ties two surfaces forming a contact pair together for the duration of
a simulation;
can be used in mechanical, coupled temperature-displacement, coupled
thermal-electrical-structural, coupled pore pressure-displacement, coupled
thermal-electrical, or heat transfer simulations;
constrains each of the nodes on the secondary surface to have the same value of displacement,
temperature, pore pressure, or electrical potential as the point on the main surface that
it contacts;
allows for rapid transitions in mesh density within the model;
requires a nondefault setting to control the treatment of small
initial overclosures and gaps; and
cannot be used with self-contact or symmetric main-secondary contact.
It is often preferable to use the surface-based tie constraint capability
instead of tied contact (see
Mesh Tie Constraints
for details).
To “tie” the surfaces of a contact pair together for an analysis, you must specify a nondefault
control such that small initial overclosures (and optionally small initial gaps) are
resolved by either adjusting the surface positions automatically or storing a contact offset
distance per tied secondary node such that the initial penetration is zero. See Contact Initialization for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Standard for details on adjusting surfaces. As always, you
must associate the contact pair with a contact interaction property definition.
The Tied Contact Formulation
When a contact pair uses the tied contact formulation, Abaqus/Standard uses the undeformed configuration of the model to determine which secondary nodes are
within the adjustment zone (see Adjusting Initial Surface Positions to Resolve Small Initial Gaps or Overclosures), accounting for any
shell or membrane thickness by default. Abaqus/Standard then either adjusts these secondary nodes' positions or determines a contact offset
distance such that the revised initial penetration distance is zero. It forms constraints
between these secondary nodes and the surrounding nodes on the main surface, using either a
“surface-to-surface” or a “node-to-surface” approach, similar to small-sliding contact. The
traditional node-to-surface approach is used by default for tied contact.
The tied contact formulation constrains only translational degrees of
freedom in mechanical simulations.
places no constraints on the rotational degrees of freedom of structural
elements involved in tied contact pairs.
Self-contact is not supported with tied contact. Self-contact is designed
for finite-sliding situations in which it is not obvious from the original
geometry which parts of the surface will come into contact during the
Mechanical constraints for tied contact are strictly enforced with a direct
Lagrange multiplier method by default. Alternatively, you can specify that
these constraints should be enforced with a penalty or augmented Lagrange
constraint method (see
Contact Constraint Enforcement Methods in Abaqus/Standard).
The constraint enforcement method specified will be applied to the tangential
constraints in addition to the normal constraints. Softened contact
pressure-overclosure relationships (exponential, tabular, or linear—see
Contact Pressure-Overclosure Relationships)
are ignored for tied contact.
Use of Tied Contact in Nonmechanical Simulations
The tied contact capability can be used in models where the nodal degrees of
freedom include electrical potential and/or temperature. Except for the nodal
degree of freedom being constrained,
uses exactly the same formulation for tied contact in nonmechanical simulations
as it does for mechanical simulations.
Unconstrained Nodes in Tied Contact Pairs
Abaqus/Standard does not constrain secondary nodes to the main surface unless they are precisely in
contact with the main surface at the start of the analysis. Any secondary nodes not
precisely in contact at the start of the analysis—e.g., either open or overclosed—will
remain unconstrained for the duration of the simulation; they will never interact with the
main surface. In mechanical simulations an unconstrained secondary node can penetrate the
main surface freely. In a thermal, electrical, or pore pressure simulation an unconstrained
secondary node will not exchange heat, electrical current, or pore fluid with the main
To avoid such unconstrained nodes in tied contact pairs, use the capability for adjusting the
surfaces of a contact pair described in Contact Initialization for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Standard. This
capability moves secondary nodes onto the main surface before Abaqus/Standard checks for the initial contact state. It is intended only for nodes that are close to the
main surface and is not intended to correct large errors in the mesh geometry.
Checking That Secondary Nodes Are Constrained
Abaqus/Standard prints a table in the data (.dat) file identifying the predominant
secondary node and other nodes involved in each constraint. If Abaqus/Standard cannot form a constraint for a given secondary node acting as a predominant secondary
node, either because it is not in contact with the main surface or it cannot “see” the
main surface, it will issue a warning message in the data file. For an explanation of when
a secondary node would not “see” a main surface and how to correct this problem, see Contact Formulations in Abaqus/Standard. When creating a model with tied contact, it is
important to use this information provided by Abaqus/Standard to identify any unconstrained nodes and to make any necessary modifications to the
model to constrain them.