Connector Behavior

Connector behavior:

  • can be defined for connection types with available components of relative motion;

  • can incorporate simple spring, dashpot, and node-to-node contact as particular applications;

  • may include linear or nonlinear force versus displacement and force versus velocity behavior for the unconstrained relative motion components;

  • can include uncoupled or coupled behavior specifications;

  • can allow frictional force in an unconstrained component of relative motion to be generated by any force or moment in the connection;

  • can allow for plasticity definitions for individual components or coupled plasticity definitions using user-defined yield functions;

  • can be used to specify sophisticated damage mechanisms with various damage evolution laws;

  • can provide user-defined locking criteria to lock in the current position all relative motion in the connector element or a single unconstrained component of relative motion;

  • can be used to specify failure of the connector element; and

  • can be used to specify complex uniaxial models by specifying the loading and unloading behavior in an available component of relative motion.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Connectors
Connection-Type Library
Connection Types
Connector Elastic Behavior
Connector Damping Behavior
Connector Functions for Coupled Behavior
Connector Friction Behavior
Connector Plastic Behavior
Connector Damage Behavior
Connector Stops and Locks
Connector Failure Behavior
Connector Uniaxial Behavior
In Other Guides
Creating connector sections
Defining a reference length
Defining time integration
