Using a General Shell Section to Define the Section Behavior
A general shell section:
is used when numerical integration through the thickness of the shell is not required;
can be associated with linear elastic material behavior;
can invoke user subroutine UGENS (Abaqus/Standard) or VUGENS (Abaqus/Explicit) to define nonlinear section properties in terms of forces and moments;
can be used to model an equivalent shell section for some more complex geometry (for
example, replacing a corrugated shell with an equivalent smooth plate for global
analysis); and
cannot be used with heat transfer and coupled temperature-displacement shells.
A general shell section can be defined as follows:
The section response can be specified by associating the section with a material
definition or, in the case of a composite shell, with several different material
The section properties can be specified directly.
In Abaqus/Standard the section response can be programmed in user subroutine UGENS.
Specifying the Equivalent Section Properties by Defining the Layers (Thickness, Material,
and Orientation)
You can define the shell section's mechanical response by specifying the thickness; the
material reference; and the orientation of the section or, for a composite shell, the
orientation of each of its layers. Abaqus will determine the equivalent section properties. You must associate the section behavior
with a region of your model.
The linear elastic material behavior is defined with a material definition (Material Data Definition), which may
contain linear elastic behavior (Linear Elastic Behavior) and thermal
expansion behavior (Thermal Expansion). The density
(Density) and damping
(Material Damping) behavior can also
be specified as described below; in Abaqus/Explicit the density of the material must be defined. However, no nonlinear material properties,
such as plastic behavior, can be included since Abaqus will precompute the section response and will not update that response during the
analysis. Dependence of the linear elastic material behavior on temperature or predefined
field variables is not allowed.
The shell section response is defined by
No temperature-dependent scaling of the modulus is included. The section forces
and moments caused by thermal strains, , vary linearly with temperature and are defined by
where are the generalized stresses caused by a fully constrained unit
temperature rise that result from the user-defined thermal expansion, is the temperature, and is the initial (stress-free) temperature at this point in the shell
(defined by the initial nodal temperatures given as initial conditions; see Defining Initial Temperatures).
Defining a Shell Made of a Single Linear Elastic Material
To define a shell made of a single linear elastic material, you refer to the name of a
material definition (Material Data Definition) as described
above. Optionally, you can define an orientation definition to be used with the section
(Orientations). A spatially
varying local coordinate system defined with a distribution (Distribution Definition) can be assigned
to the shell section definition. In addition, you specify the shell thickness as part of
the section definition. For continuum shell elements the specified thickness is used to
estimate certain section properties, such as hourglass stiffness, that are later computed
from the element geometry.
You must associate this section behavior with a region of your model.
You can redefine the thickness, offset, section stiffness, and material orientation
specified in the section definition on an element-by-element basis. See Distribution Definition.
If the orientation definition assigned to a shell section definition is defined with
distributions, spatially varying local coordinate systems are applied to all shell
elements associated with the shell section. A default local coordinate system (as defined
by the distributions) is applied to any shell element that is not specifically included in
the associated distribution.
where the ELSET parameter refers
to a set of shell elements.
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Property module:
Create Section: select Shell as the section Category and Homogeneous as
the section Type: Section integration: Before analysis; Basic: Material:nameAssignMaterial Orientation: select regions
AssignSection: select regions
Defining a Shell Made of Layers with Different Linear Elastic Material
You can define a shell made of layers with different linear elastic material behaviors.
Optionally, you can define an orientation definition to be used with the section (Orientations). A spatially
varying local coordinate system defined with a distribution (Distribution Definition) can be assigned
to the shell section definition.
You specify the layer thickness; the name of the material forming this layer (as
described above); and the orientation angle, , (in degrees) measured positive counterclockwise relative to the
specified section orientation definition. Spatially varying orientation angles can be
specified on a layer using distributions (Distribution Definition). If either of
the two local directions from the specified section orientation is not in the surface of
the shell, is applied after the section orientation has been projected onto the
shell surface. If you do not specify a section orientation, is measured relative to the default shell local directions (see Conventions). The order of
the laminated shell layers with respect to the positive direction of the shell normal is
defined by the order in which the layers are specified.
For continuum shell elements the thickness is determined from the element geometry and
might vary through the model for a given section definition. Hence, the specified
thicknesses are only relative thicknesses for each layer. The actual thickness of a layer
is the element thickness times the fraction of the total thickness that is accounted for
by each layer. The thickness ratios for the layers need not be given in physical units,
nor do the sum of the layer relative thicknesses need to add to one. The specified shell
thickness is used to estimate certain section properties, such as hourglass stiffness,
that are later computed from the element geometry.
