Elastic stick formulation
In the elastic stick formulation in Abaqus/Standard, the “elastic” tangential slip is defined as the reversible relative tangential motion from the point of zero shear stress. The elastic slip is related to the interface shear stress with the relation
where is the (current) “stiffness in stick,” which follows from the relation
Since may be dependent on contact pressure, slip rate, average surface temperature at the contact point, and field variables, may change during the analysis. The behavior remains elastic as long as the equivalent stress does not exceed the critical stress; hence,
Consistent linearization of this expression yields
The contributions from the contact pressure are nonsymmetric for the second case. Since the slip rate is zero in the elastic stick formulation, derivatives with respect to the slip velocity are not needed.
The above expressions hold if the equivalent shear stress remains less than the critical stress. If the equivalent stress exceeds the critical stress, slip must be taken into consideration so that the condition is satisfied. Let the starting situation be characterized by the elastic slip . The critical stress at the end of the increment follows from the contact pressure, , and the slip rate, .
Let the (as yet unknown) elastic slip at the end of the increment be and the slip increment be . Consistency requires that
and the shear stress at the end of the increment follows from the elasticity relation,
The slip increment is related to the stress at the end of the increment with the backward difference approach:
With these equations and the critical stress equality it is possible to solve for , , and . Elimination of and from the above equations yields,
It is convenient to define the “elastic predictor strain”
which simplifies the expression for the stress to
Substitution in the critical stress equality yields
Substitution in the expression for and introduction of the normalized slip direction furnishes the final result
Here is a function of the slip rate, which is obtained with
where is the time increment in a static analysis. In the case of dynamics with the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor time integration operator, is scaled by the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor time integration operator parameters, and .
For the iterative solution scheme this equation must be linearized. Some straightforward algebra yields
With the expression for the equivalent slip the final result is
In this case the unsymmetric terms may have a strong effect on the speed of convergence of the Newton scheme. Hence, use of the unsymmetric equations solver is strongly recommended for the analysis of problems in which sliding friction occurs. In the case of dynamics with the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor time integration operator, is scaled by the Hilber-Hughes-Taylor time integration operator parameters.