Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is a
numerical method that is part of the larger family of meshless (or mesh-free) methods.
For these methods you do not define nodes and elements as you would normally define
in a finite element analysis; instead, only a collection of points are necessary to represent a
given body. In smoothed particle hydrodynamics these nodes are commonly referred to as particles
or pseudo-particles.
The example shown in Figure 1 contrasts the two approaches. Both discrete representations model the initial
configuration of a body of fluid inside a bottle, as described in detail in Impact of a water-filled bottle. The model on the
left is a traditional tetrahedron mesh of the volume occupied by the fluid. On the right,
the same volume is represented by a collection of discrete points. In the latter case, there
are no edges connecting the points as these points (pseudo-particles) do not require the
definition of multiple-node element connectivity, as is the case in the traditional finite
element representation on the left. An alternative to directly defining particle elements is
to define conventional continuum finite elements and automatically convert them to particle
elements at the beginning of the analysis or during the analysis, as discussed in Finite Element Conversion to SPH Particles.
Figure 1. Finite element mesh and SPH particle
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics is a fully Lagrangian modeling scheme permitting the
discretization of a prescribed set of continuum equations by interpolating the properties
directly at a discrete set of points distributed over the solution domain without the need
to define a spatial mesh. The method's Lagrangian nature, associated with the absence of a
fixed mesh, is its main strength. Difficulties associated with fluid flow and structural
problems involving large deformations and free surfaces are resolved in a relatively natural
At its core, the method is not based on discrete particles (spheres) colliding with each
other in compression or exhibiting cohesive-like behavior in tension as the word particle
might suggest. Rather, it is simply a clever discretization method of continuum partial
differential equations. In that respect, smoothed particle hydrodynamics is quite similar to
the finite element method. SPH uses an evolving
interpolation scheme to approximate a field variable at any point in a domain. The value of
a variable at a particle of interest can be approximated by summing the contributions from a
set of neighboring particles, denoted by subscript j, for which the
“kernel” function, W, is not zero
An example kernel function is shown in Figure 2. The smoothing length, h, determines how many particles influence
the interpolation for a particular point.
Figure 2. Kernel function.
The SPH method has received substantial theoretical
support since its inception (Gingold and Monaghan, 1977), and the number of publications related to the method is
now very large. A number of references are listed below.
The method can use any of the materials available in Abaqus/Explicit (including user materials). You can specify initial conditions and boundary conditions as
for any other Lagrangian model. Contact interactions with other Lagrangian bodies are also
allowed, thus expanding the range of applications for which this method can be used.
The method is less accurate in general than Lagrangian finite element analyses when the
deformation is not too severe and than coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian analyses in higher
deformation regimes. If a large percentage of all nodes in the model are associated with
smoothed particle hydrodynamics, the analysis may not scale well if multiple
CPUs are used.
Smoothed particle hydrodynamic analyses are effective for applications involving extreme
deformation. Fluid sloshing, wave engineering, ballistics, spraying (as in paint spraying),
gas flow, and obliteration and fragmentation followed by secondary impacts are a few
examples. There are many applications for which both the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian and the
smoothed particle hydrodynamic methods can be used. In many coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian
analyses the material to void ratio is small and, consequently, the computational effort may
be prohibitively high. In these cases, the smoothed particle hydrodynamic method is
preferred. For example, tracking fragments from primary impacts through a large volume until
secondary impact occurs can be very expensive in a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian analysis but
comes at no additional cost in a smoothed particle hydrodynamic analysis.
Impact of a water-filled bottle includes an
example of using the smoothed particle hydrodynamic method to model the violent sloshing
associated with the impact.