Spatially varying thicknesses can be specified on the layers of conventional shell
elements (not continuum shell elements) using distributions (Distribution Definition). A distribution
that is used to define layer thickness must have a default value. The default layer
thickness is used by any shell element assigned to the shell section that is not
specifically assigned a value in the distribution.
You must associate this section behavior with a region of your model.
If you define the orientation definition assigned to a shell section definition with
distributions, spatially varying local coordinate systems are applied to all shell
elements associated with the shell section. A default local coordinate system (as defined
by the distributions) is applied to any shell element that is not specifically included in
the associated distribution.
If you define spatially varying orientation angles or spatially varying thickness with
distributions, default data in the distribution table are used to generate the model
section summary information (stiffness, thickness, and orientation angle), which are
written to the data (.dat) file when requested.
Unless your model is relatively simple, you will find it increasingly
difficult to define your model using composite shell sections as you increase the number
of layers and as you assign different sections to different regions. It can also be
cumbersome to redefine the sections after you add new layers or remove or reposition
existing layers. To manage a large number of layers in a typical composite model, you
might want to use the composite layup functionality in Abaqus/CAE. For more information, see Composite layups.
where the ELSET parameter refers
to a set of shell elements.
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Abaqus/CAE uses a composite layup or a composite shell section to define a shell made of layers
with different linear elastic material behaviors.
Use the following option for a composite layup:
Property module: Create Composite Layup: select Conventional Shell or Continuum Shell as the Element Type: Section integration: Before analysis: specify orientations, regions, and materials
Use the following options for a composite shell section:
Property module:
Create Section: select Shell as the section Category and Composite as the section Type: Section integration: Before analysisAssignMaterial Orientation: select regions
AssignSection: select regions
Specifying the Equivalent Section Properties Directly for Conventional Shells
You can define the section's mechanical response by specifying the general section
stiffness and thermal expansion response—, , , and , as defined below—directly. Since this method then provides the complete
specification of the section's mechanical response, no material reference is needed.
Optionally, you can define , the reference temperature for thermal expansion.
You must associate this section behavior with a region of your model.
In this case the shell section response is defined by
are the forces and moments on the shell section (membrane forces per unit
length, bending moments per unit length);
are the generalized section strains in the shell (reference surface strains
and curvatures);
is the section stiffness matrix;
is a scaling modulus, which can be used to introduce temperature and field-variable dependence of the cross-section stiffness; and
are the section forces and moments (per unit length) caused by thermal
These thermal forces and moments in the shell are generated according to the formula
is a scaling factor (the “thermal expansion coefficient”);
is the initial (stress-free) temperature at this point in the shell, defined
by the initial nodal temperatures given as initial conditions (Defining Initial Temperatures); and
are the user-specified generalized section forces and moments (per unit
length) caused by a fully constrained unit temperature rise.
If the coefficient of thermal expansion, , is not a function of temperature, the value of is not needed. Note the distinction between , the reference value used in defining , and the stress-free initial temperature, .
In these equations the order of the terms is
that is, the direct membrane terms come first, then the shear membrane term, then
the direct and shear bending terms, with six terms in all. Engineering measures of shear
membrane strain () and twist () are used in Abaqus.
This method of defining the shell section properties cannot be used with variable thickness
shells or continuum shell elements.
The stiffness matrix, , can be defined as a constant stiffness for the section or as a spatially
varying stiffness by referring to a distribution (Distribution Definition). If a spatially
varying stiffness is used, the distribution must have a default stiffness defined. The
default stiffness is used by any shell element assigned to the shell section that is not
specifically assigned a value in the distribution.
where the ELSET parameter refers to
a set of shell elements.
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Property module:
Create Section: select Shell as the section Category and General shell stiffness as the section TypeAssignSection: select regions
Specifying the Section Properties in User Subroutine
You can define the section response in user subroutine UGENS (Abaqus/Standard) or VUGENS (Abaqus/Explicit) for the more general case where the section response might be nonlinear. User
subroutines UGENS and VUGENS are particularly useful if the
nonlinear behavior of the section involves geometric as well as material nonlinearity, such
as might occur due to section collapse. If only nonlinear material behavior is present, it
is simpler to use a shell section integrated during the analysis with the appropriate
nonlinear material model.
You must specify a constant section thickness as part of the section definition or a
continuously varying thickness by defining the thickness at the nodes as described below.
