The output request can be repeated as often as necessary to define output
for different types of element variables, different element sets, etc. The same
element (or element set) can appear in several output requests. Element output
to the output database is not supported for user elements.
Selecting the Element Output Variables
The following types of element variables are recognized for the purpose of
defining output:
Element integration point variables are associated with
the integration points at which material calculations are performed (for
example, components of stress and strain).
Element section point variables are associated with the
cross-section of a beam, pipe, or a shell (for example, bending moments and
membrane forces on the section).
Element face variables are associated with the faces of a
shell or a solid (for example, uniformly distributed pressure load on the
Whole element variables are attributes of an entire
element (for example, the total energy content of the element).
Whole element set variables are attributes of an entire
element set (for example, the current coordinates of the center of mass); these
variables are available in
Step module: field or history output request editor: Select from list below
Selecting Elements for Which Output Is Required
For history output you must specify the element set (or, in
the tracer set) for which output is being requested. For field output
specifying the element set or tracer set is optional; if you do not specify an
element set or tracer set, the output will be written for all the elements in
the model.
Step module: field or history output request editor: Domain: Set:set_name
Requesting Field Output for the Exterior Elements in the Model
You can select output on the element set consisting of all the exterior
three-dimensional elements in the model. This element set is generated
internally by
Requesting output at all section points in beam, pipe, shell, and layered
solid elements is not supported in
Requesting Output for Rebars in a Reinforced Model
You can request output for rebars (Defining Reinforcement).
If you do not explicitly request rebar output in a model with rebars, the
element output requests govern the output for the matrix material only (except
for section forces, where the forces in the rebar are included in the force
calculation). You can request output for a particular rebar. If you do not
specify the name of a rebar, output will be given for all rebars in the
specified element set (or in the whole model, if you have not specified an
element set).
Rebar output is available only in membrane, shell, or surface elements at
the integration points and at the centroid of the element.
Use the following option to request output for rebar in addition to
output for the matrix material:
Step module: field or history output request editor: Output for rebar: Include
Use the following option to request output only for
Step module: field or history output request editor: Output for rebar: Only
You cannot request output for a particular rebar in
if you request rebar output, it is given for all rebars in the specified output
Selecting the Position of Element Integration Point and Section Point Output
Integration point variables and section variables in
can be written as field output to the output database in four different
positions: the integration points, the centroid, averaged at nodes, or
extrapolated to the nodes. Integration point variables and section variables in
can be written as field output to the output database in three different
positions: the integration points, the centroid, or the nodes. By default,
output is provided at the integration points.
In most cases
writes only integration point data to the output database. Transferring of
results from the integration points to the user-specified position in
is done by the postprocessing calculator. See
The Postprocessing Calculator
for details.
Element history output to the output database is always provided at the
integration points.
Obtaining Output at the Integration Points
By default, the variables are output at the integration points where they are calculated. In
Abaqus/Standard you can obtain the position of the integration points by using output variable
COORD (see
Using Abaqus/Standard Output Variable Identifiers).
Step module: field output request editor: Element output position: Integration points
Obtaining Output at the Centroid of Each Element
You can choose to output the variables at the centroid of each element
(the midpoint between the end nodes of a beam or a pipe element). Centroidal
values are obtained by interpolation of the integration point values if the
integration scheme for the element does not include a centroidal integration
point. Element output of the element centroidal values is not available for
recovering results within substructures; for more information, see
Using Substructures.
Step module: field output request editor: Element output position: Centroidal
Obtaining Element Output Extrapolated to the Nodes
You can choose to extrapolate the element integration point variables to
the nodes of each element independently, without averaging the results from
adjoining elements. Element output at the element nodes is not available for
recovering results within substructures; for more information, see
Using Substructures.
Step module: field output request editor: Element output position: Nodes
Obtaining Element Output Averaged at the Nodes in Abaqus/Standard
You can choose to extrapolate the variables to the nodes and to then
average them over all of the elements in the set that contribute to each node.
For derived variables, such as stress invariants,
first averages the extrapolated tensor components over all of the elements
connected to the node to obtain unique components at each node and then
calculates the derived value based on the averaged components.
By default,
partitions the elements in the model into averaging regions. The partitioning
is based upon the structure of the elements: element type, number of section
points, type of material, single layer or composite, etc. Partitioning is not
based upon the values of element properties (such as thickness), material
orientations, or material constants. Averaging occurs only over elements that
contribute to a node and belong to the same averaging region.
In some situations you may want the averaging regions to take into account
the values of element properties. For example, since variables may be
discontinuous between elements with different material constants, you may not
want elements with different property definitions included in the same
averaging region. In such cases you can force
to take into account values of element properties by setting the
environment parameter average_by_section to
ON. However, in problems with many section
and/or material definitions the default value of
OFF will, in general, give much better
performance than the nondefault value of ON.
The results are available through
Abaqus Scripting Interface
commands and can be visualized in
the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE
Step module: field output request editor: Element output position: Averaged at nodes
Extrapolation and Interpolation of Element Output Variables
The shape functions of the element are used for purposes of extrapolation
and interpolation of output variables. Extrapolated values are generally not as
accurate as the values calculated at the integration points in the areas of
high stress gradients, particularly in the case of modified triangles and
tetrahedra. Therefore, adequately detailed meshing is necessary around nodes
where accurate nodal values of such element results are needed. If a
cylindrical or spherical coordinate system is defined for the element (see
the orientation at each integration point may be different. When the values at
the integration points are extrapolated to the nodes, the difference in the
orientation is not taken into account; therefore, if the orientation varies
significantly over the elements connected to a node, the extrapolated values
are not very accurate. If the material orientation undergoes significant
spatial variation in a region of the model where the material behavior is truly
anisotropic, a finer mesh is required to obtain accurate results even at the
integration points. In that situation once the overall solution has converged
with respect to the mesh density, the interpolation or extrapolation away from
the integration points can also be assumed to be reasonably accurate. You
should also be particularly careful when interpreting output variables
extrapolated to the nodes for second-order elements with midside nodes outside
the quarter-point region, such as when one edge is collapsed in two dimensions
or one face is collapsed in three dimensions.
For derived variables, such as Mises equivalent stress, the components are
first extrapolated or interpolated. The derived value is then calculated from
the extrapolated or interpolated components. However, in linear mode-based
dynamic analysis procedures where derived values are obtained as nonlinear
combinations of modal response magnitudes (Random Response Analysis
Response Spectrum Analysis),
the nonlinear combinations are first calculated at the integration points.
These derived values are then extrapolated to the nodes or interpolated to the
You can request the preselected, procedure-specific element output variables
described in
Preselected Output Requests.
In this case you can specify additional variables as part of the output
Alternatively, you can request all element variables applicable to the
current procedure and material type. In this case any additional variables you
specify are ignored.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to request the preselected element
output variables:
Step module: field or history output request editor: Preselected defaults or All
Specifying the Directions for Element Output
For components of stress, strain, and similar material variables 1, 2, and 3
refer to the directions for an orthogonal coordinate system. If a local
orientation is not defined for the element, the stress/strain components are in
the default directions defined by the convention given in
global directions for solid elements, surface directions for shell and membrane
elements, and axial and transverse directions for beam and pipe elements.
By default, the element material directions for element field output are
written to the output database.
If a local orientation is associated with the element,
by default the results displayed in
are in the directions defined by the local orientation. These directions can be
visualized in
by selecting
Orientations in
the Visualization module.
You can choose to suppress the direction output to the output database.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to indicate that the element material
directions should not be written to the output database: