Electrical Properties in a Contact Property Definition
Abaqus/Standard can model the following types of electrical interactions (for degree of freedom
conventions, see Degrees of Freedom):
Electrical contact conductance based on the difference in the electrical potential of
solids (DOF 9) across an interface.
Electrical contact conductance based on the difference in the electrical potential of
electrolyes (DOF 32) across an interface.
Diffusion of electrical ions into and across a contact interface with consideration of
ion concentrations in electrolytes (DOF 33).
Diffusion of a species into and across a contact interface with consideration of
species concentrations in the solid phase (DOF 34). For more information on the term
“species,” see Terminology.
These electrical interaction models are intended for the transfer of electrical charge
across touching or nearby surfaces. Modeling electrical interactions over large distances
with these models is often inaccurate and can significantly degrade performance.
You can include electrical conductance properties in a contact property definition for
surface-based contact. The electrical conductivity can be defined between solids or
Input File Usage
Use both of the following options to simulate electrical conductance between
Abaqus/Standard models the electrical current flowing between two surfaces as
where J is the electrical current density flowing across the
interface from point A on one surface to point B
on the other, and are the electrical potentials on opposite points on the surfaces, and is the electrical contact conductance. Point A
corresponds to a node on the secondary surface of the contact pair. Point
B is the point of the main surface in contact with point
Common physical behavior is such that electrical conductance across an interface is much
larger while surfaces are touching (“closed” contact status) than while separated (“open”
contact status). By default, Abaqus assigns a large value of to regions in contact (independent of the contact pressure,
p) and assigns to regions not actively in contact (independent of the contact clearance
distance d), as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. Default electrical conductance behavior.
For heat transfer or coupled thermal-electrical analyses, the contact pressure is always
zero. Therefore, electrical conductance at zero contact pressure is adopted for a closed
initial contact status. When the contact status is open, an electrical conductance value
that is a function of clearance (if provided) or a zero value is chosen.
You can define the electrical conductance directly or in user subroutine GAPELECTR.
Modifying Electrical Conductance
The default electrical conductance (shown in Figure 1) differs if the contact status is closed or open, but it does not depend
on the contact pressure or contact clearance distance. You can modify the electrical
conductance for closed and open contact regimes independently and introduce dependence of
the electrical conductance on contact pressure and contact clearance. When you define the
electrical contact conductance directly for solids, Abaqus/Standard assumes that
and when you define the electrical contact conductance directly for
electrolytes, Abaqus/Standard assumes that
is the average of the surface temperatures at A and
is the average of the ion concentration at A and
B (only for electrolytes),
is the clearance between A and B,
is the contact pressure transmitted across the interface between
A and B, and
is the average of any predefined field variables at A and
Modifying Electrical Conductance Where the Contact Status is Closed
You can modify the electrical conductance as a function of contact pressure where the
contact status is closed, such as shown in Figure 2. When is a function of contact pressure at the interface, the tabular data
must start at zero contact pressure (or, in the case of contact that can support a
tensile interface stress, the data point with the most negative pressure) and define as p increases. The value of remains constant for contact pressures beyond the range of data
specified while contact is active. The electrical conductance remains zero for separated
surfaces not in contact for the examples shown in Figure 2. You can also modify the electrical conductance for an open contact
status as discussed in Modifying Electrical Conductance Where the Contact Status is Open. Figure 2. Examples of electrical conductance, , as a function of contact pressure, p, with
default of remaining in effect where the contact status is open.
Interaction module: contact property editor: ElectricalElectrical Conductance; Definition: Tabular; Use only pressure-dependency data
Modifying Electrical Conductance Where the Contact Status is Open
You can modify the electrical conductance as a function of contact clearance distance,
d, where the contact status is open, such as shown in Figure 3. Tabular data associated with dependence on d must start at zero clearance
(closed gap) and define as the clearance distance increases. You must define at least two versus d data points to define as a function of the clearance. The value of immediately drops to zero for clearance distances larger than the last
data point. Therefore, there is no electrical conductance when the clearance distance is
greater than the value corresponding to the last data point.
If you do not also define electrical conductance as a function of contact pressure, the
default value of remains in effect where the contact status is closed, as shown in
Figure 3. Figure 4 shows an example with electrical conductance specified as a function of
contact pressure where the contact status is closed (as discussed in Modifying Electrical Conductance Where the Contact Status is Closed) and as a function of electrical clearance distance where the contact
status is open. Figure 3. Example of electrical contact conductance, , as a function of the contact clearance, d,
with the default value of remaining in effect where the contact status is closed. Figure 4. Example of electrical contact conductance, , as a function of the contact pressure, p, for
closed contact status and as a function of contact clearance, d,
for open contact status.
Interaction module: contact property editor: ElectricalElectrical Conductance; Definition: Tabular; Use only clearance-dependency data
Defining Electrical Contact Conductance as a Function of Predefined Field
The electrical contact conductance can be dependent on any number of predefined field
variables, . By default, it is assumed that the electrical conductivity depends
only on the surface separation and, possibly, on the average interface temperature.
