A fully coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis is used
when the mechanical, thermal, electrical, ion concentration, and fluid flow fields
affect each other strongly.
You must use coupled structural-thermal-electrochemical–pore pressure elements in this
type of analysis.
A fully coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis is used for the
analysis of battery electrochemistry applications that require solving simultaneously
for the following:
electric potentials in the solid electrodes,
electric potential in the electrolyte,
concentration of ions in the electrolyte,
concentration in the solid particles used in the electrodes, and
fluid pore pressure mediated electrolyte flow with or without convective effects.
Particle swelling and element deformation can affect the electrolyte convective flow
and fluid pressure.
A complete understanding of battery electrochemistry requires modeling the mutual
influence of the deformation of the porous electrodes and the flow of the ion-carrying
electrolyte within the interconnected pores. This coupling is an important aspect of the
battery multiphysics, and you can use the fully coupled
thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure procedure to better understand the
influence of this coupling on the battery performance. A fully coupled
thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis is a monolithic solve of the
coupled pore fluid diffusion-displacement (see Coupled Pore Fluid Diffusion and Stress Analysis) and coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural (see Fully Coupled Thermal-Electrochemical-Structural Analysis) analyses.
The primary example of a fully coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore
pressure analysis in a battery electrochemistry application is the charging and
discharging of lithium ion battery cells. During the charging cycle, the lithium
ions are extracted (deintercalated) from the active particles of the positive
electrode (cathode). This process results in a reduction of the volume of the active
particles, which in turn leads to an increase in porosity as well as flow of
electrolyte into the cathode. The ions move through the electrolyte by migration and
diffusion from the positive electrode to the negative electrode (anode). At the
anode, the ions intercalate into the active particles. This process results in an
increase of the volume of the active particles, which in turn leads to a decrease in
porosity as well as flow of electrolyte out of the anode. Heat is generated during
the flow of current in the solid and liquid phases, flow of current in the
solid-liquid interface, and flow of ions in the electrolyte. During discharging, the
cycle is reversed.
Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are widely used in a variety of applications,
including portable electronic devices and electric vehicles. The performance of a
battery highly depends on the effects of repeated charging and discharging cycles,
which can cause the degradation of the battery capacity over time. The porous
electrode theory ( Newman et al., 2004) is commonly accepted as the
leading method for modeling the charge-discharge behavior of lithium-ion cells. The
method is based on a homogenized Newman-type approach that does not consider the
details of the pore geometry. The porous electrode theory is based on a concurrent
solution of a highly coupled multiphysics-multiscale formulation. For more
information, see Coupled Thermal-Electrochemical Analysis.
In some applications, a detailed understanding of the effects of the
thermal-electrochemical fields on the mechanical state (deformations) of the
lithium-ion cell, electrolyte fluid pressures, and electrolyte movement can be
important to understand their influence on the overall performance of the cell.
Battery performance characteristics (such as energy storage capacity and discharge
voltages) can degrade with deformations caused by particle swelling, thermal
strains, and ion depletion. Large deformations can cause failure of the separator,
resulting in thermal runaways in batteries. In such applications, the coupling
between temperature and displacement fields might be due to temperature-dependent
material properties, internal heat generation, or thermal expansion. The volume
changes in the active electrode particles resulting from the
intercalation/deintercalation of lithium ions are modeled as particle
concentration–dependent eigenstrains at the macroscale level. These volume changes
affect the displacement field in the cell and porosity and tortuosity evolutions. In
addition, they generate a convective transport term in the electrolyte that
influences the movement of lithium ions through the electrolyte.
The effects of fluid flow and fluid pressure are important to determine localized
regions of low electrolyte concentrations within the battery that can degrade
battery performance. It is possible to model the different regions in the battery as
either fully saturated or partially saturated to get a better understanding of
electrolyte flow effects during a charge-discharge cycle.
Governing Equations
The governing equations for the thermal-electrochemical process are based on the
porous electrode theory and are described in detail in Governing Equations. The governing equations for particle swelling are also described in Particle Swelling. The volumetric strain at the microscale, caused by particle swelling, results in
macroscopic eigenstrains (also referred to as inherent strain, assumed strain, or
"stress-free" strain) that affects the deformation of the porous electrodes, solid
volume fraction, , pore fluid pressure in the electrolyte, and electrolyte flow. Abaqus treats the continuum (porous electrodes containing electrolyte) as a multiphase
material and adopts an effective stress principle to describe its behavior (see
Effective stress principle for porous media). In this
approach, the total stress at a material point is assumed to be made up of an
effective stress, , which represents the stress in the skeleton of the porous
electrode, and an average pressure stress, , in the electrolyte, such that:
The above expression assumes partially saturated electrolyte flow, with saturation
level, , where for fully saturated flow and represents partially saturated flow. The response of such a porous
medium is based on satisfying:
mechanical equilibrium based on all internal and external forces in the system,
as well as
fluid continuity for the electrolyte phase.
