Coupled acoustic-structural medium analysis

Abaqus provides a set of elements for modeling a fluid medium undergoing small pressure variations and interface conditions to couple these acoustic elements to a structural model. These elements are provided to model a variety of phenomena involving dynamic interactions between fluid and solid media.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Acoustic, Shock, and Coupled Acoustic-Structural Analysis
Acoustic Medium
Acoustic and Shock Loads


Steady-state harmonic (linear) response analysis can be performed for a coupled acoustic-structural system, such as the study of the noise level in a vehicle. The steady-state procedure is based on direct solution of the coupled complex harmonic equations, as described in Direct steady-state dynamic analysis; on a modal-based procedure, as described in Steady-state linear dynamic analysis; or on a subspace-based procedure, as described in Subspace-based steady-state dynamic analysis. Mode-based linear transient dynamic analysis is also available, as described in Modal dynamic analysis.

The acoustic fluid elements can also be used with nonlinear response analysis (implicit or explicit direct integration) procedures: whether such results are useful depends on the applicability of the small pressure change assumption in the fluid. Often in coupled fluid-solid problems the fluid forces in this linear regime are high enough that nonlinear response of the structure needs to be considered. For example, a ship subjected to underwater incident wave loads due to an explosion may experience plastic deformation or large motions of internal machinery may occur.

The acoustic medium in Abaqus may have velocity-dependent dissipation, caused by fluid viscosity or by flow within a resistive porous matrix material. In addition, rather general boundary conditions are provided for the acoustic medium, including impedance, or “reactive,” boundaries.

The possible conditions at the surface of the acoustic medium are:

  1. Prescribed pressure (degree of freedom 8) at the boundary nodes. (Boundary conditions can be used to specify pressure at any node in the model.)

  2. Prescribed inward normal derivative of pressure per unit density of the acoustic medium through the use of a concentrated load on degree of freedom 8 of a boundary node. If the applied load has zero magnitude (that is, if no concentrated load or other boundary condition is present), the inward normal derivative of pressure (and normal fluid particle acceleration) is zero, which means that the default boundary condition of the acoustic medium is a rigid, fixed wall (Neumann condition).

  3. Acoustic-structural coupling defined either by using surface-based coupling procedures (see Surface-based acoustic-structural medium interaction) or by placing ASI coupling elements on the interface between the acoustic medium and a structure.

  4. An impedance condition, representing an absorbing boundary between the acoustic medium and a rigid wall or a vibrating structure or representing radiation to an infinite exterior.

  5. An incident wave loading, representing the inward normal derivative of pressure per unit density of the acoustic medium resulting from the arrival of a specified wave. The formulation of this loading case is discussed in Loading due to an incident dilatational wave field. It is applicable to problems involving blast loads and to acoustic scattering problems.

The flow resistance and the properties of the absorbing boundaries may be functions of frequency in steady-state response analysis but are assumed to be constant in the direct integration procedure. This section defines the formulation used in these elements.