Artificial Viscosity
Artificial viscosity in smoothed particle hydrodynamics has the same meaning as bulk
viscosity for finite elements. Similar to other Lagrangian elements, particle elements use
linear and quadratic viscous contributions to dampen high frequency noise from the computed
response. In rare cases when the default values are not appropriate, you can control the
amount of artificial viscosity included in a smoothed particle hydrodynamic analysis.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to specify scale factors for the linear and quadratic
artificial viscosities:
, , , scale factor for linear artificial viscosity, scale factor for quadratic artificial viscosity
SPH Tensile Instability Control
The classical SPH formulation can display a tensile
instability that results in an unphysical clustering of particles. The clustering is
particularly noticeable when materials are in a tensile stress state. To relieve the
SPH tensile instability, Abaqus uses the artificial stress approach of Monaghan, 2000. In this method an artificial stress
contribution that acts as a short-range repulsion force is added to mitigate the tensile
instability. This repulsion force is used to prevent particles from getting too close to
each other. This force is related to the inter-particle distance: the smaller the distance
the greater the force. This feature is effective only when an initially uniform distribution
of particles is used.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the SPH tensile
instability control:
Smoothed particle hydrodynamic analysis uses the same particle generator as used to define
discrete particles (PD3D, see Particle Generator). The SPH-type particle generator is a tool
for automatically introducing SPH particles into the flow
domain during the course of the analysis and is needed when introducing an
SPH inflow boundary condition. To define the
SPH particle generator, you must also specify the maximum
number of particles that can be generated during the analysis. In addition, you must define
an inlet surface associated with the SPH particle
generator. If there is a user-defined PC3D
element class in the model, it must have the same material property as the element class
associated with the SPH particle generator.
The inlet surface can be thought of as an opening through which the particles flow into
the flow domain. Similar to the PD3D particle
generator, you must define an element-based surface for the inlet surface. Care should be
taken with respect to the positive surface normal direction at the inlet because the initial
particle velocity is in this direction. All inlet surfaces associated with an
SPH particle generator must be in one plane (that is, have
the same surface normal). If there is no user-defined
PC3D element set in the model,
SPH particles are generated uniformly on the inlet surfaces
with the inter-particle distance defined as two times the particle thickness. If there is a
user-defined PC3D element set in the model,
SPH particles are generated on the inlet surfaces according
to the spatial location of the user-defined SPH particles
adjacent to the inlet surfaces. In this case if there are initially no
SPH particles within a distance of two times the particle
thickness to the inlet surfaces, the particle generation will not proceed. It is also
strongly recommended to use a uniform size for the user-defined
SPH particles.
An SPH particle outlet is a tool to remove
SPH particles from the flow domain automatically when the
SPH particles flow out of the flow domain during the course
of the analysis. It is needed when you introduce an SPH
outflow boundary condition. You must define an outlet surface associated with the
SPH particle outlet. The outlet surface can be thought of
as an opening through which the particles flow out of the flow domain. All outlet surfaces
associated with an SPH particle outlet must be in one plane
(that is, have the same surface normal).
Initial Conditions describes all of
the initial conditions that are available for an explicit dynamic analysis. Initial
conditions pertinent to mechanical analyses can be used in a smoothed particle hydrodynamic
Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions are defined as described in Boundary Conditions. The default
interaction between SPH particles and Lagrangian surfaces
is based on node-to-surface contact. To improve the SPH
solution near the Lagrangian boundaries for flow-type problems, you can define the surface
behavior explicitly.
Improving the SPH Boundary Behavior near Lagrangian
In the SPH method, particles interact with their
neighboring particles through a smoothing kernel function. The smoothing kernel function
has a finite supporting domain. To achieve accurate SPH
simulation results, there should be enough neighboring particles (50–60) within the
supporting domain of the smoothing kernel. However, special considerations are needed near
the boundaries. When particles are close to Lagrangian boundaries, part of the supporting
domain of the smoothing kernel (that beyond the Lagrangian boundaries) will not be filled
with any SPH particles. Therefore, the integration
accuracy for those SPH particles close to the Lagrangian
boundaries may be negatively affected. In addition, the disturbance of the solution close
to the boundaries may eventually lead to inaccurate simulation results for the whole
To improve the SPH solution near the Lagrangian
boundaries, you can specify surface behavior that is based on the ghost particle method
(Colagrossi and Landrini, 1977) and define the tangential-type of
SPH boundary behavior. When
SPH particles are close to Lagrangian boundary surfaces,
a virtual plane is formed by taking the average of the adjacent boundary surfaces; based
on this virtual plane, ghost particles are created to help improve integration accuracy.
