Modeling Solid Electrolytes and Solid-State Batteries
Unlike a regular Li-ion battery that uses a liquid electrolyte and porous
electrodes, a solid-state battery uses a solid electrolyte, which also acts as a
separator. A solid-state battery has a higher energy density and is safer than a lithium
ion battery.
Solid-state batteries are composed of a solid anode, a solid cathode, and a solid
electrolyte. The electrolyte also acts as a separator as shown in Figure 1.
Solid-state lithium ion batteries are manufactured using thin film methods, with the
thicknesses of different regions in the order of a few micrometers. Since the
electrodes and electrolyte are solid, all the electrochemical reactions happen at
the anode-electrolyte and cathode-electrolyte interfaces. In this section, for
consistency, the electrolyte region can be interchangeably referred to as the
separator. The anode is typically made of metallic lithium, while the cathode is
based on Lithium Cobalt Oxide (). The electrolyte is solid and might consist of an amorphous
Lithium Phosphate ( ), which can be N-doped and commonly referred to as LiPON.
Current collectors might be placed on the outer sides of each electrode.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a solid electrolyte battery.
During a discharge process, a reversible electrochemical reaction at the
anode-electrolyte interface converts Li to :
Here, represents lithium in the solid electrode, which through the
deintercalation reaction, transforms into a lithium ion in the electrolyte, , plus an electron, , and leaves behind a vacancy (or intercalation site) in the solid, . The reverse reaction corresponds to the intercalation of lithium
into the solid electrode.In the solid electrolyte, only a fraction of ions are mobile and denoted by a fraction . It is assumed that a portion of the mobile lithium ions would
kinetically bond with the solid electrolyte and become immobile, which can be
expressed as:
where refers to the immobile Li bonded with anions in the solid
electrolyte and are the reverse reaction rate and dissociation rate, respectively.
The net production rate of ions that can pass through the solid electrolyte is obtained as:
where is the total amount of lithium. The transport of lithium ion in
the solid electrolyte is driven by both diffusion and migration.
At the solid electrolyte-cathode interface, the charge transfer reaction can be
expressed as:
where is the stoichiometric coefficient. After the charge transfer
reaction at the interface, the lithium intercalates within the cathode through a
diffusion process.
In the discussions that follow, "species" refers to the chemical species that
participates in the primary electrochemical reactions in the battery. It is assumed
in this section that the solid electrolyte battery is lithium-based. Therefore,
"species" refers to lithium; but, in principle, it could be another chemical
An important physical mechanism that is active at the cathode of a solid electrolyte
battery is diffusion of the chemical species. The discussion and user interface for
the section on cathode behavior refer to "species." However, "species" can be
interchanged with lithium for the particular kind of solid electrolyte battery
discussed here.
Governing Equations
The following wide range of physical phenomena determine the operation of a solid
state battery:
Conduction of electrons in the solid electrodes.
Butler-Volmer charge transfer reactions at the interface of the anode-solid
Diffusion and migration of ions in the solid electrolyte.
Butler-Volmer charge transfer reactions at the interface of the solid
electrolyte and the cathode.
Diffusion of species (lithium) in the solid cathode.
Heat generation due to current flow.
Conduction of Electrons in the Solid Electrodes
The equilibrium equation for the current density, , in the solid phase of the anode and cathode is given by:
Here, is the effective electrical conductivity of the solid phase,
and is the electric potential in the solid phase.
Interaction at the Anode-Solid Electrolyte Interface
At the interface between the separator and the solid lithium anode, a
charge-transfer reaction occurs following a Butler-Volmer kinetics that is
expressed using the following equations:
Here, represents lithium in the solid electrode that, through the
deintercalation reaction, transforms into a lithium ion in the electrolyte, , plus an electron, , and leaves behind a vacancy (or intercalation site) in the
solid, .
