Create or edit a heat transfer procedure
Display the Edit Step dialog box following the
procedure outlined in
Creating a step
(Procedure type:
General; Heat
transfer ), or
Editing a step.
On the Basic,
Incrementation, and Other tabbed
pages, configure settings such as the time period for the step, the maximum
allowable temperature change per increment, and equation solver preferences as
described in the following procedures.
Configure settings on the Basic tabbed page
In the Edit Step dialog box, display the
Basic tabbed page.
In the Description field, enter a short
description of the analysis step.
stores the text that you enter in the output database, and the text is
displayed in the state block by the Visualization module.
Choose a Response option:
Choose Steady-state to omit the internal
energy term (the specific heat term) in the governing heat transfer equation.
For more information, see
Steady-State Analysis.
Choose Transient to perform time integration
with the backward Euler method in the pure conduction elements. This method is
unconditionally stable for linear problems. For more information, see
Transient Analysis.
After you have selected a Response option, a
message appears informing you that
has selected the Default load variation with time option
(located on the Other tabbed page) that corresponds to
your Response selection. Click
Dismiss to close the message dialog box.
In the Time period field, enter the time period
of the step.
Configure settings on the Incrementation tabbed
In the Edit Step dialog box, display the
Incrementation tabbed page.
(For information on displaying the Edit Step
dialog box, see
Creating a step,
Editing a step.)
Choose a Type option:
Choose Automatic if you want
to determine suitable time increment sizes.
Choose Fixed to specify direct user control
of the incrementation.
uses an increment size that you specify as the constant increment size
throughout the step.
In the Maximum number of increments field, enter
the upper limit to the number of increments in the step. The analysis stops if
this maximum is exceeded before
arrives at the complete solution for the step.
If you selected Automatic in Step 2, enter values
for Increment size:
In the Initial field, enter the initial time
modifies this value as required throughout the step.
In the Minimum field, enter the minimum time
increment allowed. If
needs a smaller time increment than this value, it terminates the analysis.
In the Maximum field, enter the maximum time
increment allowed.
If you selected Fixed in Step 2, enter a value
for the constant time increment in the Increment size
If you selected Transient analysis on the
Basic tabbed page, do the following:
Toggle on End step when temperature change is less than
n if you want the analysis to end when
the temperature at every temperature degree of freedom changes at a rate that
is less than a rate that you specify. If you toggle on this option, enter the
desired temperature change rate in the field provided.
If you selected Automatic in Step 2, enter a
value for the Max. allowable temperature change per
restricts the time step to ensure that this value is not exceeded at any node
(except nodes whose temperature degree of freedom is constrained via boundary
conditions, MPCs, etc.) during any increment
of the step.
If you selected Automatic in Step 2 and you are
performing a cavity radiation analysis, enter a value for Max.
allowable emissivity change per increment or accept the default of
0.1. If this value is exceeded,
cuts back the increment until the maximum change in emissivity is less than the
specified value. See
Cavity Radiation in Abaqus/Standard, for
more information.
Configure settings on the Other tabbed page
In the Edit Step dialog box, display the
Other tabbed page.
(For information on displaying the Edit Step
dialog box, see
Creating a step,
Editing a step.)
Choose an Equation Solver Method option:
Choose Direct to use the default direct
sparse solver.
Choose Iterative to use the iterative linear
equation solver. The iterative solver is typically most useful for blocky
structures with millions of degrees of freedom. For more information, see
Iterative Linear Equation Solver.
Choose a Matrix storage option:
Choose Use solver default to allow
to decide whether a symmetric or unsymmetric matrix storage and solution scheme
is needed.
Choose Unsymmetric to restrict
to the unsymmetric storage and solution scheme.
Choose Symmetric to restrict
to the symmetric storage and solution scheme.
For more information on matrix storage, see
Matrix Storage and Solution Scheme in Abaqus/Standard.
Choose a Solution technique option:
Choose Full Newton to use Newton's method as
a numerical technique for solving nonlinear equilibrium equations. For more
information, see
Nonlinear solution methods in Abaqus/Standard.
Choose Quasi-Newton to use the quasi-Newton
technique for solving nonlinear equilibrium equations. This technique can save
substantial computational cost in some cases. Generally it is most successful
when the system is large and the stiffness matrix is not changing much from
iteration to iteration. You can use this technique only for symmetric systems
of equations.
If you choose this technique, enter a value for the
Number of iterations allowed before the kernel matrix is
reformed. The maximum number of iterations allowed is 25. The
default number of iterations is 8.
For more information, see
Quasi-Newton solution technique.
Click the arrow to the right of the Convert severe
discontinuity iterations field, and select an option for dealing
with severe discontinuities during nonlinear analysis:
Select Off to force a new iteration if severe
discontinuities occur during an iteration, regardless of the magnitude of the
penetration and force errors. This option also changes some time incrementation
parameters and uses different criteria to determine whether to do another
iteration or to make a new attempt with a smaller increment size.
Select On to use local convergence criteria
to determine whether a new iteration is needed.
will determine the maximum penetration and estimated force errors associated
with severe discontinuities and check whether these errors are within the
tolerances. Hence, a solution may converge if the severe discontinuities are
Select Propagate from previous step to use
the value specified in the previous general analysis step. This value appears
in parentheses to the right of the field.
For more information on severe discontinuities, see
Severe Discontinuities in Abaqus/Standard.
automatically selects the Default load variation with time
option that corresponds to your Response selection on the
Basic tabbed page. It is recommended that you leave the
Default load variation with time selection unchanged.
Click the arrow to the right of the Extrapolation of
previous state at start of each increment field, and select a method
for determining the first guess to the incremental solution:
Select Linear to indicate that the process is
essentially monotonic and
should use a 100% linear extrapolation, in time, of the previous incremental
solution to begin the nonlinear equation solution for the current increment.
Select Parabolic to indicate that the process
should use a quadratic extrapolation, in time, of the previous two incremental
solutions to begin the nonlinear equation solution for the current increment.
Select None to suppress any extrapolation.
For more information, see
Extrapolation of the Solution.
When you have finished configuring settings for the heat transfer step,
click OK to close the Edit Step
dialog box.