The state (pressure, density, velocity, etc.) of the ghost particles is computed from the
real physical particles. With the improved boundary condition,
SPH particles on opposite sides of a surface do not
interact with each other.
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options to specify the SPH
surface behavior:
You can specify velocity or natural boundary conditions on inlet surfaces associated with
an SPH particle generator. When you specify a velocity
boundary condition on an inlet surface, SPH particles are
introduced into the flow domain through the inlet with a user-specified flow speed. The
flow direction of the particles is along the normal to the inlet facets. When you specify
a natural boundary condition on an inlet surface, SPH
particles are introduced into the flow domain whenever the closest layer of
SPH particles to the inlet surfaces separates from the
surface. The natural inflow boundary condition is usually used with a gravity load.
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options to specify the SPH
inflow boundary behavior:
You can specify nonreflecting or pressure boundary conditions on outlet surfaces
associated with an SPH particle outlet. When you specify
a nonreflecting boundary condition on an outlet surface, the pressure gradient on the
outlet surface associated with an SPH particle outlet is
zero. When you specify a pressure boundary condition on an outlet surface, the pressure on
the outlet surfaces associated with an SPH particle
outlet is the user-specified pressure.
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options to specify the SPH
outflow boundary behavior:
The loading types available for an explicit dynamic analysis are explained in About Loads. Concentrated
nodal loads can be applied as usual. Gravity loads are the only distributed loads allowed in
a smoothed particle hydrodynamic analysis.
Any of the material models in Abaqus/Explicit can be used in a smoothed particle hydrodynamic analysis.
The smoothed particle hydrodynamic method is implemented via the formulation associated
with PC3D elements. These 1-node elements are
simply a means of defining particles in space that model a particular body or bodies. These
particle elements utilize existing functionality in Abaqus to reference element-related features such as materials, initial conditions, distributed
loads, and visualization.
You define these elements in a similar fashion as you would define point masses. The
coordinates of these points lie either on the surface or in the interior of the body being
modeled, similar to the nodes of a body meshed with brick elements. For more accurate
results, you should strive to space the nodal coordinates of these particles as uniformly as
possible in all directions.
An alternative to directly defining PC3D
elements is to define conventional continuum finite element types
C3D6, or
C3D4 and automatically convert them to
particle elements at the beginning of the analysis or during the analysis, as discussed in
Finite Element Conversion to SPH Particles.
The smoothed particle hydrodynamic method implemented in Abaqus/Explicit uses a cubic spline as the interpolation polynomial and is based on the classical
smoothed particle hydrodynamic theory as outlined in the references below.
The smoothed particle hydrodynamic method is not implemented for two-dimensional elements.
Axisymmetry can be simulated using a wedge-shaped sector and symmetry boundary conditions.
There are no hourglass or distortion control forces associated with
PC3D elements. These elements do not have
faces or edges associated with them.
SPH Kernel Interpolator and Formulations
By default, the smoothed particle hydrodynamic method implemented in Abaqus/Explicit uses a cubic spline as the interpolation polynomial. Alternatively, you can choose a
quadratic (Johnson et al, 1996) or quintic (Wendland, 1995) interpolator.
The implementation is based on the classical smoothed particle hydrodynamic theory as
outlined in the references below. You also have the option of using a mean flow correction
configuration update, commonly referred to in the literature as the
XSPH method (see Monaghan, 1992), as well as the corrected kernel of Randles and Libersky, 1997, also referred to as the normalized
SPH (NSPH) method. In
the XSPH method, the mean velocity filtering coefficient
is required for modifying the coordinate update for the particles. A zero value for this
coefficient leads to the classical SPH method.
