When surfaces are in contact they usually transmit shear as well as normal forces across
their interface. There is generally a relationship between these two force components. The
relationship, known as the friction between the contacting bodies, is usually expressed in
terms of the stresses at the interface of the bodies. The friction models available in Abaqus:
include the classical isotropic Coulomb friction model (see Coulomb friction), which in Abaqus:
allows the friction coefficient to be defined in terms of slip rate, contact
pressure, average surface temperature at the contact point, and field variables; and
provides the option for you to define a static and a kinetic friction coefficient
with a smooth transition zone defined by an exponential curve;
allow the introduction of a shear stress limit, , which is the maximum value of shear stress that can be carried by the
interface before the surfaces begin to slide;
include anisotropic extensions of the basic Coulomb friction model;
include an option in Abaqus/Explicit in which the nominal friction coefficient for a contact interaction is derived from
coefficients specified as surface properties;
include a model that eliminates frictional slip when surfaces are in contact;
include a “softened” interface model for sticking friction in Abaqus/Explicit in which the shear stress is a function of elastic slip;
can be implemented with a stiffness (penalty) method, a kinematic method (in Abaqus/Explicit), or a Lagrange multiplier method (in Abaqus/Standard), depending on the contact algorithm used; and
In Abaqus/Standard tangential damping forces can be introduced proportional to the relative tangential
velocity, while in Abaqus/Explicit tangential damping forces can be introduced proportional to the rate of relative elastic
slip between the contacting surfaces (see Contact Damping for more
Including Friction Properties in a Contact Property Definition
Abaqus assumes by default that the interaction between contacting bodies is frictionless. You
can include a friction model in a contact property definition for both surface-based contact
and element-based contact.
Input File Usage
Use both of the following options for surface-based contact:
Element-based contact is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Changing Friction Properties during an Analysis
The methods used to change friction properties during an analysis differ between Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit.
Changing Friction Properties during an Abaqus/Standard Analysis
It is possible to remove, to modify, or to add a friction model that does not involve a
user subroutine to a contact property definition in any particular step of an Abaqus/Standard simulation. In some models, such as shrink-fit contact interference problems, friction
should not be added until after the first steps have been completed. In other models
friction might be removed or lowered to represent the introduction of a lubricant between
the bodies.
You must identify which contact property definition or contact element set is being
Input File Usage
Use both of the following options for surface-based contact:
Element-based contact is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Specifying the Time Variation of the Change in Friction Properties
You can specify an amplitude curve (see Amplitude Curves) to define
the time variation of changes in friction coefficients and, if applicable, allowable
elastic slip (see Stiffness Method for Imposing Frictional Constraints in Abaqus/Standard
below) throughout the step. If you do not specify an amplitude curve, changes in these
friction properties are either applied immediately at the beginning of the step or
ramped up linearly over the step, depending on the default amplitude variation assigned
to the step (see Defining an Analysis), with some
exceptions as described below. For many step types the default transition type is a
linear ramping from old to new values, which helps avoid convergence problems that can
occur upon sudden changes in friction properties.
Amplitude curves used to control variations in friction properties are subjected to the
following restrictions:
a tabular or smooth step amplitude definition must be used,
only amplitudes with monotonically increasing values between 0.0 and 1.0 are
accepted, and
the amplitude must be defined in terms of step time and using relative magnitudes.
The value of a friction coefficient or allowable elastic slip in effect at a given time
is typically equal to the value of the property at the start of the step plus the
current amplitude value times the anticipated change in property value over the step.
Variations in friction properties must consider the following:
Changes in the type of frictional constraint enforcement method (penalty or
Lagrange multiplier methods), changes between a “rough” friction model and a finite
friction coefficient, and changes to friction properties other than the friction
coefficient or allowable elastic slip always occur at the beginning of a step.
If a friction coefficient is dependent on slip rate, contact pressure, average
surface temperature at the contact point, or field variables, the estimate of the
final value of the friction coefficient for the step (which is used in calculating
the anticipated change in the friction coefficient over the step) assumes that the
current slip rate, contact pressure, etc. will remain in effect at the end of the
If a friction coefficient is changed during the first step of an analysis, its
value at the start of the step is equal to zero for this calculation, regardless of
the original friction definition in the model.
Changes in allowable elastic slip always occur at the beginning of a step when an
exponential-decay friction model is used or when frictional properties are changed
during the first general step or during a steady-state transport step that is
preceded by a step type other than steady-state transport.
