Fully Coupled Thermal-Electrical-Structural Analysis

A fully coupled thermal-electrical-structural analysis:

  • is performed when coupling between the displacement, temperature, and electrical potential fields makes it necessary to obtain solutions for all three fields simultaneously;
  • requires the existence of elements with displacement, temperature, and electrical potential degrees of freedom in the model;
  • allows for transient or steady-state thermal solutions, static displacement solutions, and steady-state electrical solutions;
  • can include thermal interactions such as gap radiation, gap conductance, and gap heat generation between surfaces (see Thermal Contact Properties);
  • can include electrical interactions such as gap electrical conductance (see Electrical Contact Properties);
  • cannot include cavity radiation effects but may include radiation boundary conditions (see Thermal Loads);
  • takes into account temperature dependence of material properties only for the properties that are assigned to elements with temperature degrees of freedom;
  • neglects inertia effects; and
  • can be transient or steady state.

This page discusses:

See Also
Defining an Analysis
Fully Coupled Thermal-Stress Analysis
Coupled Thermal-Electrical Analysis
In Other Guides
Configuring a fully coupled, simultaneous heat transfer, electrical, and structural procedure

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