Constraint Enforcement
Abaqus enforces constraints on incremental motion at every increment during the solution procedure. A variety of constraint enforcement methods are used by Abaqus. To successfully run simulations, you do not need to be aware of which constraint methods are used and how they work. However, a basic understanding of the constraint methods used might offer you some context for the diagnostic information that Abaqus provides.
Abaqus typically uses a penalty method to enforce contact constraints, although Lagrange multiplier and augmented Lagrange constraint methods are also available to enforce contact constraints in Abaqus/Standard (see Contact Constraint Enforcement Methods in Abaqus/Standard and Contact Constraint Enforcement Methods in Abaqus/Explicit). Contact penalty stiffness is treated by the central-difference time integration in Abaqus/Explicit without triggering implicit corrections (see Central-Difference Time Integration with Implicit Corrections).
Abaqus typically uses the elimination method to strictly enforce noncontact constraints. The elimination method eliminates degrees of freedom of secondary nodes in favor of degrees of freedom of main nodes. The elimination method in Abaqus/Explicit involves the implicit correction phase of central-difference time integration. Exceptions for which noncontact constraints use other constraint methods include the following:
- Distributed coupling constraints in Abaqus/Standard use a Lagrange multiplier constraint method to strictly enforce that a reference node moves according to the weighted average motion of cloud nodes. Boundary conditions or other constraints also typically involve the reference node, so using an elimination method to enforce distributed couplings is undesirable.
- Distributed coupling constraints in Abaqus/Explicit use a specialized form of implicit correction equations because distributed coupling constraints often participate in other boundary conditions, constraints, or connector elements.
- Conflicting constraint requirements cause Abaqus/Explicit to introduce stiff penalty springs. These springs are treated during the implicit correction phase of central-difference time integration, such that the stiff springs do not influence the size of the stable time increment. Large constraint systems involving conflicting constraints can degrade Abaqus/Explicit performance. For further discussion related to overlapping constraints, see Multiple Constraints in Abaqus/Standard, Multiple Constraints in Abaqus/Explicit, and Computational Cost for Constraint Solution in Abaqus/Explicit.