There is currently no capability to automatically compute the volume associated with
these particles. Hence, you need to supply a characteristic length that will be used to
compute the particle volume, which in turn is used to compute the mass associated with the
particle. It is assumed that the nodes are distributed uniformly in space and that each
particle is associated with a small cube centered at the particle. When stacked together,
these cubes will fill the overall volume of the body with some minor approximation at the
free surface of the body. The characteristic length is half the length of the cube side.
From a practical perspective, once you have created the nodes, you can use the
half-distance between two nodes as the characteristic length. Alternatively, if you know
the mass and density of the part, you can compute the volume of the part and divide it by
the total number of particles in the part to obtain the volume of the small cube
associated with each particle. Half of the cubic root of this small volume is a reasonable
characteristic length for this particle set. You can check the mass of individual sets in
the model if you request that model definition data be printed to the data
(.dat) file (see Model and History Definition Summaries).
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define a smoothed particle hydrodynamic body:
ELEMENT, TYPE=PC3D, ELSET=particle_bodyelement number, node number
Repeat the data line as often as necessary.
SOLID SECTION, ELSET=particle_body, MATERIAL=material_namecharacteristic length associated with particle volume
Smoothing Length Calculation
Even though particle elements are defined in the model using one node per element, the
smoothed particle hydrodynamic method computes contributions for each element based on
neighboring particles that are within a sphere of influence. The radius of this sphere of
influence is referred to in the literature as the smoothing length. The smoothing length
is independent of the characteristic length discussed above and governs the interpolation
properties of the method. By default, the smoothing length is computed automatically. As
the deformation progresses, particles move with respect to each other and, hence, the
neighbors of a given particle can (and typically do) change. Every increment Abaqus/Explicit recomputes this local connectivity internally and computes kinematic quantities (such
as normal and shear strains, deformation gradients, etc.) based on contributions from this
cloud of particles centered at the particle of interest. Stresses are then computed in a
similar fashion as for reduced-integration brick elements, which are in turn used to
compute element nodal forces for the particles in the cloud based on the smoothed particle
hydrodynamic formulation.
By default, Abaqus/Explicit computes a smoothing length at the beginning of the analysis such that the average
number of particles associated with an element is roughly between 50 and 60. The smoothing
length can be kept constant or can vary during the analysis. In both cases the average
number of particles per element can either decrease or increase during the analysis
depending on whether the average behavior in the model is expansive or compressive,
If the average number of particles per element decreases below a certain minimum number,
the deformation gradient may not be calculated accurately due to the limited support from
surrounding particles within the sphere of influence. In this case the deformation
gradient is kept constant between the previous time increment and the current time
increment. By default, the minimum number of particles associated with one element is 5.
Since the PC3D elements are Lagrangian
elements, their nodes can be involved in other features, such as other elements, connectors,
or constraints. Since these elements do not have faces or edges, an element-based surface
cannot be defined using PC3D elements.
Consequently, constraints that require element-based surfaces (such as fasteners) cannot be
defined for particles.
Bodies modeled with particles can interact with other finite element meshed bodies via
contact. The contact interaction is the same as any contact interaction between a node-based
surface (associated with the particles) and an element-based or analytical surface. Both
general contact and contact pairs can be used. All interaction types and formulations
available for contact involving a node-based surface are allowed, including cohesive
behavior. Different contact properties can be assigned via the usual options. By default,
the particles are not part of the general contact domain similar to other 1-node elements
(such as point masses). The default contact thickness for particles is the same value
specified as the characteristic length on the section definition, and it is constant through
the analysis. Thus, for contact purposes, particles behave as spheres with radii equal to
the radius of a sphere inscribed in the small cube associated with the particle volume as
described above.