The basic concept of the Coulomb friction model is to relate the maximum allowable
frictional (shear) stress across an interface to the contact pressure between the contacting
bodies. In the basic form of the Coulomb friction model, two contacting surfaces can carry
shear stresses up to a certain magnitude across their interface before they start sliding
relative to one another; this state is known as sticking. The Coulomb friction model defines
this critical shear stress, , at which sliding of the surfaces starts as a fraction of the contact
pressure, p, between the surfaces (). The stick/slip calculations determine when a point transitions from
sticking to slipping or from slipping to sticking. The fraction, , is known as the coefficient of friction.
For the case when the secondary surface consists of a node-based surface, the contact
pressure is equal to the normal contact force divided by the cross-sectional area at the
contact node. In Abaqus/Standard the default cross-sectional area is 1.0; you can specify a cross-sectional area
associated with every node in the node-based surface when the surface is defined or,
alternatively, assign the same area to every node through the contact property definition.
In Abaqus/Explicit the cross-sectional area is always 1.0, and you cannot change it.
The basic friction model assumes that is the same in all directions (isotropic friction). For a
three-dimensional simulation there are two orthogonal components of shear stress, and , along the interface between the two bodies. These components act in the
local tangent directions for the contact surfaces or contact elements. The local tangent
directions for contact surfaces are defined in Contact Formulations in Abaqus/Standard,
and those for contact elements are defined in the sections describing contact modeling with
those elements.
Abaqus combines the two shear stress components into an “equivalent shear stress,” , for the stick/slip calculations, where . In addition, Abaqus combines the two slip velocity components into an equivalent slip rate, . Abaqus/Explicit general contact uses a filtered slip rate measure as described in About Mechanical Contact Properties. The stick/slip calculations define a surface
(see Figure 1 for a two-dimensional representation) in the contact pressure–shear stress space along
which a point transitions from sticking to slipping.
Figure 1. Slip regions for the basic Coulomb friction model.
There are two ways to define the basic Coulomb friction model in Abaqus. In the default model the friction coefficient is defined as a function of the equivalent
slip rate and contact pressure. Alternatively, you can specify the static and kinetic
friction coefficients directly.
Specifying a Constant or Tabular-Dependent Coefficient of Friction
In general, you can specify tabular dependence of a coefficient of friction as
where is the equivalent slip rate, p is the contact
pressure, is the average temperature at the contact point, and is the average predefined field variable at the contact point. , , , and are the temperature and predefined field variables at points
A and B on the surfaces. Point
A is a node on the secondary surface, and point
B corresponds to the nearest point on the opposing main surface.
The temperature and field variables are interpolated along the surface at location
B. If the main surface consists of a rigid body, the temperature
and field variable at the reference node are used.
The friction coefficient can depend on slip rate, contact pressure, temperature, and
field variables. By default, it is assumed that the friction coefficients do not depend on
field variables. In the simple case of a constant friction coefficient, a single
coefficient is specified with no dependence.
The coefficient of friction can be set to any nonnegative value. A zero friction
coefficient means that no shear forces will develop and the contact surfaces are free to
slide. You do not need to define a friction model for such a case.
If necessary, toggle on Use slip-rate-dependent data,
Use contact-pressure-dependent data, and/or Use
temperature-dependent data; and/or specify the Number of field
variable dependencies in addition to slip rate, contact pressure, and
Specifying Static and Kinetic Friction Coefficients
Experimental data show that the friction coefficient that opposes the initiation of
slipping from a sticking condition is different from the friction coefficient that opposes
established slipping. The former is typically referred to as the “static” friction
coefficient, and the latter is referred to as the “kinetic” friction coefficient.
Typically, the static friction coefficient is higher than the kinetic friction
In the default model the static friction coefficient corresponds to the value given at
zero slip rate, and the kinetic friction coefficient corresponds to the value given at the
highest slip rate. The transition between static and kinetic friction is defined by the
values given at intermediate slip rates. In this model the static and kinetic friction
coefficients can be functions of contact pressure, temperature, and field variables.
Abaqus also provides a model to specify a static and a kinetic friction coefficient directly.
In this model it is assumed that the friction coefficient decays exponentially from the
static value to the kinetic value according to the formula:
where is the kinetic friction coefficient, is the static friction coefficient, is a user-defined decay coefficient, and is the slip rate (see Oden, J. T. and J. A. C. Martins, 1985). This
model can be used only with isotropic friction and does not allow dependence on contact
pressure, temperature, or field variables. There are two ways of defining this model.
Providing the Static, Kinetic, and Decay Coefficients Directly
You can provide the static friction coefficient, the kinetic friction coefficient, and
the decay coefficient directly (see Figure 2).