The porous medium is modeled with a Lagrangian finite element mesh that keeps track
of the evolving volume fractions of the solid and electrolyte phases at each
material point, as well as the flow of the electrolyte phase. The electrolyte is
assumed to be relatively incompressible. The effective response of the porous medium
can be described in terms of any mechanical constitutive model in Abaqus. For the special case of a linear elastic effective response, the effective
stress induced by an eigenstrain can be represented as:
is the effective Cauchy stress;
is the elasticity matrix;
is the total strain;
is the eigenstrain; and
is the elastic strain.
The continuity equation for the electrolyte flow is described in Continuity statement for the wetting liquid phase in a porous medium. The
formulation of the continuity equation is in terms of pore pressure as the basic
nodal variable (degree of freedom 8 at each node). The conjugate flux is the nodal
volumetric flow rate.
The ion flux equation (see Diffusion and Migration of Lithium Ions in the Liquid Phase) can optionally include advection contributions resulting from the velocity field
of the electrolyte. If advection effects are included in the model, any electrolyte
flux at the external boundaries is associated with a corresponding ion flux (that
is, the electrolyte leaves or enters the domain with ions). If advection effects are
not included in the model, only "clean electrolyte" (that is, electrolyte without
any ions) can leave or enter through the external boundaries.
Fully Coupled Solution Scheme
A fully coupled solution scheme is required when the stress analysis is strongly
dependent on the other fields involved in an electrochemical analysis, such as
temperature, pore pressure, electric potentials in the solid and electrolyte, and
ion concentration. In Abaqus/Standard, the temperature is integrated in time using a backward-difference scheme. The
nonlinear coupled system is solved using Newton's method. The coupled
thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis in Abaqus uses an exact implementation of Newton’s method, leading to an unsymmetric
Jacobian matrix in the form:
Steady-State Analysis
Steady-state analysis provides the steady-state solution by neglecting the transient
terms in the continuum scale equations. It can be used to achieve a balanced initial
state or to assess conditions in the cell after a long storage period.
A steady-state analysis neglects the transient terms in all the macroscopic field
equations. These include:
internal energy term in heat transfer;
transient term in the diffusion equation for the lithium ion concentration in
the electrolyte;
electrical transients in the conduction equations for both the solid and
electrolyte phases (characteristic time scales associated with the electrical
transient effects are much smaller compared to the characteristic times of
thermal and ion-diffusion); and
electrolyte flow continuity equation. When the modeling of electrolyte flow
includes gravity effects, a steady-state step ensures the loads and initial
stresses equilibrate exactly.
A steady-state analysis has no effect on the microscale solution; the transient terms
are always included in the solution of the lithium concentration in the solid
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a steady-state fully coupled
thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis that considers the
fluid velocity effects:
Use the following option to define a steady-state fully coupled
thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis that ignores the fluid
velocity effects:
In a transient analysis, the transient effects in the heat transfer, pore fluid
continuity, and ion-diffusion equations are included in the solution. Electrical
transient effects are always omitted because they are rapid compared to the
characteristic times of thermal and ion-diffusion effects.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a transient fully coupled
thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis that considers the
fluid velocity effects:
Use the following option to define a transient fully coupled
thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis that ignores the fluid
velocity effects:
In a fully coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis, you can
model the presence of an external reservoir of fluid electrolyte with a prescribed
ion concentration value of .
When you model fluid velocity effects in conjunction with the presence of an external reservoir:
If the pore pressure inside the domain is higher than the prescribed pore
pressure at a boundary node, fluid electrolyte leaves the active domain through
the node. The exiting fluid carries an ionic concentration of value equal to
that of the ion concentration degree of freedom at that boundary node at that
instance in time.
If the pore pressure inside the domain is lower than the prescribed pore
pressure at the boundary node, fluid electrolyte enters the active domain
through the node. The entering fluid carries an ionic concentration equal to the
prescribed ambient ion concentration value of .
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a transient fully coupled
thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis that considers the
fluid velocity effects in conjunction with the presence of an external
Spurious Oscillations Due to Small Time Increments
The integration procedure Abaqus/Standard uses for fluid flow analysis with the pore pressure degree of freedom introduces
a relationship between the minimum usable time increment and the element size. If
time increments smaller than these values are used, spurious oscillations can appear
in the solution.
The integration procedure Abaqus/Standard uses for the transient heat transfer equation also results in similar limitations
on the minimum usable time increment. By default, Abaqus/Standard uses nodal integration for the heat capacity term for first-order elements in a
transient analysis, resulting in a lumped treatment for this term. This treatment
eliminates nonphysical oscillations; however, it can lead to locally inaccurate
solutions, especially in terms of the heat flux for small time increments. If
smaller time increments are required, you should use a finer mesh in regions where
the temperature changes occur.
