Low-Cycle Fatigue Analysis Using the Direct Cyclic Approach
A low-cycle fatigue analysis:
is characterized by states of stress high enough for inelastic deformation to occur in
most cases;
is a quasi-static analysis on a structure subjected to sub-critical cyclic loading;
can be associated with thermal as well as mechanical loading;
uses the direct cyclic approach to obtain the stabilized cyclic response of the structure
models progressive damage and failure in bulk ductile material based on a continuum
damage mechanics approach, in which case damage initiation and evolution are characterized
by the accumulated inelastic hysteresis strain energy per stabilized cycle;
models propagation of a discrete crack along an arbitrary, solution-dependent path
without remeshing in the bulk brittle material based on the principles of linear elastic
fracture mechanics (LEFM) with the extended finite
element method, in which case the onset and growth of fatigue crack are characterized by
the relative fracture energy release rate;
models progressive delamination growth along a predefined path at the brittle material
interfaces in laminated composites, in which case the onset and growth of fatigue
delamination at the interfaces are characterized by the relative fracture energy release
uses the damage extrapolation technique to accelerate the low-cycle fatigue analysis; and
assumes geometrically linear behavior and fixed contact conditions within each loading
In simulations where the bulk material deformation is inelastic, the direct cyclic approach
is the preferred method. It can be much more computationally efficient at obtaining a
stabilized response than a classical transient analysis, which might require the application
of many loading cycles to obtain the same result. However, in the case of linear elastic
response with brittle materials, it might not be optimal, or even desirable, to use a Fourier
series to represent the displacement and residual fields. The preferred method in this case is
to use the classical incremental method (see Linear Elastic Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis).
The traditional approach for determining the fatigue limit for a structure is to establish
the curves (load versus number of cycles to failure) for the materials in the
structure. Such an approach is still used as a design tool in many cases to predict fatigue
resistance of engineering structures. However, this technique is generally conservative, and
it does not define a relationship between the cycle number and the degree of damage or crack
One alternative approach is to predict the fatigue life by using a crack/damage evolution
law based on the inelastic strain/energy when the structure's response is stabilized after
many cycles. Because the computational cost to simulate the slow progressive damage in a
material over many load cycles is prohibitively expensive for all but the simplest models,
numerical fatigue life studies usually involve modeling the response of the structure
subjected to a small fraction of the actual loading history. This response is then
extrapolated over many load cycles using empirical formulas such as the Coffin-Manson
relationship (see Coffin, 1954, and Manson, 1953) to predict the likelihood of crack initiation and propagation. Since
this approach is based on a constant crack/damage growth rate, it might not realistically
predict the evolution of the crack or damage.
Low-Cycle Fatigue Analysis in Abaqus/Standard
The direct cyclic analysis capability in Abaqus/Standard provides a computationally effective modeling technique to obtain the stabilized
response of a structure subjected to periodic loading and is ideally suited to perform
low-cycle fatigue calculations on a large structure. The capability uses a combination of
Fourier series and time integration of the nonlinear material behavior to obtain the
stabilized response of the structure directly. The theory and algorithm to obtain a
stabilized response using the direct cyclic approach are described in detail in Direct cyclic algorithm.
The direct cyclic low-cycle fatigue procedure models the progressive damage and failure
both in bulk materials (such as in solder joints in an electronic chip packaging or
intra-laminar crack growth in laminated composites) and at material interfaces (such as
delamination in laminated composites). The former can be based on either a continuum
damage mechanics approach or the principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics with the
extended finite element method. The response is obtained by evaluating the behavior of the
structure at discrete points along the loading history (see Figure 1). The solution at each of these points is used to predict the degradation and evolution
of material properties that will take place during the next increment, which spans a
number of load cycles, . The degraded material properties are then used to compute the solution
at the next increment in the load history. Therefore, the crack/damage growth rate is
updated continually throughout the analysis.
Figure 1. Elastic stiffness degradation as a function of the cycle number.
The elastic material stiffness at a material point remains constant and contact
conditions remain unchanged when the stabilized solution is computed at a given point in
the loading history. Each of the solutions along the loading history represents the
stabilized response of the structure subjected to the applied period loads, with a level
of material damage at each point in the structure computed from the previous solution.
This process is repeated up to a point in the loading history at which a fatigue life
assessment can be made.
In bulk material, there are two approaches to modeling the progressive damage and
failure. One approach is based on continuum damage mechanics. This approach is more
appropriate for ductile material, in which the cyclic loading leads to stress reversals
and the accumulation of plastic strains, which in turn cause the initiation and
propagation of cracks. The damage initiation and evolution are characterized by the
stabilized accumulated inelastic hysteresis strain energy per cycle as illustrated in
Figure 2. The other approach is based on the principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics
with the extended finite element method. This approach is more appropriate for brittle
material or material with small scale yielding, in which the cyclic loading leads to
material strength degradation causing fatigue crack growth along an arbitrary path. The
onset and growth of the crack are characterized by the relative fracture energy release
rate at the crack tip based on the Paris law (Paris, 1961).
Figure 2. Plastic shakedown in a direct cyclic analysis.
At interfaces of laminated composites, the cyclic loading leads to interface strength
degradation causing fatigue delamination growth. The onset and growth of delamination are
also characterized by the relative fracture energy release rate at the crack tip based on
the Paris law (Paris, 1961).
