Mesh Tie Constraints

A surface-based tie constraint permanently bonds two surfaces.

A surface-based tie constraint:

  • ties two surfaces together for the duration of a simulation;

  • can be used only with surface-based constraint definitions;

  • can be used in mechanical, coupled temperature-displacement, coupled thermal-electrical-structural, coupled thermal-electrochemical, acoustic pressure, coupled acoustic pressure-displacement, coupled pore pressure–displacement, coupled thermal-electrical, or heat transfer simulations;

  • can also be used to create a constraint on a surface so that it follows the motion of a three-dimensional beam;

  • is useful for mesh refinement purposes, especially for three-dimensional problems;

  • allows for rapid transitions in mesh density within the model;

  • constrains each of the nodes on the secondary surface to have the same motion and the same value of temperature, pore pressure, acoustic pressure, or electrical potential as the point on the main surface to which it is closest;

  • takes the initial thickness and offset of shell elements underlying the surface into account by default; and

  • eliminates the degrees of freedom of the secondary surface nodes that are constrained, where possible.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
About Surfaces
Defining tie constraints
Using contact and constraint detection