Alternatively, you can provide test data points to fit the exponential model. At least
two data points must be provided. The first point represents the static coefficient of
friction specified at , and the second point, (, ) (shown in Figure 3), corresponds to an experimental measurement taken at a reference slip rate . An additional data point can be specified to characterize the
exponential decay. If this additional data point is omitted, Abaqus will automatically provide a third data point, (, ), to model the assumed asymptotic value of the friction coefficient at
infinite velocity. In such a case is chosen such that .
Figure 3. Exponential decay friction model specified with test data points.
Interaction module: contact property editor: MechanicalTangential Behavior: Friction formulation: Static-Kinetic Exponential Decay: Friction, Definition: Test data
Deriving Friction Coefficients from Quantities Specified as Surface Properties
In Abaqus/Explicit you can establish friction coefficients as mathematical combinations of coefficients
specified as surface properties. For example, you can assign a particular friction
coefficient to a surface associated with all steel parts, you can assign a second friction
coefficient to a surface associated with all rubber parts, and likewise for other materials.
These surface-based friction coefficients apply to interactions between the same material. A
combinatorial rule is used to determine friction coefficients for interactions between
different materials. You can override approximate friction coefficients computed in this
manner by the traditional approach of assigning friction coefficients as contact property
assignments based on combinations of surfaces.
The combinatorial approach reduces the required user input. For example, a simulation
involving six materials could involve contact interactions with 21 unique material
combinations, as shown in Figure 4. For simulations involving many materials, it may suffice to
determine approximate friction coefficients
for contact between like surfaces (corresponding to entries 1 through 6 of the table of
Figure 4) and a subset of other surface combinations from
experiments or available references; and
allow a combinatorial rule to determine
friction coefficients for the remaining surface combinations, at least for early stages
of a design.
Figure 4. Example with six materials and 21 unique combinations of two materials in
Abaqus/Explicit uses the equation
where to compute the friction coefficient, , for an interaction between surfaces A and
B if and are assigned as surface properties to the respective surfaces. With this
combinatorial rule, is at most times greater than the smaller of the two surface-based friction
coefficients. The default value of is 0.3.
Consider an example with , , and . The default combinatorial rule gives , , and . For example, you may choose to override the value of using the traditional contact property assignment approach.
Use the following option to indicate that friction coefficients assigned as contact
properties take precedence over friction coefficients derived from values specified as
surface properties (default):
Use the following option to indicate that friction coefficients derived from values
specified as surface properties take precedence over friction coefficients assigned as
contact properties:
Deriving friction coefficients from quantities specified as surface properties is not
supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Using the Optional Shear Stress Limit
You can specify an optional equivalent shear stress limit, , so that, regardless of the magnitude of the contact pressure stress,
sliding will occur if the magnitude of the equivalent shear stress, , reaches this value (see Figure 5). A
value of zero is not allowed.
Figure 5. Slip regions for the friction model with a limit on the critical shear
This shear stress limit is typically introduced in cases when the contact pressure stress
may become very large (as can happen in some manufacturing processes), causing the Coulomb
theory to provide a critical shear stress at the interface that exceeds the yield stress in
the material beneath the contact surface. A reasonable upper bound estimate for is , where is the Mises yield stress of the material adjacent to the surface;
however, empirical data are the best source for .
In Abaqus/Explicit a shear stress limit cannot be used when a contact pair uses a node-based surface as
one of the surfaces.
Anisotropic Friction with Directional Preference as a Surface Property
You can specify an anisotropic friction model in Abaqus/Explicit for which directional preferences are specified as surface properties, while the nominal,
or average, friction coefficient is specified as a contact interaction property in the same
manner as for isotropic friction. The resulting critical contact shear stress surface is
elliptical in the – plane, as shown in Figure 6. Points on the critical shear stress surface satisfy the
where represents the combined effects of surface-based directional preferences
(and these combined effects evolve as the relative surface orientations change), is the specified nominal (average) friction coefficient, and is the contact pressure. Maximum and minimum values of , corresponding to directions along the major and minor axes of the
critical shear stress surface, are and .
Figure 6. Critical shear stress surface for anisotropic friction.
is the frictional directional preference factor. It is a unitless
parameter that can range from –1.0 to 1.0 and is a measure of the eccentricity of the
scaling ellipse. The most commonly used eccentricity measure for ellipses is (see Figure 7). The relationship between and is:
Figure 7. Geometrical quantities for an ellipse.
The critical contact shear stress surface influences the friction algorithm as follows:
Abaqus/Explicit computes a candidate contact shear stress necessary to enforce stick conditions:
If lies on or within the critical shear stress surface, as shown in Figure 8, Abaqus/Explicit accepts the candidate contact shear stress as the current contact shear stress, such
that stick conditions are in effect. Figure 8. Example of candidate contact shear stress within the sticking region for
anisotropic friction.
