Explicit dynamic analysis

Abaqus/Explicit provides explicit direct integration for performing dynamic analysis of problems in which inertia effects are considered.

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Explicit Dynamic Analysis


The explicit dynamics analysis procedure in Abaqus/Explicit is based upon the implementation of an explicit integration rule together with the use of diagonal or “lumped” element mass matrices. The equations of motion for the body are integrated using the explicit central difference integration rule


where u˙ is velocity and u¨ is acceleration. The superscript (i) refers to the increment number and i-12 and i+12 refer to midincrement values. The central difference integration operator is explicit in that the kinematic state can be advanced using known values of u˙(i-12) and u¨(i) from the previous increment. The explicit integration rule is quite simple but by itself does not provide the computational efficiency associated with the explicit dynamics procedure. The key to the computational efficiency of the explicit procedure is the use of diagonal element mass matrices because the inversion of the mass matrix that is used in the computation for the accelerations at the beginning of the increment is triaxial:


where M is the diagonal lumped mass matrix, F is the applied load vector, and I is the internal force vector. The explicit procedure requires no iterations and no tangent stiffness matrix.

Special treatment of the mean velocities u˙(i+12), u˙(i-12) etc. is required for initial conditions, certain constraints, and presentation of results. For presentation of results, the state velocities are stored as a linear interpolation of the mean velocities:


The central difference operator is not self-starting because the value of the mean velocity u˙(-12) needs to be defined. The initial values (at time t=0) of velocity and acceleration are set to zero unless they are specified by the user. We assert the following condition:


Substituting this expression into the update expression for u˙(i+12) yields the following definition of u˙(-12):
