Specify solution-dependent state variables.

This option is used to allocate space at each integration point for solution-dependent state variables. If the DEPVAR option is used, it must appear within the MATERIAL definition for which solution-dependent state variables are needed. In addition, an output key and a description can be given for some or all of the solution-dependent state variables allocated by this option.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
About User Subroutines and Utilities
User-Defined Mechanical Material Behavior
Finite Element Conversion to SPH Particles

Products Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/CAE

Type Model data


Abaqus/CAE Property module

Optional, mutually exclusive parameters


This parameter applies only to Abaqus/Explicit analyses when continuum finite elements are allowed to convert to SPH particles.

Set this parameter equal to the state variable number controlling the element conversion flag (see Finite Element Conversion to SPH Particles). If this parameter is omitted, no element conversion occurs.


Set this parameter equal to the state variable number controlling the element deletion flag (see User-Defined Mechanical Material Behavior). If this parameter is omitted, no element deletion is controlled by solution-dependent state variables.


Set this parameter equal to the state variable number controlling the shell element transverse shear damage variable (see User-Defined Mechanical Material Behavior). If this parameter is omitted, shell element transverse shear damage is not controlled by a solution-dependent state variable.

Data lines

First line
  1. Number of solution-dependent state variables required at each integration point.

Second line (required only to specify output descriptions for select solution-dependent state variables)
  1. Index of the solution-dependent state variable for which an output key and a description are being given. This value is 1 for the first solution-dependent state variable.

  2. The output variable key. The key is treated as a label; therefore, it must adhere to the conventions for labels (see Input Syntax Rules), with the exception that case will be preserved.

  3. The output variable description. The description is treated as a label; therefore, it must adhere to the conventions for labels (see Input Syntax Rules), with the exception that case will be preserved.

Repeat this data line for each solution-dependent state variable for which an output key and a description are being defined. If field or history output of solution-dependent state variables is requested using the ELEMENT OUTPUT option, the output identifier for solution-dependent state variables for which a key has been specified under this option will consist of the string “SDV_,” followed by the specified key. Similarly, the descriptions specified under this option will be used in the corresponding field descriptions written to the output database. If an output key and a description are not given for a solution-dependent state variable, the default output identifier SDVn and description “Solution-dependent state variables” are used.