By default, the initial values of pore pressure, electric potential in the solid and
electrolyte, temperature, and ion concentration of all nodes are set to zero. You
can specify nonzero initial values for the primary solution variables (see Initial Conditions).
Boundary Conditions
You can prescribe the following boundary conditions:
Displacement (degrees of freedom 1, 2, and 3)
Pore pressure, (degree of freedom 8)
Electric potential in the solid, (degree of freedom 9)
Electric potential in the electrolyte, (degree of freedom 32)
Temperature, (degree of freedom 11)
Ion concentration in the electrolyte, (degree of freedom 33) at the nodes
You can specify boundary conditions as functions of time by referring to amplitude
curves (see Amplitude Curves).
A boundary without any prescribed boundary conditions corresponds to an insulated
(zero flux) surface.
The typical boundary condition consists of only grounding (setting to zero) the solid
electric potential at the anode. Thermal boundary conditions vary.
You can apply mechanical, pore fluid pressure, thermal, electrical, and
electrochemical loads in a coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure
Concentrated nodal forces on displacement degrees of freedom.
Distributed forces.
You can prescribe the following types of pore pressure loads (as described in Pore Fluid Flow):
Distributed pressure forces or body forces. The distributed load types available
with particular elements are described in the Abaqus Elements Guide. The magnitude and direction of gravitational loading are
usually defined by using the gravity distributed load type.
Pore fluid flow.
You can prescribe the following types of thermal loads (as described in Thermal Loads):
Concentrated heat flux.
Body flux and distributed surface flux.
Convective film and radiation conditions.
You can prescribe the following types of electrical loads on the solid (as described
in Electromagnetic Loads):
Concentrated current.
Distributed surface current densities and body current densities.
You can prescribe the following types of electrical loads on the electrolyte (as
described in Electromagnetic Loads):
Concentrated current.
Distributed surface current densities and body current densities.
You can prescribe the following types of ion concentration loads (as described in
Thermal Loads):
Concentrated flux.
Distributed body flux.
The typical loads include specification of an electric flux (current) in the solid
phase of the cathode. Thermal boundary conditions vary but typically include
convective film on the exterior surfaces. Typically, no loads are applied on the
concentrations and the electrolyte potential fields.
Predefined Fields
Predefined temperature fields are not allowed in coupled
thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analyses. Instead, you can use
boundary conditions to prescribe degree of freedom 11 for temperature. You can
specify other predefined field variables in a fully coupled
thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis. These values affect only
field variable–dependent material properties, if any.
Material Options
In a coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural-pore pressure analysis, you can
specify the effective response of the medium in terms of any available mechanical
constitutive behavior. The thermal and electrical properties for both the solid and
the electrolyte phases are also active during this analysis.
The electrochemistry framework requires that the material definition contain the
complete specification of properties required for the porous electrode theory, as
described in Coupled Thermal-Electrochemical Analysis. In addition, the
material name must begin with "ABQ_EChemPET_" to
enable the coupled micro-macro solution at the different electrodes. Special-purpose
parameter and property tables of type names starting with
“ABQ_EChemPET_” are required in these material
definitions (see Parameter Table Type Reference and Property Table Type Reference). For more information about the material definitions for the
thermal-electrochemical behavior, see Material Options.
In problems formulated in terms of total pore pressure, you must include the density
of the dry material in the material definition (see Density). You must specify the permeability of the porous medium including,
optionally, its dependence on the void ratio, saturation, and the flow velocity (see
Permeability). You must also define the specific weight of the electrolyte as
part of the material permeability definition. You can define the compressibility of
the solid grains and of the electrolyte for both fully and partially saturated flow
problems (see Elastic Behavior of Porous Materials). If you do
not specify the compressibility of the solid and the liquid phases, they are assumed
to be fully incompressible.
For partially saturated flow, you must define the porous medium's
absorption/exsorption behavior (see Sorption).
A fully coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis requires
the use of elements that have displacement (degrees of freedom 1, 2, and 3), pore
pressure (degree of freedom 8), electric potential in the solid (degree of freedom
9), temperature (degree of freedom 11), electric potential in the electrolyte
(degree of freedom 32), and ion concentration in the electrolyte (degree of freedom
33) as nodal variables. The coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure
elements are available in Abaqus/Standard only in three dimensions (see Coupled Thermal-Electrochemical-Structural–Pore Pressure Elements).
A fully coupled thermal-electrochemical-structural–pore pressure analysis can also
include regions modeled using the following categories of nonelectrochemistry
elements: three-dimensional stress/displacement solid elements, three-dimensional
stress/displacement shell elements, three-dimensional coupled
temperature-displacement solid elements, three-dimensional coupled
temperature-displacement shell elements, as well as rigid elements
R3D3 and
In addition to the output variables available for the coupled thermal-electric, the
coupled thermal-electrochemical, and coupled thermal-electrochemical structural
procedures, you can request the Abaqus/Standard output variables related to pore pressure degrees of freedom (see Output).