Otherwise, if lies outside the critical shear stress surface, Abaqus/Explicit sets the contact shear stress equal to on the critical shear stress surface where the normal to the critical
shear stress surface passes through , as shown in Figure 9, and sets the direction of incremental slip to be normal
to the critical shear stress surface. Figure 9. Example of candidate contact shear stress outside of the sticking region for
anisotropic friction.
can be thought of as a scaling ellipse calculated as a weighted average of
surface-based scaling ellipses:
where the weight factors sum to unity (). and are scaling ellipses representing directional preferences of respective
surfaces at a contact location. The maximum and minimum principal values of each scaling
ellipse are of the form and , respectively. A lack of directional preference corresponds to .
If both surfaces of a contact interaction contribute directional preference to the
frictional behavior, the shape of the scaling ellipse evolves as the (relative) orientations of the contacting
surfaces change. For example, for contact between like surfaces with equal weighting factors ():
where and is the angle between major axes of the surface scaling ellipses across the
contact interface. Consider the following specific cases for contact between like surfaces:
: This corresponds to aligned directional preferences of contacting
surfaces, as shown in Case 1 of Figure 10 and Figure 11. In this situation and .
: This corresponds to orthogonal directional preferences of contacting
surfaces, as shown in Case 2 of Figure 10 and Figure 11. In this situation opposing direction preferences of the
surfaces cancel each other, such that and corresponds to a unit circle.
: and the major axis of bisects the major axes of the respective surface scaling ellipses).
Figure 10. Examples of contact between like surfaces with directional preferences aligned
(Case 1) and orthogonal (Case 2). Figure 11. Scaling ellipse combinations when directional preferences of like surfaces are
aligned (Case 1) and orthogonal (Case 2).
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the nominal friction coefficient for an
anisotropic friction model with surface-based directional preferences:
Defining an anisotropic friction model in Abaqus/Explicit is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Weighting Methods for Combining Preferential Direction Effects of Surfaces for
Anisotropic Friction
Abaqus/Explicit provides three options for computing weight factors for determination of . for all cases with . For cases with , is established according to one of the following three weighting methods
(and ):
Balanced weighting, in which .
-proportional weighting, in which .
Maximum--dominant weighting, in which if and if .
Consider a contact interaction in which only one surface introduces directional
preference, with and . In this case balanced weighting leads to , as shown in Figure 12. The other two weighing methods lead to and for this example, in which case the combined scaling ellipse is
identical to the scaling ellipse for the surface with directional preference and . Figure 12. Balanced weighting for anisotropic friction with one surface contributing
directional preference.
The effect of balanced weighting for a situation with and with a angle between major axes of the surface scaling ellipses is represented
in Figure 13. Weight factors for this combination of surface scaling
ellipses according to the different weighting methods are:
With balanced weighting: and .
With -proportional weighting: and . With this weighting, the contact scaling ellipse would be closer to
the scaling ellipse for surface 1 than the contact scaling ellipse for balanced
With maximum--dominant weighting: and . With this weighting, the contact scaling ellipse would be identical
to the scaling ellipse for surface 1.
Figure 13. Balanced weighting for anisotropic friction with both surfaces contributing
directional preference.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the balanced weighting method for combining
surface-based directional preferences for the anisotropic friction model
Use the following option to specify the epsilon-proportional weighting method for
combining surface-based directional preferences for the anisotropic friction
Use the following option to specify the maximum-epsilon-dominant weighting method
for combining surface-based directional preferences for the anisotropic friction
Defining an anisotropic friction model in Abaqus/Explicit is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining the Friction Coefficient
As explained, the critical shear stress surface is proportional to the average, or
nominal, friction coefficient. For convenience, you can also specify the minimum or
maximum friction coefficient rather than the average one. Internally the value will be
converted to the average friction coefficient using the following formulas:
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the average friction coefficient
Defining an anisotropic friction model in Abaqus/Explicit is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Measure of the Eccentricity of the Scaling Ellipse
The measure of eccentricity of the scaling ellipse for each surface is defined using the
frictional directional preference factor . Sometimes it is useful to specify the scaling ellipse using the ratio
of the friction coefficients:
The relationship between and is given by the following formula:
Input File Usage
To specify the frictional directional preference factor (default):
Defining an anisotropic friction model in Abaqus/Explicit is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Output of the Preferred Directions
The preferred local directions for each surface in contact can be output by requesting
the generic output variable CORIENT (with the respective vector components CORIENT1 and
Anisotropic Friction with Directional Preference Associated with Contact
Directional preference for this anisotropic friction model is specified as a contact
property and is implicitly associated with one surface of a contact interaction. This
friction model is available in Abaqus/Standard and is less general than the anisotropic friction model discussed in Anisotropic Friction with Directional Preference as a Surface Property, which allows both surfaces of a contact interaction to contribute
directional preference characteristics.
