In all shell elements in
that are valid for thick shell problems or that enforce the Kirchhoff
constraint numerically (i.e., all shell elements except STRI3) and in the finite-strain shell elements in
(S3R, S4, S4R, SAX1, SC6R, and SC8R),
computes the transverse shear stiffness by matching the shear response for the
case of the shell bending about one axis, using a parabolic variation of
transverse shear stress in each layer. The approach is described in
Transverse shear stiffness in composite shells and offsets from the midsurface
and generally provides a reasonable estimate of the shear flexibility of the
shell. It also provides estimates of interlaminar shear stresses in composite
shells. In calculating the transverse shear stiffness,
assumes that the shell section directions are the principal bending directions
(bending about one principal direction does not require a restraining moment
about the other direction). For composite shells with orthotropic layers that
are not symmetric about the shell midsurface, the shell section directions may
not be the principal bending directions. In such cases the transverse shear
stiffness is a less accurate approximation and will change if different shell
section directions are used.
computes the transverse shear stiffness only once at the beginning of the
analysis based on initial elastic properties given in the model data. Initial
temperature and field variable dependencies are considered. Any changes to the
transverse shear stiffness that occur due to changes in the material stiffness
during the analysis are ignored.
Axisymmetric shell elements SAX1 and SAX2; three-dimensional shell elements S3/S3R, S4, S4R, S8R, and S8RT; and continuum shell elements SC6R and SC8R are based on a first-order shear deformation theory. Other shell
elements—such as S4R5, S8R5, S9R5, STRI65, and SAXAmn—use the transverse shear stiffness to enforce the Kirchhoff
constraints numerically in the thin shell limit. The transverse shear stiffness
is not relevant for shells without displacement degrees of freedom and is
relevant only for element type STRI3 as part of a penalty term used to control drill rotations.
Although element type S4 has four integration points, the transverse shear calculation is
assumed constant over the element. A higher resolution of the transverse shear
may be obtained by stacking continuum shell elements.
For most shell sections, including layered composite or sandwich shell
calculates the transverse shear stiffness values required in the element
formulation. You can override these default values (see
Defining the Transverse Shear Stiffness
for shell sections and
Defining the Transverse Shear Stiffness
for general shell sections). In some cases the default shear stiffness values
are not calculated if estimates of the shear moduli are unavailable during the
preprocessing stage of input; for example, when the section behavior is defined
in user subroutine
You must define the transverse shear stiffnesses in such cases. When a shell
section's material behavior is defined by a user subroutine (for example,
VUMAT), you must define the transverse shear modulus for the
material (see
Defining the Elastic Transverse Shear Modulus)
or the transverse shear stiffness for the section.
Transverse Shear Stiffness Definition
The transverse shear stiffness of the section of a shear flexible shell
element is defined in
are the components of the section shear stiffness
refer to the default surface directions on the shell, as defined in
or to the local directions associated with the shell section definition);
is a dimensionless factor that is used to prevent the shear stiffness from
becoming too large in thin shells; and
is the actual shear stiffness of the section (calculated by
or user-defined).
You can specify all three shear stiffness terms (,
and );
otherwise, they will take the default values defined below. The dimensionless
is always included in the calculation of transverse shear stiffness, regardless
of the way
is obtained. For shell elements of type S4R5, S8R5, S9R5, STRI65, or SAXAn the average of
is used and
is ignored. The
have units of force per length.
The dimensionless factor
is defined as
where A is the area of the element and
t is the thickness of the shell. When a general shell
section definition not associated with one or more material definitions is used
to define the shell section stiffness, the thickness of the shell,
t, is estimated as
If you do not specify the ,
they are calculated as follows. For laminated plates and sandwich constructions
are estimated by matching the elastic strain energy associated with shear
deformation of the shell section with that based on piecewise quadratic
variation of the transverse shear stress across the section, under conditions
of bending about one axis. For unsymmetric lay-ups the coupling term
can be nonzero.
When a general shell section is used and the section stiffness is given
directly, the
are defined as
is the section stiffness matrix and Y is the
initial scaling modulus.
When a user subroutine (for example,
VUMAT) is used to define a shell element's material response,
you must define the transverse shear modulus for the material or the transverse
shear stiffness for the shell. The definition of an appropriate stiffness
depends on the shell's material composition and its lay-up; that is, how the
material is distributed through the thickness of the cross-section.
The transverse shear stiffness should be specified as the initial, linear
elastic stiffness of the shell in response to pure transverse shear strains.
For a homogeneous shell made of a linear, orthotropic elastic material, where
the strong material direction aligns with the element's local 1-direction, the
transverse shear stiffness should be
are the material's shear moduli in the out-of-plane direction. The number 5/6
is the shear correction coefficient that results from matching the transverse
shear energy to that for a three-dimensional structure in pure bending. For
composite shells the shear correction coefficient is different from the value
for homogeneous ones; see
Transverse shear stiffness in composite shells and offsets from the midsurface
for a discussion of how the effective shear stiffness for elastic materials is
obtained in
Checking the Validity of Using Shell Theory
For linear elastic materials the slenderness ratio,
where =1
or 2 (no sum on )
and l is a characteristic length on the surface of the
shell, can be used as a guideline to decide if the assumption that plane
sections must remain plane is satisfied and, hence, shell theory is adequate.
Generally, if
shell theory will be adequate; for smaller values the membrane strains
will not vary linearly through the section, and shell theory will probably not
give sufficiently accurate results. The characteristic length,
l, is independent of the element length and should not be
confused with the element's characteristic length, .
To obtain the
and ,
you must run a data check analysis using a composite general shell section
definition. The
will be printed under the title “TRANSVERSE SHEAR STIFFNESS FOR
THE SECTION” in the data (.dat) file if
you request model definition data (see
Controlling the Amount of analysis input file processor Information Written to the Data File).
will be printed out under the title “SECTION STIFFNESS