Even though the section's mechanical behavior is defined in user subroutines UGENS and VUGENS, the thickness of the shell
section is required for calculation of the hourglass control stiffness. You must associate
this section behavior with a region of your model.
Abaqus/Standard calls user subroutine UGENS for each integration point at
each iteration of every increment. The subroutine provides the following information:
Section state at the start of the increment (section forces and moments, ; generalized section strains, ; solution-dependent state variables; temperature; and any predefined
field variables).
Increments in temperature and predefined field variables.
Generalized section strain increments, .
Time increment.
Abaqus/Explicit calls user subroutine VUGENS for blocks of integration
points in shell elements at every increment. The subroutine provides the following information:
Section states at the start of the increment (section forces, , and moments, ; midsurface deformation gradient, ; solution-dependent state variables; temperature; and any predefined
field variables).
Section states at the end of the increment (midsurface deformation gradient, ; curvature, ; temperature; and any predefined field variables).
Membrane strain increments, .
Incremental curvature, .
Time increment.
Each subroutine must perform two functions: it must update the forces, the moments, and the
solution-dependent state variables to their values at the end of the increment; and it must
provide the section stiffness matrix, . In Abaqus/Explicit the section stiffness is used to evaluate the stable time increment. You must program the
complete section response, including the thermal expansion effects, in the user subroutine.
In Abaqus/Standard you should ensure that the strain increment is not used or changed in user subroutine
UGENS for linear perturbation
analyses. For this case the quantity is undefined.
You cannot use this method of defining the shell section properties with continuum shell
where the ELSET parameter refers to
a set of shell elements.
Abaqus/CAE Usage
User subroutines UGENS and VUGENS are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining Whether or Not the Section Stiffness Matrices Are Symmetric in Abaqus/Standard
If the section stiffness matrices are not symmetric, you can specify that Abaqus/Standard should use its unsymmetric equation solution capability (see Defining an Analysis).
User subroutine UGENS is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining the Section Properties
Any number of constants can be defined to be used in determining the section behavior.
You can specify the number of integer property values required,
m, and the number of real (floating point) property values
required, n; the total number of values required is the sum of
these two numbers. The default number of integer property values required is 0, and the
default number of real property values required is 0.
Integer property values can be used inside user subroutines UGENS and VUGENS as flags, indices, counters,
etc. Examples of real (floating point) property values are material properties, geometric
data, and any other information required to calculate the section response in UGENS and VUGENS.
The property values are passed into user subroutines UGENS and VUGENS each time the subroutines are
To define the property values, enter all floating point values on the data lines
first, followed immediately by the integer values. You can enter eight values per
Abaqus/CAE Usage
User subroutines UGENS and VUGENS are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining the Number of Solution-Dependent Variables That Must Be Stored for the
You can define the number of solution-dependent state variables that must be stored at
each integration point within the section. There is no restriction on the number of
variables associated with a user-defined section. The default number of variables is 1.
Examples of such variables are plastic strains, damage variables, failure indices, and
user-defined output quantities.
These solution-dependent state variables can be calculated and updated in user
subroutines UGENS and VUGENS.
User subroutines UGENS and VUGENS are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining Element Deletion and Damage of Transverse Shear Stiffness in Abaqus/Explicit
You can control element deletion and damage of the transverse shear stiffness by defining
the solution-dependent state variables to be stored at each integration point within the
section. These solution-dependent state variables can be updated inside user subroutine
You can control element deletion in a mesh during an Abaqus analysis using user subroutine VUGENS to set the state variable
DELETE. Deleted elements have no ability
to carry stresses and do not contribute to the model stiffness. You specify the state
variable number controlling the element deletion flag. For example, specifying a state
variable number of indicates that the state variable
SDV is the deletion flag in the user subroutine. You can set the state
variable DELETE to a value of one to
indicate that the element is active or to zero to indicate that Abaqus should delete the element from the model.
You can control the transverse shear stiffness using user subroutine VUGENS to set the state variable
TVS DAMAGE. You specify the state
variable number controlling the shell element transverse shear damage variable. For
example, specifying a state variable number of indicates that the state variable
SDV is the transverse shear damage variable in the user subroutine. You can
set the state variable TVS DAMAGE to a
value between zero and one, with a default value of one indicating the initial undamaged
state. This state variable is used as the transverse shear stiffness scaling factor to
scale the transverse shear stiffness of the shell elements during an Abaqus analysis.
