makes it possible to analyze the behavior of a 360° structure with cyclic symmetry based
on a model of a repetitive sector;
can determine the response to cyclic symmetric loading in static, quasi-static, explicit
dynamic, and heat transfer analyses;
in Abaqus/Standard, can calculate all eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the 360° structure with the block
Lanczos eigenfrequency extraction procedure;
in Abaqus/Standard, can determine the response to loading corresponding to a given cyclic symmetry mode in
modal-based steady-state dynamic analysis; and
does not require that matched meshes be used on the symmetry surfaces.
Structures that exhibit cyclic symmetry provide the analyst with an opportunity to model an
entire 360° structure at considerably reduced computational expense by analyzing only a
single repetitive sector of the model. Typically, this is the smallest sector that can be
identified, although this is not necessary. For example, if a structure consists of 16
repetitive sectors it is possible to use a 45° model containing two repetitive sectors. The
sectors are numbered in the counterclockwise direction to the axis of cyclic symmetry (as
described further below). Of course this is less efficient than using a 22.5° model with one
sector. There is no restriction that the meshes on the two symmetry surfaces of a repetitive
sector match in any way.
There are two basic cases that must be considered in such an analysis: a model that has a
cyclic symmetric initial state and a cyclic symmetric response, and a model with a cyclic
symmetric initial state but a nonsymmetric response. The cyclic symmetry capability provides
for linear and nonlinear analysis of cyclic symmetric structures with cyclic symmetric
response. The condition that the structure be cyclic symmetric holds throughout the
analysis, so in a loading step it is not possible to have any nonsymmetric deformation in
the structure at any time. Therefore, only cyclic symmetric loads can be applied for this
Analysis of cyclic symmetric structures that exhibit nonsymmetric response requires
additional consideration. Such an analysis can be performed only in Abaqus/Standard and only in a linear perturbation step, since the nonsymmetric deformation invalidates
the assumption of a cyclic symmetric “base state” for any subsequent step in a general
nonlinear analysis. The full response of an entire cyclic symmetric structure, such as the
structure illustrated in Figure 1, can be represented as a linear combination of several independent basic responses, each
of which corresponds to some k-fold cyclic symmetry mode.
Figure 1. Cyclic symmetric structure.
The cyclic symmetry mode number, which is sometimes also referred to as the “nodal
diameter,” indicates the number of waves along the circumference in a basic response. Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 illustrate basic responses corresponding to the 0-, 1-, and 2-fold modes (nodal diameters
0, 1, and 2) in a cyclic symmetric structure containing four repetitive sectors. A full
linear perturbation analysis can be performed by solving a sequence of corresponding linear
analyses for a symmetric single sector. Cyclic symmetric boundary conditions (associated
with various cyclic symmetry modes) on the single sector give rise to Hermitian stiffness
and mass matrices (complex matrices with symmetric real parts and skew-symmetric imaginary
parts). The kth linear analysis in the sequence is performed using
symmetry conditions that correspond to the k-fold cyclic symmetry mode
of the structural response. For a structure exhibiting N-fold cyclic
symmetry, only (N even) or (N odd) such analyses are required. This results in a
solution for the response of the entire structure at a relatively low computational expense.
Figure 2. Response corresponding to the 0-fold cyclic symmetry mode. Figure 3. Response corresponding to the 1-fold cyclic symmetry mode. Figure 4. Response corresponding to the 2-fold cyclic symmetry mode.
To perform a general linear analysis of a cyclic symmetric structure, the external forces
should be represented as a linear combination of basic loads, each of which corresponds to a
symmetry mode and excites a structural response corresponding to the same mode. In static
analysis a capability to define loads on any mode other than the 0-fold mode has not yet
been implemented. As the response of the 0-fold mode preserves cyclic symmetry, analysis of
this type of structure can be done in a general nonlinear step, as well as in a linear
perturbation step (as described above). For the same reason, such a step can be used as a
preload step for a cyclic symmetric linear perturbation step.
Extraction of a nonsymmetrical response for a cyclic symmetric structure is currently
available only for eigenfrequency extraction analysis (Natural Frequency Extraction) using the block Lanczos method and for frequency
domain, modal-based steady-state dynamic analysis (Mode-Based Steady-State Dynamic Analysis). Natural frequencies corresponding to both symmetric and nonsymmetric eigenmodes can be
extracted for a specific cyclic symmetry mode, for a group of cyclic symmetry modes, or for
all cyclic symmetry modes. They can be used within the subsequent steady-state dynamic
analysis. The eigenmodes onto which the solution is projected are chosen as described in
Selecting the Modes and Specifying Damping.
