User subroutine to specify predefined field variables.

User subroutine VUFIELD:

  • allows you to prescribe predefined field variables at the nodes of a model—the predefined field variables at a node can be updated individually, or a number of field variables at the nodes can be updated simultaneously;

  • can be called for blocks of nodes for which the field variable values are defined in the subroutine;

  • ignores any field variable values specified directly;

  • can be used to modify field variable values read from a results file; and

  • can be used in conjunction with user subroutine VUSDFLD such that the field variables that are passed in from VUFIELD and interpolated to the material points can be modified (such changes are local to material point values, and nodal field variable values remain unaffected).

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Predefined Fields
