Contact Initialization for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Standard

Initial overclosures in an Abaqus/Standard contact pair are treated as interference fits by default. Alternatively, initial overclosures can be treated as unintended and resolved by either adjusting the position of the surfaces automatically or, for small-sliding and tied contact pairs, introducing an offset distance term in the contact penetration calculations.

Options for modeling interference fits are discussed in Modeling Contact Interference Fits in Abaqus/Standard. You can also invoke an algorithm to adjust initial surface positions to close small gaps or to achieve a specified initial clearance.

Adjusting the position of surfaces in an Abaqus/Standard contact pair:

  • can be performed only at the start of a simulation;

  • causes Abaqus/Standard to move the nodes of the secondary surface so that they precisely contact the main surface (with some exceptions for surface-to-surface discretization and overlapping interaction definitions);

  • does not create any strain in the model;

  • can eliminate small gaps or penetrations caused by numerical roundoff when a graphical preprocessor such as Abaqus/CAE is used and, thus, prevent possible convergence problems;

  • is required when two surfaces are tied together for the duration of the analysis;

  • should not be used to correct gross errors in the mesh design;

  • cannot be used with symmetric main-secondary contact; and

  • will account for shell and membrane thicknesses and shell offsets (these factors are accounted for in the adjustment zone and in the adjustments) for contact formulations other than the default finite-sliding, node-to-surface contact formulation (see Contact Formulations in Abaqus/Standard).

This page discusses:

See Also
About Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Standard
Modeling Contact Interference Fits in Abaqus/Standard
Defining Tied Contact in Abaqus/Standard
Contact Formulations in Abaqus/Standard
Alternative General Contact Initialization Methods Based on Storing Offsets
In Other Guides
Defining surface-to-surface contact
Using contact and constraint detection