In a steady-state modal-based dynamic analysis, concentrated, distributed, and surface
loads can be defined as projected onto a specific cyclic symmetry mode. Within the same
steady-state dynamics step all applied loads have to be given as projected onto the same
cyclic symmetry mode. This limitation implies that the specified cyclic symmetry mode must
be the same for all loads within the given steady-state dynamics step.
Defining a Cyclic Symmetric Model
Define the mesh for a single sector of the model, the so called “datum sector.” Specify the
number of sectors, n, in the 360° model. Define the axis of
symmetry by specifying the coordinates (in the global coordinate system) of two points lying
on the axis. The axis direction is from the first point to the second point, and the sectors
are numbered counterclockwise around the axis, with the datum sector as sector number 1. For
a two-dimensional model only a single point needs to be given on the axis. The axis
direction is assumed to be in the positive z-direction; hence,
the sectors are numbered counterclockwise in the
x–y plane.
In a model defined in terms of an assembly of part instances, the CYCLIC SYMMETRY MODEL option must
appear within the model definition (see Assembly Definition).
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Interaction module: InteractionCreate: Cyclic symmetry: Total number of sectors: n
Applying Cyclic Symmetry Constraints
To apply the cyclic symmetry constraints, you must define one or more pairs of
corresponding surfaces on each side of the datum sector (see About Surfaces). You can then
apply the cyclic symmetry constraints between the pairs of corresponding surfaces using a
cyclic symmetry surface-based tie constraint (see Defining Tied Contact in Abaqus/Standard). The first
surface of each pair specified in the tie constraint definition is the secondary surface,
and all degrees of freedom of the nodes in the surface will be eliminated by internally
generated multi-point constraints. The second surface of each pair is a main surface. If
more than one pair of secondary/main surfaces is defined, the rotation direction from the
secondary surface to the main surface must be the same for all pairs (i.e., clockwise or
Input File Usage
Use the following options to apply a cyclic symmetry constraint between two
SURFACE, NAME=mainSURFACE, NAME=secondaryTIE, CYCLIC SYMMETRY, NAME=cyclicsecondary, main
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Interaction module: InteractionCreate: Cyclic symmetry: click Surface in the prompt area
Using Mismatched Surface Meshes
In the case of mismatched surface meshes, as shown in Figure 5, the finer mesh should typically be the secondary surface. Mismatched meshes may
cause some local inaccuracies in the stress field. The magnitude of the inaccuracies
depends on the degree of mismatch between the meshes as well as on the element type
used: the inaccuracies are typically most pronounced for second-order (modified)
tetrahedral elements. Hence, if mismatched surface meshes are used, it is recommended
that the sector boundaries be chosen in areas where accuracy of the local stress field
is not critical.
Figure 5. Cyclic symmetry surfaces with mismatched nodes.
For shells the cyclic symmetry condition has to be applied to the nodes on the edges of
the shell elements. Currently cyclic symmetry is not supported for element-based
surfaces defined on the edges of shells. Therefore, if mismatched meshes are used for
shell elements, an element-based surface should be defined on the top or bottom of the
shell elements adjacent to the edges that form the main surface. A node-based surface
can be defined on the edge that forms the secondary surface.
Applying Node-to-Node Cyclic Symmetry Constraints
In the case of matched meshes, either surface can be chosen as the secondary surface.
If the surfaces have matched meshes, as shown in Figure 6, it is possible to use a node-based main surface to obtain node-to-node cyclic
symmetry constraints. The advantage of this is that Abaqus/Standard will adjust the positions of the nodes on the secondary surface so that they
precisely match the positions of the nodes on the main surface. This yields the most
accurate results and minimizes the computational cost. In this case the secondary
surface will typically be chosen as a node-based surface as well, although
computationally it does not matter since in either case a strict node-to-node constraint
is applied.
Figure 6. Cyclic symmetry surfaces with node-to-node matching.