If you indicate that this anisotropic friction model should be used, you must specify two
friction coefficients, where is the coefficient of friction in the first local tangent direction and is the coefficient of friction in the second local tangent direction. The
critical contact shear stress surface for this friction model (see Figure 14) is elliptical in the – plane, like the anisotropic friction model discussed in Anisotropic Friction with Directional Preference as a Surface Property. The shape of the critical contact shear stress surface remains constant
in this case, with the extreme points being and .
The orientation of the critical contact shear stress for this friction model evolves with
the local tangent directions of the contact interaction, which are discussed in Local Tangent Directions on a Surface. For example, local tangent directions for the finite-sliding,
surface-to-surface contact formulation are established from, and evolve with, the secondary
surface of the contact interaction, so, in this example, directional preference for this
anisotropic friction model would evolve with the orientation of the secondary surface (and
would be independent of the main surface).
The size of the critical-shear-stress ellipse will change with the change in contact
pressure between the surfaces. The direction of slip, , is orthogonal to the critical shear stress surface.
The optional equivalent shear stress limit, is applied to the scaled equivalent shear
stress, , for anisotropic friction. See Anisotropic friction for the
definition and discussion of .
Figure 14. Critical shear stress surface for the anisotropic friction model.
The friction coefficients can depend on slip rate, contact pressure, temperature, and field
variables. By default, it is assumed that the friction coefficients do not depend on field
If necessary, toggle on Use slip-rate-dependent data,
Use contact-pressure-dependent data, and/or Use
temperature-dependent data; and/or specify the Number of field
variable dependencies in addition to slip rate, contact pressure, and
Preventing Slipping regardless of Contact Pressure
Abaqus offers the option of specifying an infinite coefficient of friction (). This type of surface interaction is called “rough” friction, and with it
all relative sliding motion between two contacting surfaces is prevented (except for the
possibility of “elastic slip” associated with penalty enforcement) as long as the
corresponding normal-direction contact constraints are active. In most cases Abaqus/Standard uses a penalty method to enforce these tangential constraints; however, a Lagrange
multiplier method is used during general (non-perturbation) analysis steps if the
corresponding normal-direction constraints have directly enforced “hard contact” or
exponential pressure-overclosure behavior. Abaqus/Explicit uses either a kinematic or penalty method, depending on the contact formulation chosen.
Rough friction is intended for nonintermittent contact; once surfaces close and undergo
rough friction, they should remain closed. Convergence difficulties may arise in Abaqus/Standard if a closed contact interface with rough friction opens, especially if large shear
stresses have developed. The rough friction model is typically used in conjunction with the
no separation contact pressure-overclosure relationship for motions normal to the surfaces
(see Using the No Separation Relationship),
which prohibits separation of the surfaces once they are closed.
When rough friction is used with the no separation relationship for hard contact in Abaqus/Explicit specified with the kinematic contact method, no relative motions of the surfaces will
occur. For hard contact in Abaqus/Explicit specified with the penalty contact method, relative motions will be limited to the
elastic slip and penetration corresponding to the inexact satisfaction of the contact
constraints by the applied penalty forces. When softened tangential behavior is specified in
Abaqus/Explicit (see Defining Tangential Softening in Abaqus/Explicit below), the
relative surface motions will be governed by the specified softening behavior.
In some cases some incremental slip may occur even though the friction model determines
that the current frictional state is “sticking.” In other words, the slope of the shear
(frictional) stress versus total slip relationship may be finite while in the “sticking”
state, as shown in Figure 15.
Figure 15. Elastic slip versus shear traction relationship for sticking and slipping
The relationship shown in this figure is analogous to elastic-plastic material behavior
without hardening: corresponds to Young's modulus, and corresponds to yield stress; sticking friction corresponds to the elastic
regime, and slipping friction corresponds to the plastic regime. A finite value of the
sticking stiffness may reflect a user-specified physical behavior or may be characteristic
of the constraint enforcement method.
Frictional constraints are enforced with a stiffness (penalty method) by default in Abaqus/Standard and for the general contact algorithm in Abaqus/Explicit; in this case the sticking stiffness will have a finite value. An infinite sticking
stiffness, in which case the elastic slip is always zero, can be achieved with the optional
Lagrange multiplier method for imposing frictional constraints in Abaqus/Standard or with the kinematic constraint method (available only for contact pairs) in Abaqus/Explicit. In Abaqus/Explicit some tangential contact damping acts on the elastic slip rate by default, as discussed in
Contact Damping. Tangential softening to reflect a physical
behavior is available only in Abaqus/Explicit.
