Finite Element Conversion to SPH Particles

You can take advantage of the intrinsic strengths of both Lagrangian finite element and SPH methods when modeling a body. You can define the model with Lagrangian finite elements and convert them to SPH particles either at the beginning of an analysis or after the deformation becomes significant. It is sometimes easier to create the mesh with Lagrangian finite elements, and Lagrangian finite elements are often more accurate for small deformations. SPH methods are well suited for large deformation.

You start by defining a part as usual. You mesh the part with C3D8R, C3D6, or C3D4 reduced-integration elements or a combination of these elements. You then specify that these “parent” elements are to convert to internally generated SPH particles when a user-specified criterion is met. Gravity loads, contact interactions, initial conditions, mass scaling, and output requests associated with the parent elements or nodes of the parent elements will be transferred appropriately to the generated particles on conversion in an intuitive way as explained below. A special formulation is used to ensure the smoothest possible transition between the two modeling methods. The technique can use any of the materials available in Abaqus/Explicit (including user materials).

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See Also
In Other Guides
Continuum Particle Elements