User subroutine VUGENS is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Idealizing the Section Response
Idealizations allow you to modify the stiffness coefficients in a shell section based on
assumptions about the shell's makeup or expected behavior. The following idealizations are
available for general shell sections:
Retain only the membrane stiffness for shells whose predominant response will be
in-plane stretching.
Retain only the bending stiffness for shells whose predominant response will be pure
Ignore the effects of the material layer stacking sequence for composite shells.
The membrane stiffness and bending stiffness idealizations can be applied to homogeneous
shell sections, composite shell sections, or shell sections with the stiffness coefficients
specified directly. The idealization to ignore stacking effects can be applied only to
composite shell sections.
Idealizations modify the shell general stiffness coefficients after they have been
computed normally, including the effects of offset.
If you use any idealization, all membrane-bending coupling terms are set to zero.
If you retain only the membrane stiffness, off-diagonal terms of the bending submatrix
are set to zero, and diagonal bending terms are set to 1 × 10−6 times the
largest diagonal membrane coefficient.
If you retain only the bending stiffness, off-diagonal terms of the membrane submatrix
are set to zero, and diagonal membrane terms are set to 1 × 10−6 times the
largest diagonal bending coefficient.
If you ignore the material layer stacking sequence in a composite shell, each term of
the bending submatrix is set equal to T2/12 times the
corresponding membrane submatrix term, where T is the total
thickness of the shell.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to retain only the membrane stiffness:
Multiple idealization options can be used on the same general shell section.
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Use any of the following options to apply an idealization to a shell section:
Property module: Homogeneous shell section editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Basic: Idealization:Membrane only or Bending only
Property module: Composite shell section editor: Section integration:Before analysis; Basic: Idealization:Membrane only, Bending only,
or Smear all layers
Property module: Shell (conventional or continuum) composite layup editor:
Section integration: Before analysis; Basic: Idealization:Membrane only, Bending only, or Smear all layers
You cannot apply multiple idealizations to the same shell section in Abaqus/CAE, and you cannot apply idealizations to a general shell stiffness section.
Defining a Shell Offset Value for Conventional Shells
You can define the distance (measured as a fraction of the shell's thickness) from the
shell's midsurface to the reference surface containing the element's nodes (see Defining the Initial Geometry of Conventional Shell Elements). Positive values of the offset are in the positive
normal direction (see About Shell Elements). When the offset is set
equal to 0.5, the top surface of the shell is the reference surface. When the offset is set
equal to −0.5, the bottom surface is the reference surface. The default offset is 0, which
indicates that the middle surface of the shell is the reference surface.
You can specify an offset value that is greater in magnitude than 0.5. However, this
technique should be used with caution in regions of high curvature. The element's area and
all kinematic quantities are calculated relative to the reference surface, which might lead
to a surface area integration error, affecting the stiffness and mass of the shell.
A spatially varying offset can be defined for conventional shells using a distribution
(Distribution Definition). The distribution
used to define the shell offset must have a default value. The default offset is used by any
shell element assigned to the shell section that is not specifically assigned a value in the
An offset to the shell's top surface is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Schematic of shell offset for an offset value of 0.5.
A shell offset value can be specified only if a material definition is referenced or a
composite shell section is defined.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify a value for the shell offset:
The OFFSET parameter accepts a
value, a label (SPOS or
SNEG), or the name of a distribution that is used to
define a spatially varying offset. Specifying SPOS is
equivalent to specifying a value of 0.5; specifying SNEG
is equivalent to specifying a value of −0.5.
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Use the following option for a composite layup:
Property module: composite layup editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Offset: choose a reference surface, specify an offset, or select a scalar discrete field
Use the following option for a shell section assignment:
Property module: AssignSection: select regions: Section: select a homogeneous or composite shell section: Definition: select a reference surface, specify an offset, or select a scalar discrete field
Defining a Variable Thickness for Conventional Shells Using Distributions
You can define a spatially varying thickness for conventional shells using a distribution
(Distribution Definition). The thickness of
continuum shell elements is defined by the element geometry.
For composite shells the total thickness is defined by the distribution. The layer
thicknesses that you specify are scaled proportionally such that the sum of the layer
thicknesses is equal to the total thickness (including spatially varying layer thicknesses
defined with a distribution).
The distribution used to define shell thickness must have a default value. The default
thickness is used by any shell element assigned to the shell section that is not
specifically assigned a value in the distribution.