Defining Tangential Softening in Abaqus/Explicit
To activate softened tangential behavior in Abaqus/Explicit, specify the slope of the shear stress versus elastic slip relationship ( in Figure 15). User
subroutine VFRIC cannot be used in
conjunction with softened tangential behavior.
Stiffness Method for Imposing Frictional Constraints in Abaqus/Standard
The stiffness method used for friction in Abaqus/Standard is a penalty method that permits some relative motion of the surfaces (an “elastic
slip”) when they should be sticking (similar to the allowable elastic slip defined with
softened tangential behavior in Abaqus/Explicit). While the surfaces are sticking (i.e., for the basic isotropic Coulomb friction), the magnitude of sliding is
limited to this elastic slip. Abaqus continually adjusts the magnitude of the penalty constraint to enforce this condition.
The stiffness method in Abaqus/Standard requires the selection of an allowable elastic slip, . Using a large in the simulation makes convergence of the solution more rapid at the
expense of solution accuracy (there is greater relative motion of the surfaces when they
should be sticking). Behavior in which no slip is permitted in the sticking state is
approximated more accurately by allowing only a small . If is chosen very small, convergence problems may occur; in that case, it
may be better to use the Lagrange multiplier method to apply the sticking constraint (see
Lagrange Multiplier Method for Imposing Frictional Constraints in Abaqus/Standard later in this
The default value of allowable elastic slip used by Abaqus/Standard generally works very well, providing a conservative balance between efficiency and
accuracy. Abaqus/Standard calculates as a small fraction of the “characteristic contact surface length,” , and scans all of the facets of all the secondary surfaces when
calculating . Abaqus/Standard reports the value of used for each contact pair in the data (.dat) file
if you request detailed printout of contact constraint information (see Controlling the Amount of analysis input file processor Information Written to the Data File). The
allowable elastic slip is given as , where is the slip tolerance; the default value of is 0.005.
This method of calculating the allowable elastic slip is used for all analysis procedures
in Abaqus/Standard except steady-state transport analysis (Steady-State Transport Analysis), in which the
penalty constraint is based on a maximum allowable slip rate, . The maximum slip rate is calculated as
where is the angular spinning rate and R is the radius of
the rolling structure.
If the stiffness method is used for an anisotropic friction model, is a nominal allowable elastic slip (or slip rate). If and represent components of elastic slip in the and tangent directions, respectively, the transition from stick to slip will
occur when , where is computed as
For example, if , the stick/slip transition will occur at . Depending on values of and , this can be greater or smaller than . As another example, if the “1” and “2” components of elastic slip are
equal, the stick/slip transition will occur at , such that the magnitude of the elastic slip, .
Cases in Which the Default Elastic Slip Value May Not Be Suitable
In certain situations the default value for the allowable elastic slip may not be
suitable. For example, secondary surfaces defined by node-based surfaces or some contact
element types, such as GAPUNI elements,
have no physical dimensions and Abaqus/Standard cannot estimate a value of . For models containing only node-based surfaces or these types of
contact elements, Abaqus/Standard first tries to use the “characteristic contact surface length” of the other contact
pairs in the model. If there are none, it calculates using all of the elements in the model and issues a warning message.
If a model contains no elements for which a characteristic length can be determined (for
example, if it contains only substructures), Abaqus/Standard has no information with which to calculate . As a result, it uses a value of 1.0 and issues a warning message. If
the contact surface face dimensions vary greatly, the average value of may be unreasonable for some contact surfaces. The elastic slip should
then be specified directly for the surfaces with a much smaller “characteristic face
There are two methods for modifying the allowable elastic slip. One method is to
specify directly; the other is to specify the slip tolerance, . Some analyses call for nondefault or only in specific steps (see Changing Friction Properties during an Abaqus/Standard Analysis above).
Specifying the Allowable Elastic Slip Directly
You can provide the absolute magnitude of directly. Specify a reasonable value for the relative displacement
that may occur before surfaces actually begin to slip. Typically, the allowable elastic
slip is set to a small fraction (10−2–10−4) of a “characteristic
contact surface face dimension.” In a steady-state transport analysis you can define the
maximum allowable viscous slip rate, .
The specified allowable elastic slip will be used only for the contact pairs
referencing the contact property definition that contains the friction definition. For
example, three surfaces ASURF,
form two contact pairs that each refer to their own contact property definition, as
shown below.
Contact Pair
Contact Property
In the DEFAULT contact property definition no value for is specified, so the allowable elastic slip used for the friction
interaction between ASURF and
BSURF would be the default value . In the NONDEF contact property
definition a value of 0.1 is specified for , which will be the allowable elastic slip used for the friction
interaction between CSURF and
You can alter the default value of the slip tolerance, . This method of altering the default elastic slip is convenient if the
goal is to increase computational efficiency, in which case a value larger than the
default of 0.005 would be given, or if the goal is to increase accuracy, in which case a
value smaller than the default would be given.