You should not specify a contact thickness of zero for the nodes associated with
PC3D elements or contact may not be resolved
robustly. The recommended approach is to use the default or specify a reasonable contact
Interaction between different bodies all modeled with
PC3D elements is allowed. However, this
interaction is meaningful only in cases when the colliding smoothed particle hydrodynamic
bodies are made of the same fluid-like material, such as a water drop falling in a bucket
partially filled with water. In solids-related applications, such as modeling a bullet
perforating an armor plate, one of the bodies must be modeled using regular finite elements.
Contact interactions cannot be defined between particles and Eulerian regions.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define contact between a meshed or analytical surface
with a particle-based surface:
The element output available for PC3D
elements includes all mechanics-related output for continuum elements: stress; strain;
energies; and the values of state, field, and user-defined variables. The nodal output
includes all output variables generally available in Abaqus/Explicit analyses.
You can visualize particles in Abaqus/CAE by doing the following:
Click the Entity Display tab.
From ViewODB Display Options, select Render element particle edges .
The display visualization changes depending on the mode or plot type as described in
the table below.
Mode/Plot type
Visualization Display
Circular ring for each particle element
Combination of a circular ring and disc for each particle element
Combination of a circular ring and disc for each particle element
Combination of a circular ring and disc for each particle element
Contour and Symbol
Combination of a circular rings and colored patches for field output variable
Smoothed particle hydrodynamic analyses are subject to the following limitations:
They are less accurate in general than Lagrangian finite element analyses when the
deformation is not too severe and the elements are not distorted. In higher deformation
regimes coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian analyses are also generally more accurate. The
smoothed particle dynamic method should be used primarily in cases when the conventional
finite element method or the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method have reached their
inherent limitations or are prohibitively expensive to perform.
When the material is in a state of tensile stress, the particle motion may become
unstable leading to the so-called tensile instability. This instability, which is
strictly related to the interpolation technique of the standard smoothed particle
dynamic method, is especially noticeable when simulating the stretched state of a solid.
As a consequence, particles tend to clump together and show fracture-like behavior.
Mass distribution in a body defined with particle elements is somewhat different when
compared to the mass distribution of the same body defined with continuum elements, such
as C3D8R elements. When particle elements
are used, the volume of all particles in that body are the same. Consequently, the nodal
mass associated with all particles in that body is the same. If the nodes are not placed
in a regular cubic arrangement, the mass distribution is somewhat inexact, particularly
at the free surface of the body being modeled.
Surface loads cannot be specified on PC3D
elements. However, distributed loads, such as pressure, can be applied to other finite
element surfaces that can apply a pressure onto the particle elements via contact
Bodies modeled with particles that were not defined using the same section definition
do not interact with each other. Hence, you cannot use smoothed particle hydrodynamics
to model the mixing of bodies with dissimilar materials.
Selective subcycling and the contact pair algorithm are not supported.
Rough friction should not be used on surface interactions defined for
SPH particles.
User-defined PC3D elements and
PC3D elements generated from a
SPH particle generator should have the same material
The functionality is not directly supported in Abaqus/CAE. However, you can do the following:
You can use the existing functionality in Abaqus/CAE to generate mass elements, write an input file, and then manually edit the input
file to convert the mass elements to particles.
You can use finite element conversion to SPH
particles (see Boundary Conditions) at
the beginning of an analysis (a time-based conversion criterion at time equal to
You can create a mesh using C3D8R
elements, write an input file, and then use a script to convert these elements to
SPH particles. An example of a Python script to convert solid elements to SPH
particles is described in “Generating SPH particle
elements from a solid mesh” in the Dassault Systèmes Knowledge Base at
Within a given body (part) defined via one solid section definition, gravity loads and
mass scaling cannot be specified selectively on a subset of elements referenced by this
definition. Instead, the two features must be applied to all the elements in the element
set associated with the solid section definition.
Smoothed particle hydrodynamic computations are distributed across parallel domains in most
cases; however, they are all performed by a single domain (with a single processor) for
models with any of the following characteristics (which will often dramatically degrade
parallel scalability):
Finite element conversion to SPH particles (see Boundary Conditions) after the beginning of an
analysis. The parallel smoothed particle hydrodynamics implementation supports
conversion to SPH particles only at the beginning of an
analysis (at time equal to zero).
