accounted for during the analysis step (General and Perturbation Procedures), since it is intended for finite-strain applications.

The fabric material model defined based on test data:

  • assumes that the responses along the fill and the warp directions are independent of each other and that the shear response is independent of the direct response along the yarns;

  • can include separate loading and unloading responses;

  • can exhibit nonlinear elastic behavior, damaged elastic behavior, or elastic-plastic type behavior with permanent deformation upon complete unloading;

  • can deform elastically to large tensile and shear strains; and

  • can have properties that depend on temperature and/or other field variables.

This page discusses:

See Also
About the Material Library
Elastic Behavior
In Other Guides