If you define spatially varying thickness with a distribution, default data in the
distribution table are used to generate the model section summary information (stiffness and
thickness), which are written to the data (.dat) file when
If the shell thickness is defined for a shell section with a distribution, nodal
thicknesses cannot be used for that section definition.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a spatially varying thickness:
Use the following option for a conventional shell composite layup:
Property module: composite layup editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Shell Parameters: Shell thickness: Element distribution: select an analytical field or an element-based discrete field
Use the following option for a homogeneous shell section:
Property module: shell section editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Basic: Shell thickness: Element distribution: select an analytical field or an element-based discrete field
Use the following option for a composite shell section:
Property module: shell section editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Advanced: Shell thickness: Element distribution: select an analytical field or an element-based discrete field
Defining a Variable Nodal Thickness for Conventional Shells
You can define a conventional shell with continuously varying thickness by specifying the
thickness of the shell at the nodes. This method can be used only if the section is defined
in terms of material properties; it cannot be used if the section behavior is defined by
specifying the equivalent section properties directly. For continuum shell elements a
continuously varying thickness can be defined through the element nodal geometry; hence, the
nodal thickness is not meaningful.
If you indicate that the nodal thicknesses will be specified, for homogeneous shells any
constant shell thickness you specify will be ignored, and the shell thickness will be
interpolated from the nodes. The thickness must be defined at all nodes connected to the
For composite shells the total thickness is interpolated from the nodes, and the layer
thicknesses you specify are scaled proportionally such that the sum of the layer thicknesses
is equal to the total thickness (including spatially varying layer thicknesses defined with
a distribution).
If the shell thickness is defined for a shell section with a distribution, nodal
thicknesses cannot be used for that section definition. However, if nodal thicknesses are
used, you can still use distributions to define spatially varying thicknesses on the layers
of conventional shell elements.
Use the following option for a conventional shell composite layup:
Property module: composite layup editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Shell Parameters: Nodal distribution: select an analytical field or a node-based discrete field
Use the following option for a homogeneous shell section:
Property module: shell section editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Basic: Nodal distribution: select an analytical field or a node-based discrete field
Use the following option for a composite shell section:
Property module: shell section editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Advanced: Nodal distribution: select an analytical field or a node-based discrete field
Defining the Poisson Strain in Shell Elements in the Thickness Direction
Abaqus allows for a possible uniform change in the shell thickness in a geometrically nonlinear
analysis (see Change of Shell Thickness). The
Poisson’s strain is based on a fixed section
Poisson’s ratio, either user specified or computed by Abaqus based on the elastic portion of the material definition.
By default, Abaqus computes the Poisson’s strain using a fixed section
Poisson’s ratio of 0.5.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify a value for the effective Poisson's ratio:
Property module: composite layup editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Shell Parameters: Section Poisson's ratio: Use analysis default or Specify value:
Use the following option for a homogeneous or composite shell section:
Property module: shell section editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Advanced: Section Poisson's ratio: Use analysis default or Specify value:
You cannot specify a shell thickness direction behavior based on the initial elastic
material definition in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining the Thickness Modulus in Continuum Shell Elements
The thickness modulus is used in computing the stress in the thickness direction (see Thickness Direction Stress in Continuum Shell Elements). By default, Abaqus computes a thickness modulus that is equal to twice the initial in-plane shear modulus
based on the elastic portion of the material definitions in the initial configuration.
Alternatively, you can either provide a value (that is, specify it directly) or let Abaqus compute it as the tensile modulus in the out-of-plane direction based on the elastic
properties in the initial configuration.
If the material properties are unavailable during the preprocessing stage of input (for
example, when the material behavior is defined by the fabric material model or user
subroutine UMAT or VUMAT), you must specify the effective
thickness modulus directly.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define an effective thickness modulus directly:
must be used in conjunction with
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Use the following option for a composite layup:
Property module: composite layup editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Shell Parameters: Thickness modulus to specify the thickness properties directly
Use the following option for a homogeneous or composite shell section:
Property module: shell section editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Advanced: Thickness modulus to specify the thickness properties directly
Defining the Transverse Shear Stiffness
You can provide nondefault values of the transverse shear stiffness. You must specify the
transverse shear stiffness for shear flexible shells in Abaqus/Standard if the section properties are specified in user subroutine UGENS. If you do not specify the
transverse shear stiffness, it will be calculated as described in Shell Section Behavior.
Property module: composite layup editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Shell Parameters: toggle on Specify transverse shear
Use the following option for a homogeneous or composite shell section:
Property module: shell section editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Advanced: toggle on Specify transverse shear
Defining the Initial Section Forces and Moments
You can define initial stresses (see Defining Initial Stresses) for general shell sections that will be applied as initial section forces and moments.