The general form of the Butler-Volmer current expression at the interface of a
solid anode and solid electrolyte is:
where the overpotential, , is defined as:
In the above equations,
is Faraday's constant;
is the universal gas constant;
is the charge number of the lithium ion battery;
is temperature;
is the absolute zero temperature;
are the cathodic and anodic transfer coefficients,
is the reference value of lithium ion concentration in the
is the concentration of mobile lithium ion;
is the open circuit potential (OCP) as a function of (The typical value in a solid anode is
is the electric potential from the anode side;
is the electric potential from the separator
The electrochemical interaction at the solid electrode-separator interface is
represented on the solid electrode side as a surface current density of
magnitude . The dimensionless “surface factor,” , captures the effects of surface irregularities that can
result in the availability of a larger surface area over which the
electrochemical interaction happens. On the separator side of the interface, the
electrochemical interaction results in two separate surface fluxes, both applied
on the solid electrolyte phase: an electrolyte current density of magnitude and an ion flux of magnitude . For more details on the electrochemical governing equation,
see Conduction of Electrons in the Solid Electrodes and Diffusion and Migration in the Solid Electrolyte. The current surface interaction load is treated as surface flux at the
interface of the anode and solid electrolyte.
Diffusion and Migration in the Solid Electrolyte
The transport of lithium ions in the solid electrolyte is by a combination of
diffusion and migration, which is modeled using the Nernst-Planck equation and
Fick’s second law:
is the flux of lithium ions;
is the diffusion coefficient; and
is the concentration of lithium ion.
The equilibrium equation for the current density in the electrolyte, , is given by:
Here, is the effective electrical conductivity of the electrolyte,
and is the electric potential in the electrolyte phase.
Interaction at the Solid Electrolyte - Cathode Interface
At the solid electrolyte-cathode interface, the charge transfer reaction can be
expressed as:
This charge-transfer reaction occurs following a Butler-Volmer kinetics that is
expressed using the following equations:
where the overpotential, , is defined as:
and is
In the above equations,
is Faraday's constant;
is the universal gas constant;
is the charge number of the battery;
is temperature;
is the absolute zero temperature;
is the cathodic transfer coefficients,
is the reference value of lithium ion concentration in the
is the concentration of mobile lithium ion;
is the open circuit potential (OCP) as a function of ;
is the electric potential from the cathode side;
is the electric potential from the separator
are the maximum and minimum possible concentration of lithium
in the cathode; and
is the concentration of lithium in the cathode.
The electrochemical interaction at the separator-cathode interface is represented
on the cathode side as two separate surface fluxes: a surface current density of
magnitude and a species flux of magnitude . The dimensionless “surface factor,” , captures the effects of surface irregularities that can
result in the availability of a larger surface area over which the
electrochemical interaction happens. On the separator side of the interface, the
electrochemical interaction results in two separate surface fluxes, both applied
on the solid electrolyte phase: an electrolyte current density of magnitude and an ion flux of magnitude . For more details on the electrochemical governing equations,
see Conduction of Electrons in the Solid Electrodes, Diffusion of Lithium within the Cathode, and Diffusion and Migration in the Solid Electrolyte. The current surface interaction load is treated as surface flux at the
interface of the cathode and solid electrolyte.
Diffusion of Lithium within the Cathode
The diffusion of lithium within the cathode is solved using a diffusion equation,
which is expressed as:
is the diffusion coefficient in the cathode for the species
(lithium); and
is the species (lithium) concentration in the
Joule Heating at the Electrode–Solid Electrolyte Interface
The total heat generation at the interface of the solid electrode and the solid
electrolyte is attributed to two sources: flow of current at the electrode-separator
interface and entropy generation. The amount of energy converted into heat from each
of the source terms can be scaled using the conversion factors, :
is the ohmic loss at the electrode-separator interface;
is the entropy generation, where is the derivative of the open circuit potential with
respect to temperature that you can specify in tabular form.
Joule Heating within the Electrodes and Separator
The total heat generation within the electrode and separator is attributed to the
contribution of two different sources: flow of current in the solid phase and flow
of current in the electrolyte phase. The amount of energy converted into heat from
each of the source terms can be scaled using the conversion factors, :
is the ohmic loss in the electrode; and
is the ohmic loss in the separator or electrolyte.