Interaction module: contact property editor: ElectricalElectrical Conductance; Definition: Tabular, Clearance Dependency and/or Pressure Dependency, Number of field variables:n
Defining Electrical Contact Conductance Using User Subroutine
When is defined in user subroutine GAPELECTR, there is greater
flexibility in specifying the dependencies of than there is using direct tabular input. For example, it is no longer
necessary to define as a function of the average of the two surfaces' temperatures or field
Modeling Heat Generated by Electrical Conduction between Surfaces
Abaqus/Standard can include the effect of heat generated by electrical conduction between surfaces in a
coupled thermal-electrical and a fully coupled thermal-electrical-structural analysis. By
default, all dissipated electrical energy is converted to heat and distributed equally
between the two surfaces. You can modify the fraction of electrical energy that is released
as heat and the distribution between the two surfaces; see Modeling Heat Generated by Nonthermal Surface Interactions for
Including Ion or Species Concentration Properties in a Contact Property
The following discussion describes the flow of ion concentration across a contact
interface; however, this discussion is equally applicable to species concentration.
Abaqus/Standard assumes that ion concentration flows in the normal direction at a contact interface and
does not flow tangentially along the interface. Two contributions to the ion concentration
flow into each surface at a contact interface are generally present, as shown in Figure 5. The ion concentration flow into the main and secondary surfaces
at corresponding points on the interface are and , respectively.
One contribution () is associated with flow across the interface. A positive value of corresponds to flow out from the main surface and into the secondary
The other contribution ( for the secondary surface and for the main surface) is associated with removing or adding ion
concentration from the region between the surfaces while the gap distance is changing.
The sign convention is such that and are positive when these contributions flow into the respective
surfaces (while the gap width decreases). The sum of and (which is the same as the sum of and ) is equal to negative one times the rate of change of the gap width up
to the threshold distance discussed in Controlling the Distance within Which Ionic/Species Flux Contact Properties Are Active.
In steady-state analyses the rate of separation of the surfaces is zero, so the ion
concentration flow contributions and are zero; all fluid flowing out of one surface flows into the other in
steady-state analyses.
Figure 5. Flow patterns in the interface contact element.
Ion concentration flow at a contact interface typically occurs even if contact diffusivity
characteristics are not specified explicitly in the contact property definition.
Alternatively, you can specify contact diffusivity characteristics directly for enhanced
control over the ion concentration flow across a contact interface.
Specifying contact diffusivity characteristics directly is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Controlling the Distance within Which Ionic/Species Flux Contact Properties Are
The following discussion describes the method of controlling the distance over which ion
concentration flux contact properties are active; however, the discussion is equally
applicable to species concentration flux.
The models governing ionic flux across a contact interface are most appropriate for two
surfaces in contact or separated by a relatively small gap distance. By default, Abaqus assumes that no ionic flux occurs once the surfaces have separated by a distance larger
than the characteristic element length of the underlying surfaces. Alternatively, you can
specify a cutoff gap distance directly beyond which no ionic flux occurs. Separate controls
are provided for the contribution of ionic flux across the interface () and the contribution of ionic flux into the interface ().
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify a cutoff distance () for the contribution of ionic flux across the contact interface ():
Specifying a cutoff gap distance beyond which no ionic flux occurs is not supported in
Controlling Gap Diffusivity Associated with Ionic/Species Flux across a Contact
The following discussion describes controlling gap diffusivity associated with ionic flux
across a contact interface; however, the discussion is equally applicable to species
If you do not specify gap diffusivity characteristics, the implied physical model is as
where and are the ion concentrations at points on opposite sides of the interface.
This relationship represents continuity of the ion concentration on opposite sides of a
contact interface (although the condition is approximated if penalty enforcement is used—see
Controlling the Constraint Enforcement Method) while the contact separation is less than the threshold
distance discussed in Controlling the Distance within Which Ionic/Species Flux Contact Properties Are Active. This relationship implies that gap diffusivity across the interface is
is the contact pressure transmitted across the interface between
A and B,
is the average of the ion concentrations at A and
is the average of the surface temperatures at A and
B, and
is the average of any predefined field variables at A and
Figure 6 shows an example of depending on the contact pressure. Use tabular data to specify the value
of at one or more contact pressures as p increases. The
value of remains constant for contact pressures outside of the interval defined by
the data points. Once the surfaces have separated, remains at a constant value until the separation between the surfaces
exceeds the specified flow cutoff distance (see Controlling the Distance within Which Ionic/Species Flux Contact Properties Are Active), at which point drops to zero.
Specifying gap diffusivity is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining Gap Diffusivity as a Function of Predefined Field Variables
In addition to the dependencies mentioned previously, the gap diffusivity can depend on any
number of predefined field variables, . To define gap diffusivity dependent on field variables, you must specify
at least two data points for each field variable value.