Initial conditions can be specified only for the membrane forces, the bending moments, and
the twisting moment. Initial conditions cannot be prescribed for the transverse shear
Specifying the Order of Accuracy in the Abaqus/Explicit Shell Element Formulation
In Abaqus/Explicit you can specify second-order accuracy in the shell element formulation. See Section Controls for more information.
Specifying Nondefault Hourglass Control Parameters for Reduced-Integration Shell
You can specify a nondefault hourglass control formulation or scale factors for elements
that use reduced integration. See Section Controls for more
In Abaqus/Standard the nondefault enhanced hourglass control formulation is available only for
S4R and
SC8R elements.
In Abaqus/Standard you can modify the default values for hourglass control stiffness based on the default
total stiffness approach for elements that use hourglass control and define a scaling factor
for the stiffness associated with the drill degree of freedom (rotation about the surface
normal) for elements that use six degrees of freedom at a node.
No default values are available for hourglass control stiffness if the section properties
are specified in user subroutine UGENS. Therefore, you must specify the
hourglass control stiffness when UGENS is used to specify the section
properties for reduced-integration elements.
The stiffness associated with the drill degree of freedom is the average of the direct
components of the transverse shear stiffness multiplied by a scaling factor. In most cases
the default scaling factor is appropriate for constraining the drill rotation to follow the
in-plane rotation of the element. If an additional scaling factor is defined, the additional
scaling factor should not increase or decrease the drill stiffness by more than a factor of
100.0 for most typical applications. Usually, a scaling factor between 0.1 and 10.0 is
There are no hourglass stiffness factors or scale factors for hourglass stiffness for the
nondefault enhanced hourglass control formulation. You can define the scale factor for the
drill stiffness for the nondefault enhanced hourglass control formulation.
Input File Usage
Use both of the following options to specify a nondefault hourglass control
formulation or scale factors for reduced-integration elements:
Use both of the following options in Abaqus/Standard to modify the default values for hourglass control stiffness based on the default total
stiffness approach for reduced-integration elements and to define a scaling factor for the
stiffness associated with the drill degree of freedom (rotation about the surface normal)
for six degree of freedom elements:
You can define the mass per unit area for conventional shell elements whose section
properties are specified directly in terms of the section stiffness (either directly in the
section definition or, in Abaqus/Standard, in user subroutine UGENS). The density is required, for
example, in a dynamic analysis or for gravity loading. See Density for details.
The density is defined as part of the material definition for shells whose section
properties include a material definition.
This functionality is similar to the more general functionality of defining a
nonstructural mass contribution (see Nonstructural Mass Definition.) The only
difference between the two definitions is that the nonstructural mass contributes to the
rotary inertia terms about the midsurface while the additional mass defined in the section
definition does not.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define the density directly:
Property module: composite layup editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Shell Parameters: toggle on Density, and enter
Use the following option for a homogeneous or composite shell section:
Property module: shell section editor: Section integration: Before analysis; Advanced: toggle on Density, and enter
You cannot define the shell section properties in user subroutine UGENS in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining Damping
You can include mass and stiffness proportional damping in a shell section definition. See
Material Damping for more
information about material damping in Abaqus.
Specifying Temperature and Field Variables
Temperatures and field variables can be specified by defining the value at the reference
surface of the shell or by defining the values at the nodes of a continuum shell element.
The actual values of the temperatures and field variables are specified as either predefined
fields or initial conditions (see Predefined Fields or Initial Conditions).
The following output variables are available from Abaqus/Explicit as element output: section forces and moments, section strains, element energies, element
stable time increment, and element mass scaling factor.
The output that is available from Abaqus/Standard depends on how the section behavior is defined.
Output if the section is defined in terms of material
For shells whose section properties include a material definition (homogeneous or
composite), section forces and moments and section strains are available as element
output. The section moments are calculated relative to the reference surface. In
addition, stress (in-plane and, for certain elements, transverse shear), strain, and
orthotropic failure measures can be output. Since the behavior of the material is
linear, three section points per layer (the bottom, middle, and top, respectively) are
available for output. Stress invariants and principal stresses
are not available as output but can be visualized in Abaqus/CAE.
Output if the equivalent section properties are specified directly or in
If the matrix is used to specify the equivalent section properties directly
or if user subroutine UGENS is used, section point
stresses and strains and section strains are not available for output or visualization inAbaqus/CAE; only section forces and moments can be requested for outputor visualized inAbaqus/CAE.