Fully Coupled Solution Scheme
The coupled thermal-electrochemical analysis in Abaqus uses an exact implementation of Newton’s method, leading to an unsymmetric
Jacobian matrix in the form:
The coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural analysis in Abaqus also uses an exact implementation of Newton’s method, leading to an unsymmetric
Jacobian matrix in the form:
Steady-State Analysis
Steady-state analysis provides the steady-state solution by neglecting the transient
terms in the continuum scale equations. It can be used to achieve a balanced initial
state or to assess conditions in the cell after a long storage period.
In the thermal equation, the internal energy term in the governing heat transfer
equation is omitted. Similarly, the transient term is omitted in the diffusion
equations for the lithium ion concentration in the solid electrolyte and lithium in
the cathode. Electrical transient effects are not included in the equations because
they are very rapid compared to the characteristic times of thermal and diffusion
In a transient analysis, the transient effects in the heat transfer and diffusion
equations are included in the solution. Electrical transient effects are always
omitted because they are very rapid compared to the characteristic times of thermal
and mass diffusion effects.
Spurious Oscillations due to Small Time Increments
By default, Abaqus/Standard uses nodal integration of the heat capacity term for first-order elements in a
transient analysis, resulting in a lumped treatment for this term. This treatment
eliminates nonphysical oscillations; however, it can lead to locally inaccurate
solutions, especially in terms of the heat flux for small time increments. If
smaller time increments are required, you should use a finer mesh in regions where
the temperature changes occur. For more information about time integration involving
the temperature degree of freedom, see Spurious Oscillations due to Small Time Increments in Uncoupled Heat Transfer Analysis.
Initial Conditions
By default, the initial values of electric potential in the solid, temperature,
electric potential in the electrolyte, ion concentration, and species concentration
of all nodes are set to zero. You can specify nonzero initial values for the primary
solution variables (see Initial Conditions).
The typical set of initial conditions includes the initial lithium concentration in
the cathode, initial ion concentration in the solid electrolyte, and solid and
electrolyte electric potentials in the electrodes. The ion concentration in the
electrolyte is typically assumed to be uniform in the cell.
Boundary Conditions
You can prescribe the following boundary conditions:
Electric potential in the solid, (degree of freedom 9).
Electric potential in the electrolyte, (degree of freedom 32).
Temperature, (degree of freedom 11).
Ion concentration in the electrolyte, (degree of freedom 33) at the nodes.
Species concentration in the electrode, (degree of freedom 34) at the nodes.
You can specify boundary conditions as functions of time by referring to amplitude
A boundary without any prescribed boundary conditions corresponds to an insulated
(zero flux) surface.
The typical boundary condition consists only of grounding (setting to zero) the solid
electric potential at the anode. Thermal boundary conditions vary.
You can apply thermal, electrical, and electrochemical loads in a coupled
thermal-electrochemical analysis.
You can prescribe the following types of thermal loads (as described in Thermal Loads):
Concentrated heat flux.
Body flux and distributed surface flux.
Convective film and radiation conditions.
You can prescribe the following types of electrical loads on the solid (as described
in Electromagnetic Loads):
Concentrated current.
Distributed surface current densities and body current densities.
You can prescribe the following types of electrical loads on the electrolyte (as
described in Electromagnetic Loads):
Concentrated current.
Distributed surface current densities and body current densities.
You can prescribe the following types of ion concentration loads (as described in
Thermal Loads):
Concentrated flux.
Distributed body flux.
The typical loads include specification of a solid electric flux (current) at the
cathode. Thermal boundary conditions vary but typically include convective film on
the exterior surfaces. Customarily, no loads are applied on the ion or species
concentrations and on the electrolyte potential.
Predefined Fields
Predefined temperature fields are not allowed in coupled thermal-electrochemical
analyses. You can use boundary conditions to specify temperatures. You can specify
other predefined field variables in a coupled thermal-electrochemical analysis.
These values affect only field variable–dependent material properties.
Material Options
The thermal and electrical properties for both the solid and the electrolyte are
active in a coupled thermal-electrochemical analysis. All mechanical behavior
material models (such as elasticity and plasticity) are ignored in a coupled
thermal-electrochemical analysis. The solid electrolyte framework requires that the
material definition contain the complete specification of properties required for
the solid electrolyte theory, as described below and in the sections that follow. In
addition, the material name must begin with "ABQ_EChemSET_" to enable the fully
coupled solution between the various fields at the different electrodes.
Special-purpose parameter and property tables of type names starting with
“ABQ_EChemSET_” are required in these material definitions (see Parameter Table Type Reference and Property Table Type Reference). In a fully coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural
analysis, the material definition must include thermal, electrical, electrochemical,
and mechanical properties.
Defining Properties to Model Solid-State Batteries
You must specify the constants required to define the Butler-Volmer kinetics
using different table collections for the anode-separator interface and the
cathode-separator interface.These table collections can be used in the surface
interaction behavior or in a surface-based load. For the cathode and separator,
you must define material properties as defined below.
Interaction at the Anode-Solid Electrolyte Interface
You must define the parameters for the Butler-Volmer kinetics and the open
circuit potential for the anode in tabular form as a function of
temperature. Optionally, you can specify an Arrhenius form of temperature
dependency for (see Arrhenius Temperature Dependency.) If Joule heating effects are important, you must also specify the Joule
heating losses and the entropy table that is used to define the derivative
of the open circuit potential with respect to temperature.
Input File Usage
Use a table collection definition to include all properties (listed
below) required to define the Butler-Volmer kinetics:
Interaction at the Solid Electrolyte-Cathode Interface
You must define either in terms of parameters or in in tabular form as a
function of and . In addition, you must define the open circuit potential
for the cathode in tabular form as a function of . Optionally, you can specify an Arrhenius form of the
temperature dependency for (see Arrhenius Temperature Dependency.) If Joule heating effects are important, you must also specify the Joule
heating losses and the entropy table that is used to define the derivative
of the open circuit potential with respect to temperature.
Input File Usage
Use a table collection definition to include all properties (listed
below) required to define the Butler-Volmer kinetics:
You must define thermal conductivity for the heat transfer portion of the
analysis. In addition, you must define the specific heat for transient
problems. Thermal expansion coefficients are not meaningful in a coupled
thermal-electrochemical analysis because the deformation of the structure is
not considered. You can specify internal heat generation.
Abaqus/Standard offers two options to define the Butler-Volmer surface interaction.
When the different regions (that is, the solid lithium anode, solid electrolyte,
and solid cathode) are modeled using matching meshes with shared nodes, you can
define the Butler-Volmer interaction as a surface-based load on the facets of
the anode and cathode elements, respectively.
If the meshes on the two sides of the interface between the solid anode,
separator, and solid cathode are dissimilar and do not share nodes, you can use
a surface interaction property to define an interface reaction behavior.
For both definitions you must specify the name of the table collection that
includes the corresponding surface interaction properties, as described in the
previous section.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a surface-based Butler-Volmer
The simultaneous solution in a coupled thermal-electrochemical analysis requires the
use of elements that have electric potential in the solid (degree of freedom 9),
temperature (degree of freedom 11), electric potential in the electrolyte (degree of
freedom 32), ion concentration in the electrolyte (degree of freedom 33), and
species concentration in the solid cathode (degree of freedom 34) as nodal
variables. Coupled thermal-electrochemical elements are available in Abaqus/Standard only in three dimensions (see Coupled Thermal-Electrochemical Elements).
In addition to the output quantities available for the coupled thermal-electric
procedure, you can request the following output variables in a coupled
thermal-electrochemical analysis.
Nodal output variables:
Electric potential in the solid phase.
Electric potential in the solid electrolyte.
Ion concentration in the solid electrolyte.
Reaction current in the solid electrolyte.
Reaction ion concentration in the solid
Species concentration.
Reaction species concentration.
Element Integration point output variables:
Species concentration
Species concentration flux.
In addition, in a fully coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural analysis you can
request the Abaqus/Standard output variables for mechanical degrees of freedom.
Danilov, D., A. H. Niessen, and P. H. L. Notten, “Modeling All-Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 158, no. 3, 2011.
Tian, H-K., , and Y. Qi, “Simulation of the Effect of Contact Area Loss in All-Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, vol. 164, no. 11, 2017.
Raijmakers, L.H.J., D. L. Danilov, R-A. Eichel, and P. H. L. Notten, “An Advanced All-Solid-State Li-Ion Battery Model,” Electrochimica Acta, vol. 330, no. 3, 2020.