Modal dynamic analysis

The modal dynamic procedure provides time history analysis of linear systems.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
Transient Modal Dynamic Analysis

Products Abaqus/Standard

The excitation is given as a function of time: it is assumed that the amplitude curve is specified so that the magnitude of the excitation varies linearly within each increment. When the model is projected onto the eigenmodes used for its dynamic representation, we obtain the following set of equations at time t:

(1) q ¨ β + C β α q ˙ α + ω β 2 q β = ( f t ) β = f t - Δ t + Δ f Δ t Δ t ,

where the α and β indices span the eigenspace; C β α is the projected viscous damping matrix; q β is the “generalized coordinate” of the mode β (the amplitude of the response in this mode); ω β = k β / m β is the natural frequency of the undamped mode β (obtained as the square root of the eigenvalue in the eigenfrequency step that precedes the modal dynamic time history analysis); ( f t ) β is the magnitude of the loading projected onto this mode (the “generalized load” for the mode); and Δ f is the change in f over the time increment, which is Δ t .

If the projected damping matrix is diagonal, Equation 1 becomes the following uncoupled set of equations:

(2) q ¨ β + 2 ξ β ω β q ˙ β + ω β 2 q β = ( f t ) β ,

where ξ β is the critical damping ratio given by the relation

2 ξ β ω β = c β m β ,

where c β is the modal viscous damping coefficient and m β is the modal mass in mode β .