For discrete members (such as trusses or beams) the cyclic symmetry condition can be
enforced only using node-based surfaces.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to apply a cyclic symmetry constraint between two
node-based surfaces:
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Interaction module: InteractionCreate: Cyclic symmetry: click Node Region in the prompt area
Applying Cyclic Symmetry Conditions on the Symmetry Axis
If a node is located on the symmetry axis, special cyclic symmetry constraints must be
applied for the 0-fold and 1-fold cyclic symmetry modes; whereas all degrees of freedom
must be constrained for the other cyclic symmetry modes. For the 0-fold cyclic symmetry
mode the degrees of freedom in the plane orthogonal to the symmetry axis are constrained;
for the 1-fold cyclic symmetry mode the degrees of freedom along the symmetry axis are
constrained. Abaqus/Standard will create these constraints automatically as long as the node is included in the
definition of the secondary surface, the main surface, or both the secondary and main
Obtaining All Eigenfrequencies of a Cyclic Symmetric Structure
The natural frequencies and corresponding eigenmodes of a cyclic symmetric structure can be
extracted using the eigenfrequency extraction procedure with the Lanczos eigensolver (see
Natural Frequency Extraction). No additional information is required for the
eigenfrequency extraction procedure. All the natural frequencies are sorted in the
conventional (ascending) order. For each natural frequency the cyclic symmetry mode number
is reported.
The eigenmodes are written in the order corresponding to natural frequencies to the data
(.dat), results (.fil), and output database
(.odb) files for the user-specified datum sector only. These modes can be expanded in Abaqus/CAE to the entire structure depending on the cyclic symmetry mode number.
There are two different types of eigenmodes: single and paired. The eigenmodes for 0-fold
cyclic symmetry are always single. For even N the eigenmodes for the -fold cyclic symmetry are also single. The eigenmodes for the remaining (even N) or (odd N) cyclic symmetry modes are paired. The natural
frequencies corresponding to the paired eigenmodes are equal and always appear together in
the table of the natural frequencies in the data file. The expansion of the eigenmodes with
k-fold cyclic symmetry () to the sector can be done in the following manner:
Here and are paired eigenmodes corresponding to double natural frequencies on the
first (datum) sector and on the ith sectors, respectively; and .
From the expressions above it is clear that eigenmodes with 0-fold cyclic symmetry are
always symmetric; i.e., . Similarly, for even N the eigenmodes with -fold cyclic symmetry are single, since .
Selecting the Cyclic Symmetry Modes
You can select the cyclic symmetry modes for which the eigenfrequency analysis will be
performed by specifying the lowest cyclic symmetry mode to be used in the analysis,
nmin, and the highest cyclic symmetry mode to be used in the
analysis, nmax. By default, nmin is 0.
By default, nmax is (even N) or (odd N). The value of nmin
cannot be greater than the value of nmax, and the value of
nmax cannot be greater than the default value. If you do not
select the cyclic symmetry modes, all possible cyclic symmetry modes are considered in the
analysis. You can choose to use only the even cyclic symmetry modes.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the cyclic symmetry modes:
Use the following option to specify the cyclic symmetry modes:
Interaction module: InteractionCreate: Cyclic symmetry: toggle on Specified range and specify the Lowest nodal diameter and Highest nodal diameter
You cannot request only the even cyclic symmetry modes in Abaqus/CAE.
Selecting the Cyclic Symmetry Mode for a Steady-State Dynamic Step
Only a single cyclic mode can be excited in a steady-state dynamic step. You specify the
cyclic symmetry mode associated with the loading in the load definition.
Input File Usage
Use one of the following options:
Comparison of the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Technique and
MPC Type
(General Multi-Point Constraints) provides a subset
of the functionality provided by the cyclic symmetry analysis capability. For an eigenvalue
analysis MPC type
CYCLSYM will allow extraction of the symmetric
(0-fold) modes only. The cyclic symmetry analysis capability allows the use of surfaces
(About Surfaces) to define the
symmetry surfaces for the model, which enables the use of mismatched meshes on the symmetry
surfaces, whereas MPC type
CYCLSYM can be applied only on a node-to-node basis.
The following limitations exist:
A continuation capability is not available for the cyclic symmetry eigenvalue
extraction procedure. Each eigenvalue extraction step will not reuse any eigenmodes
obtained in the previous eigenvalue extraction steps.
The specified cyclic symmetry mode must be the same for all loads defined within a
given steady-state dynamic step.
Base motion is not implemented for cyclic symmetry models.