Stiffness Method for Imposing Frictional Constraints in Abaqus/Explicit
The stiffness method used for friction with the general contact algorithm in Abaqus/Explicit and, optionally, with the contact pair method in Abaqus/Explicit is a penalty method that permits some relative motion of the surfaces (an “elastic
slip”) when they should be sticking (similar to the allowable elastic slip defined with
softened tangential behavior in Abaqus/Explicit). While the surfaces are sticking (i.e., ), the magnitude of sliding is limited to this elastic slip. Abaqus continually adjusts the magnitude of the penalty constraint to enforce this condition.
In Abaqus/Explicit you can choose to have contact constraints for the contact pair algorithm enforced with
the penalty method; the general contact algorithm always uses a penalty method (see Contact Constraint Enforcement Methods in Abaqus/Explicit).
The default penalty stiffness for frictional constraints is chosen automatically by Abaqus/Explicit and is the same as would be used for normal hard contact constraints. Softening in the
normal direction does not affect the penalty stiffness used to enforce stick conditions.
If tangential softening is specified (see Defining Tangential Softening in Abaqus/Explicit above), the penalty
stiffness will be equal to the value specified for the slope of the shear stress versus
elastic slip relationship. You can specify a scale factor to adjust the penalty stiffness,
as discussed in Contact Controls for General Contact in Abaqus/Explicit and Contact Controls for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit.
Lagrange Multiplier Method for Imposing Frictional Constraints in Abaqus/Standard
In Abaqus/Standard the sticking constraints at an interface between two surfaces can be enforced exactly
by using the Lagrange multiplier implementation. With this method there is no relative
motion between two closed surfaces until . However, the Lagrange multipliers increase the computational cost of
the analysis by adding more degrees of freedom to the model and often by increasing the
number of iterations required to obtain a converged solution. The Lagrange multiplier
formulation may even prevent convergence of the solution, especially if many points are
iterating between sticking and slipping conditions. This effect can occur particularly if
locally there is a strong interaction between slipping/sticking conditions and contact
Because of the added cost of using the Lagrange friction formulation, it should be used
only in problems where the resolution of the stick/slip behavior is of utmost importance,
such as modeling fretting between two bodies. In typical metal forming applications or for
contact of rubber components, accurate resolution of the stick/slip behavior is not
important enough to justify the added costs of the Lagrange multiplier formulation.
Kinematic Method for Imposing Frictional Constraints in Abaqus/Explicit
By default, the contact pair algorithm in Abaqus/Explicit uses a kinematic method for imposing frictional constraints (see Contact Constraint Enforcement Methods in Abaqus/Explicit). The kinematic method applies sticking
constraints in a way similar to the optional Lagrange multiplier method in Abaqus/Standard; however, the algorithm is quite different. The value of the force required to enforce
sticking at a node is first calculated using the mass associated with the node; the
distance the node has slipped; the time increment; and additionally for softened contact,
the current value of the elastic slip and the elastic slip versus shear stress slope. For
hard contact this sticking force is that which is required to maintain the node's position
on the opposite surface in the predicted configuration. For softened contact this force is
consistent with the user-specified value for the slope of the shear stress versus elastic
slip relationship. The sticking force for each node is calculated using the mass
associated with the node, the distance the node has slipped, the shear traction-elastic
slip slope (if softened contact is specified in the tangential direction), and the time
increment. If the shear stress at the node calculated using this force is less than , the node is considered to be sticking and this force is applied to each
surface in opposing directions. If the shear stress exceeds , the surfaces are slipping and the force corresponding to is applied. In either case the forces result in acceleration corrections
tangential to the surface at the secondary node and either the nodes of the main surface
facet or the points on the analytical rigid surface that it contacts.
User-Defined Friction Model
You can define the shear stress between contacting surfaces through a user subroutine when
the friction behavior provided by Abaqus is not sufficient. The shear stress can be defined as a function of a number of variables
such as slip, slip rate, temperature, and field variables. You can also introduce a number
of solution-dependent state variables that you can update and use within the friction user
subroutines. You can declare a number of properties or constants associated with your
friction model and use these values in the user subroutine.
In Abaqus/Standard, when user-defined friction is specified in procedures with
temperature unknowns, the temperatures passed into the user subroutines correspond to values
at the end of an increment at the secondary node and the corresponding point on the main.
