Uncoupled Heat Transfer Analysis

Uncoupled heat transfer problems:

  • are those in which the temperature field is calculated without consideration of the stress/deformation or the electrical field in the bodies being studied;

  • can include conduction, boundary convection, and boundary radiation;

  • can be transient or steady-state; and

  • can be linear or nonlinear.

In Abaqus/Standard uncoupled heat transfer problems:

  • involve heat transfer in solid bodies;

  • can include cavity radiation effects—see Cavity Radiation in Abaqus/Standard;

  • can include forced convection through the mesh if forced convection/diffusion heat transfer elements are used;

  • can include thermal interactions such as gap radiation, conductance, and heat generation between contact surfaces—see Thermal Contact Properties;

  • can include thermal material behavior defined in user subroutine UMATHT—see User-Defined Thermal Material Behavior; and

  • require the use of heat transfer elements.

This page discusses:

See Also
Defining an Analysis
About Heat Transfer Analysis Procedures
In Other Guides
Including volumetric heat flux due to internal heat generation
Configuring a heat transfer procedure