Cyclic symmetry conditions are applied to the mechanical degrees of freedom in
stress/displacement analysis and temperature degrees of freedom in heat transfer
analysis. Cyclic symmetry conditions are not applied to acoustic pressure, pore
pressure, and electrical degrees of freedom.
You cannot use cavity radiation in cyclic symmetric models.
You cannot use a dynamic temperature-displacement analysis in cyclic symmetric
Initial Conditions
All applied initial conditions must be cyclic symmetric.
Boundary Conditions
Only cyclic symmetric boundary conditions can be applied. Boundary conditions cannot be
applied to the nodes on the secondary cyclic symmetry surface.
In static analysis only cyclic symmetric loads can be applied. Coriolis loads cannot be
applied, and the effect of the Coriolis load stiffness is not considered in the frequency
In modal-based steady-state dynamic analysis the loads are defined on the datum sector for
a specific cyclic symmetry mode, which is indicated in the loading definition. For the
k-fold cyclic symmetry mode the complex loads and (corresponding to real and imaginary components, respectively) on the
sector are obtained in the following manner:
where and F and G are real and
imaginary components of loads specified for the datum sector, respectively. For the 0-fold
cyclic symmetry mode () this type of loading corresponds to a cyclic symmetric load pattern with and . For this type of loading is generated when a spatially constant load pattern
is applied to a rotating structure (or when a constant load pattern rotates around the
structure). For the -fold mode the complex loads on the sector i are: and .
Predefined Fields
Only cyclic symmetric predefined fields can be applied. Hence, the predefined fields should
have the same values at each side of the datum sector.
Material Options
No specific restrictions apply to material models for cyclic symmetry models of general
procedures. For the frequency analysis procedure, see the remarks in Natural Frequency Extraction.
Axisymmetric elements should not be used in cyclic symmetry models.
Nodal displacements and element output variables such as stress, strain, and section force
are available only for the datum sector. The mass listed in the data file is computed for
the whole model.
The following conditions apply in the eigenvalue extraction procedure:
If you select the displacement eigenvector normalization (default), the largest
displacement entry in each eigenvector on the datum sector is unity. If you select the
mass eigenvector normalization, the eigenvectors are normalized so that the generalized
mass computed for the entire model is unity. For more information, see Natural Frequency Extraction.
The eigenvalue numbers, cyclic symmetry mode numbers, and corresponding frequencies (in
both radians/time and cycles/time) are listed in the data file, along with the
generalized masses, composite modal damping factors, participation factors, and modal
effective masses. The generalized masses, composite modal damping factors, participation
factors, and modal effective masses are calculated for the entire model.
You can restrict output to the results and data files by selecting the modes for which
output is desired (see Output to the Data and Results Files).
With Abaqus/CAE static displacements and eigenmodes can be displayed for any sector. The results of
steady-state, modal-based dynamic analysis can also be animated for any number of
sectors, including the entire model.
Input File Template
Input file templates for creating a cyclic symmetry model for an Abaqus/Standard analysis and for an explicit dynamic analysis are available.
The following template can be used to create a cyclic symmetry model in an Abaqus/Standard analysis:
CYCLIC SYMMETRY MODEL, N=integerN denotes the number of sectors in the entire 360° model.
SURFACE, NAME=name, TYPE=ELEMENTSURFACE, NAME=name, TYPE=NODESurface description for the secondary and main nodes that will be referenced in the TIE option.
TIE, CYCLIC SYMMETRYIndicates the internal MPCs that tie the main and secondary surfaces
using the cyclic symmetry condition in the cyclic symmetry models only.Data lines to specify surface names that will be tied with this option.
If NLGEOM is used, initial stress and preload stiffness effects
will be included in subsequent linear perturbation steps, including the
frequency extraction stepSTATIC
DLOADData lines to specify element or element set, load type, value, (direction).
SELECT EIGENMODESUse this option to specify the list of eigenmodes used in the response.MODAL DAMPINGData lines to specify damping coefficients associated with eigenmodes.
CLOAD, CYCLIC MODE=integer, REAL or IMAGINARYData lines to specify node or node set, degree of freedom, valueDLOAD, CYCLIC MODE=integer, REAL or IMAGINARYData lines to specify element or element set, load type, value, (direction)
DSLOAD, CYCLIC MODE=integer, REAL or IMAGINARYData lines to specify element or element set, load type, value, (direction)
The following template can be used to create a cyclic symmetry model for an explicit
dynamic analysis: