Pore Fluid Contact Properties

The pore fluid contact property models:

  • are often used in geotechnical applications, where pore pressure continuity between material on opposite sides of an interface must be maintained;

  • govern pore fluid flow across a contact interface and into a gap region for nearby contact surfaces;

  • are applicable when pore pressure degrees of freedom are present on both sides of a contact interface (if pore pressure degrees of freedom are present on only one side of a contact interface, the surfaces are treated as impermeable);

  • affect the pore fluid flow normal to the contact surfaces;

  • can apply to small- and finite-sliding contact formulations; and

  • assume that there is no fluid flowing tangentially to the surface.

Contact in coupled pore fluid diffusion/stress analysis involves displacement constraints to resist penetrations and pore fluid contact properties that influence the fluid flow. See Coupled Pore Fluid Diffusion and Stress Analysis for details on coupled pore fluid diffusion/stress analyses. See Defining the Constitutive Response of Fluid within the Cohesive Element Gap for details on the use of pore pressure cohesive elements as an alternative to using contact models and pore fluid contact properties.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Contact Interactions
In Other Guides
