You can output nodal variables (displacements, reaction forces,
etc.) to the output database.
The output request can be repeated as often as necessary to
define output for different node sets. The same node (or node set) can appear
in several output requests.
Step module: field or history output request editor: Select from list below
Selecting the Nodes for Which Output Is Required
For history output you must specify the node set (or, in
the tracer set) for which output is being requested. For field output the
specification of the node set or tracer set is optional; if you do not specify
a node set or tracer set, the output will be written for all the nodes in the
Step module: field or history output request editor: Domain: Set:set_name
Requesting Field Output for the Exterior Nodes in the Model
You can select output on the node set consisting of all the exterior nodes
in the model. This node set is generated internally by
and includes all the nodes that belong to the exterior three-dimensional
You can request the preselected, procedure-specific nodal output variables
described in
Preselected Output Requests.
In this case you can specify additional variables as part of the output
Alternatively, you can request all nodal variables applicable to the current
procedure type. In this case any additional variables you specify are ignored.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to request the preselected nodal
output variables:
Step module: field or history output request editor: Preselected defaults or All
Specifying the Directions for Nodal Field Output
For nodal variables 1, 2, and 3 refer to the global directions
X, Y, and Z,
respectively. For axisymmetric elements 1 and 2 refer to the global directions
r and z. Nodal field results are
written to the output database in the global directions. If a local coordinate
system is defined at a node (see
Transformed Coordinate Systems),
the local nodal transformations are written to the output database as well.
You can apply these transformations to the results in
the Visualization module
to view components in the local systems.
Specifying the Directions for Nodal History Output
For nodal variables 1, 2, and 3 refer to the global directions
X, Y, and Z,
respectively. For axisymmetric elements 1 and 2 refer to the global directions
r and z. Nodal history results are
written to the output database in the global directions unless a local
coordinate system has been defined at a node (see
Transformed Coordinate Systems).
In this case you can specify whether output is desired in global or local
Obtaining Nodal History Output in the Global Directions
You can request vector-valued nodal variables in the global directions,
which is the default for nodal history output requests to the output database
since most postprocessors assume that components are given in the global
Step module: history output request editor: Domain:
Set: toggle off Use global directions for
vector-valued output
Visualizing Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions can be visualized in
the Visualization module
by selecting ViewODB Display
Options. Click the Entity
Display tab in the dialog box that appears.
In an
analysis boundary condition information is written to the output database only
when some nodal output variables are requested as field output.