Multiple solid sections for PC3D elements
Normalized kernel specified as a section control
Predefined field variable (including temperature) dependence of material properties
Smoothed particle hydrodynamic analyses are subject to the following limitations if
multiple CPUs are used:
Contact output is not supported for smoothed particle hydrodynamic secondary nodes.
Element history output is not supported.
Dynamic load balancing cannot be activated.
If any SPH particles participate in general contact,
all SPH particles must be included in the general
contact definition.
At least 10,000 particles per domain is suggested to achieve good scalability.
A significant increase in memory usage may be needed if a large number of
CPUs are used.
Input File Template
The following example illustrates a smoothed particle hydrodynamic analysis of a bottle
filled with fluid being dropped on the floor. The plastic bottle and the floor are modeled
with conventional shell elements. The fluid is modeled via smoothed particle hydrodynamics
using PC3D elements. The nodal coordinates of
the particles are defined such they are all located inside the bottle. Material property
definitions are defined as usual for both the fluid and the bottle. Contact interaction is
defined between the smoothed particle hydrodynamic particles representing the water
(node-based surface) and the interior walls of the bottle and also between the bottle
exterior and the floor using element-based surfaces (not shown). Output is requested for
stresses (pressure) and density in the fluid.
ELEMENT, TYPE=PC3D, ELSET=Fluid_Inside_The_Bottle
Element number, node number
SOLID SECTION, ELSET=Fluid_Inside_The_Bottle, MATERIAL=Water
Element characteristic length associated with particle volumeMATERIAL, NAME=Water
Material definition for water, such as an EOS materialELEMENT, TYPE=S4R, ELSET=Plastic_Bottle
Element definitions for the shells
INITIAL CONDITIONS, TYPE=VELOCITYData lines to define velocity initial conditionsNSET, NSET=Water_Nodes, ELSET=Fluid_Inside_The_Bottle
SURFACE, NAME=Bottle_Interior
Plastic_Bottle, SNEG
STEPDYNAMIC, EXPLICITDLOADData lines to define gravity load
Water_Surface, Bottle_Interior
Colagrossi, A., and M. Landrini, “Numerical
Simulation of Interfacial Flows by Smoothed Particle
Hydrodynamics,” Journal of Computational
Physics, 2003.
Gingold, R.A., and J. J. Monaghan, “Smoothed
Particle Hydrodynamics: Theory and Application to Non-Spherical
Stars,” Royal Astronomical Society, Monthly
Notices, vol. 181, pp. 375–389, 1977.
Johnson, J., R. Stryk, and S. Beissel, “SPH
for High Velocity Impact
Calculations,” Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and
Engineering, 1996.
Libersky, L.D., and A. G. Petschek, “High
Strain Lagrangian Hydrodynamics,” Journal of
Physics, vol. 109, pp. 67–75, 1993.
Monaghan, J., “Smoothed
Particle Hydrodynamics,” Annual Review of
Astronomy and
Astrophysics, 1992.
Monaghan, J., “SPH
without a Tensile Instability,” Journal of
Physics, vol. 159, 2000.
Munjiza, A., and K. R. F. Andrews, “NBS
Contact Detection Algorithm for Bodies of Similar
Size,” International Journal for Numerical
Methods in
Engineering, vol. 43, pp. 131–149, 1998.
Randles, P.W., and L. D. Libersky, “Recent
Improvements in SPH Modeling of Hypervelocity
Impact,” International Journal of Impact
Engineering, 1997.
Swegle, J.W., and S. W. Attaway, “An
Analysis of Smoothed Particle
Hydrodynamics,” Sandia National Lab Report
SAND93–2513, 1994.
Wendland, H., “Piecewise
Polynomial, Positive Definite and Compactly Supported Radial Functions of
Minimal Degree,” Advances in Computational
Mathematics, 1995.