About Kinematic Constraints

You can define several types of kinematic constraints, including multi-point constraints, kinematic coupling constraints, and tie constraints.

See Also
Constraint Enforcement and Overlapping Constraints

The following types of kinematic constraints can be defined:


Linear multi-point constraints can be given in the form of an equation (see Linear Constraint Equations).

Multi-point constraints

Multi-point constraints (MPCs) specify linear or nonlinear constraints between nodes. These relations between nodes can be the default types that are provided in Abaqus or, in Abaqus/Standard, can be coded in the form of a user subroutine. General Multi-Point Constraints explains the use of MPCs and lists the available default constraints.

Kinematic coupling

In Abaqus/Standard a node or group of nodes can be constrained to a reference node. Similar to multi-point constraints, the kinematic coupling constraint allows general node-by-node specification of constrained degrees of freedom (see Kinematic Coupling Constraints).

Surface-based tie constraints

Two surfaces can be tied together. Each node on the first surface (the secondary surface) will have the same values for its degrees of freedom as the point on the second surface (the main surface) to which it is closest (see Mesh Tie Constraints). In the case of surface elements tied to a beam surface, the offset distances between the surface elements and the beam are used in the definition of constraints, which include the rotational degrees of freedom of the beam.

Surface-based coupling constraints

A group of nodes located on a surface can be constrained to a reference node. This constraint may be kinematic, in which the group of coupling nodes can be constrained to the rigid body motion defined by the reference node, or distributing, in which the group of coupling nodes can be constrained to the rigid body motion defined by the reference node in an average sense (see Coupling Constraints).

Surface-based shell-to-solid coupling

An edge-based surface on a three-dimensional shell element mesh can be coupled to an element- or node-based surface on a three-dimensional solid mesh. The coupling is enforced by the creation of an internal set of distributing coupling constraints (see Shell-to-Solid Coupling).

Mesh-independent spot welds

Two or more surfaces can be bonded together using fasteners such as spot welds (see Mesh-Independent Fasteners). Distributed coupling constraints are created on each of the connected surfaces. The connection is modeled independent of the mesh.

Embedded elements

An element or a group of elements can be embedded in a group of host elements (see Embedded Elements). Abaqus will search for the geometric relationships between nodes on the embedded elements and the host elements. If a node on an embedded element lies within a host element, the degrees of freedom at the node will be eliminated by constraining them to the interpolated values of the degrees of freedom of the host element. Host elements cannot be embedded themselves.


In Abaqus/Standard a local rotational degree of freedom or a combination of local rotational degrees of freedom can be released at one or both ends of a beam element (see Element End Release).

Boundary conditions are also a type of kinematic constraint in stress analysis because they define the support of the structure or give fixed displacements at nodal points. Specification of boundary conditions is discussed in Boundary Conditions.

Connector elements can be used to impose element-based kinematic constraints for mechanism-type analysis. See About Connectors.

Contact interactions, described in About Contact Interactions can be used to enforce constraints between bodies that come into contact. Contact interactions can be used in mechanical as well as coupled thermomechanical, coupled thermal-electrical-structural, and coupled pore fluid-mechanical analysis.