However, there are situations where not all nodes in the contact constraint connectivity
have temperature degrees of freedom, such as in the case where only one of the secondary or
main surfaces is meshed with elements with temperature degrees of freedom while the other
surface is not. In such situations, contact only enforces mechanical constraints, and the
temperature values passed into the user subroutines are not temperature-solution variables
at the end of an increment but rather based on boundary conditions and initial conditions
(if present) in that order of precedence.
In addition to the friction user subroutines, subroutines are available for defining the
complete mechanical interaction between surfaces, including the interaction in the normal
direction as well as the frictional behavior in the tangential direction; see User-Defined Interfacial Constitutive Behavior for more information.
Defining Generic Frictional Behavior
You can define a generic frictional behavior between contacting surfaces using user
subroutine FRIC in Abaqus/Standard. In Abaqus/Explicit the generic frictional behavior for contact pairs is defined in user subroutine VFRIC, while the generic
frictional behavior for general contact is defined in user subroutine VFRICTION.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a frictional behavior with user subroutine FRIC or VFRIC:
Abaqus provides a simple way to specify complex dependence of friction coefficients with user
subroutines FRIC_COEF (Abaqus/Standard) and VFRIC_COEF (Abaqus/Explicit). VFRIC_COEF can be used only with
general contact. These user subroutines have a much narrower scope and are much simpler to
create than user subroutines that control all aspects of a friction model (FRIC and VFRIC, discussed in Defining Generic Frictional Behavior). In addition, user subroutine FRIC_COEF preserves heuristics
built into Abaqus/Standard friction algorithms to assist convergence behavior; many of these built-in heuristics
are bypassed with user subroutine FRIC.
FRIC_COEF can be used for
isotropic or anisotropic friction behavior. Friction coefficients can depend on contact
pressure, temperature, and a number of contact slip–related variables at the current time.
VFRIC_COEF is limited to
controlling a single friction coefficient per contact constraint for isotropic friction or
for the anisotropic friction model discussed in Anisotropic Friction with Directional Preference as a Surface Property. In addition to temperature and contact pressure dependence, the
friction coefficient can also depend on equivalent contact slip and contact slip
Consideration of Incremental Rotation of Shell and Beam Thickness Offsets in Abaqus/Explicit
By default, in Abaqus/Explicit slip increment calculations for friction do not account for the incremental rotation of
shell and beam thickness offsets, and frictional constraints do not apply a moment to nodes
offset from the contact interface due to shell or beam thicknesses. This behavior can be
modified for general contact; for details see Consideration of Shell and Beam Thickness Offsets.
Improving Abaqus/Standard Simulations That Include Friction in the Surface Interactions
Several features of the frictional interaction of surfaces can have a strong influence on
the rate of convergence in an Abaqus/Standard simulation.
Unsymmetric Terms in the System of Equations
Friction constraints produce unsymmetric terms when the surfaces are sliding relative to
each other. These terms have a strong effect on the convergence rate if frictional
stresses have a substantial influence on the overall displacement field and the magnitude
of the frictional stresses is highly solution dependent. Abaqus/Standard will automatically use the unsymmetric solution scheme if or if is pressure-dependent. If desired, you can turn off the unsymmetric
solution scheme; see Matrix Storage and Solution Scheme in Abaqus/Standard.
No slip occurs with rough friction; the contribution to the stiffness will be fully
symmetric, and Abaqus/Standard will use the symmetric solution scheme by default.
Heat Generated by Frictional Interaction of Surfaces
In fully coupled temperature-displacement analysis and fully coupled
thermal-electrical-structural analysis, all dissipated mechanical (frictional) energy is
converted to heat and distributed equally between the two surfaces by default. This behavior
can be modified; for details about this and other thermal surface interactions, see Thermal Contact Properties.
Temperature and Field-Variable Dependence of Friction Properties for Structural
Temperature and field-variable distributions in beam and shell elements can generally
include gradients through the cross-section of the element. Contact between these elements
occurs at the reference surface; therefore, temperature and field-variable gradients in the
element are not considered when determining friction properties that depend on these
Surface Interaction Variables Related to Friction
Abaqus provides output of the shear stresses at points on the secondary surface that use a
surface interaction model containing frictional properties. The shear stresses,
CSHEAR2, are given in the two orthogonal
local tangent directions, which are constructed on the main surface (see Contact Formulations in Abaqus/Standard). There is only one local tangent direction in
two-dimensional problems. Details about how to request contact surface variable output are
given in About Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Standard and About Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit.
Contour plots of these variables can also be plotted in Abaqus/CAE.
Oden, J.T., and J. A. C. Martins, “Models
and Computational Methods for Dynamic Friction
Phenomena,” Computer Methods in Applied
Mechanics and
Engineering, vol. 52, pp. 527–634, 1985.