Both the progressive damage mechanism in the bulk material and the progressive
delamination growth mechanism at interfaces can be considered simultaneously, with the
failure occurring first at the weakest link in a model.
Defining a low-cycle fatigue analysis using the direct cyclic approach is similar to
defining a direct cyclic analysis. See Direct Cyclic Analysis for
details on how to specify the number of Fourier terms, number of iterations, and the
increment sizes. You specify the maximum numbers of cycles, , when you define the low-cycle fatigue analysis step.
Step module: Create Step: General: Direct cyclic; Fatigue:Include low-cycle fatigue analysis, Maximum number of cycles:Value:
Determining Whether to Use the Fourier Coefficients from the Previous Step
A low-cycle fatigue step using the direct cyclic approach can be the only step in an
analysis, can follow a general or linear perturbation step, or can be followed by a
general or linear perturbation step. Multiple low-cycle fatigue analysis steps can be
included in a single analysis. In such a case the Fourier series coefficients obtained in
the previous step can be used as starting values in the current step. By default, the
Fourier coefficients are reset to zero, thus allowing application of cyclic loading
conditions that are very different from those defined in the previous low-cycle fatigue
As in a direct cyclic analysis, you can specify that a low-cycle fatigue step in a
restart analysis should use the Fourier coefficients from the previous step, thus allowing
continuation of an analysis to simulate more loading cycles. In a low-cycle fatigue
analysis, a restart file is written at the end of the stabilized cycle. Consequently, a
restart analysis that is a continuation of a previous low-cycle fatigue analysis will
start with a new loading cycle at (see Restarting an Analysis).
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify that the current step is a continuation of the
previous low-cycle fatigue step using the direct cyclic approach:
Progressive Damage and Damage Extrapolation in Bulk Ductile Material Based on Continuum
Damage Mechanics Approach
Low-cycle fatigue analysis in Abaqus/Standard allows modeling of progressive damage and failure for ductile materials in any elements
whose response is defined in terms of a continuum-based constitutive model (About the Material Library). This includes
cohesive elements modeled using a continuum approach (Modeling of an Adhesive Layer of Finite Thickness). The inelastic
definition in a material point must be used in conjunction with the linear elastic material
model (Linear Elastic Behavior), the porous
elastic material model (Elastic Behavior of Porous Materials), or the
hypoelastic material model (Hypoelastic Behavior).
After damage initiation, the elastic material stiffness is degraded progressively in each
cycle (as shown in Figure 1) based on the accumulated stabilized inelastic hysteresis energy. It is impractical and
computationally expensive to perform a cycle-by-cycle simulation for a low-cycle fatigue
analysis; Instead, to accelerate the low-cycle fatigue analysis, each increment extrapolates
the current damaged state in the bulk material forward over many cycles to a new damaged
state after the current loading cycle is stabilized.
Damage Initiation and Evolution
Damage initiation refers to the beginning of degradation of the response of a material
point. In a low-cycle fatigue analysis the damage initiation criterion is characterized by
the accumulated inelastic hysteresis energy per cycle, . and material constants are used to determine the number of the cycle in
which damage is initiated, . At the end of a stabilized loading cycle, , Abaqus/Standard checks to see if the damage initiation criterion is satisfied in any material point; material stiffness at a material
point will not be degraded unless this criterion is satisfied. The calculations and output
associated with damage initiation are discussed in detail in Damage Initiation for Ductile Materials in Low-Cycle Fatigue.
Once the damage initiation criterion is satisfied at a material point, the damage state
is calculated and updated based on the inelastic hysteresis energy for the stabilized
cycle. Abaqus/Standard assumes that the degradation of the elastic stiffness can be modeled using the scalar
damage variable, . The rate of the damage in a material point per cycle, , is calculated based on the accumulated inelastic hysteresis energy, the
characteristic length associated with an integration point, and material constants. For
details, see Damage Evolution for Ductile Materials in Low-Cycle Fatigue.
Typically, a material has completely lost its load-carrying capacity when . You can remove an element from the mesh if all the section points at
all integration locations of the element have lost their load-carrying capability.
Damage Extrapolation Technique in the Bulk Material
If the damage initiation criterion is satisfied in any material point at the end of a
stabilized cycle, , Abaqus/Standard extrapolates the damage variable from the current cycle forward to the next increment over a number of
cycles, . The new damage state, , is given by
where is the characteristic length associated with an integration point, and and are material constants, and is a reference value of the accumulated inelastic hysteresis energy
density per cycle (see Damage Evolution for Ductile Materials in Low-Cycle Fatigue for more
You specify the minimum () and maximum () number of cycles over which the damage is extrapolated forward in any
given increment. The default values are 100 and 1000, respectively.
Discrete Crack Propagation along an Arbitrary Path Based on the Principles of Linear
Elastic Fracture Mechanics with the Extended Finite Element Method
Low-cycle fatigue analysis in Abaqus/Standard allows the modeling of discrete crack growth along an arbitrary path based on the
principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics with the extended finite element method. You
complete the definition of the crack propagation capability by defining a fracture-based
surface behavior and specifying the fracture criterion in enriched elements. The fracture
energy release rates at the crack tips in enriched elements are calculated based on the
modified virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). VCCT uses the principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics. Therefore,
VCCT is appropriate for problems in which brittle fatigue crack growth
occurs, although nonlinear material deformations can occur somewhere else in the bulk
materials. For more information about defining fracture criteria and VCCT in enriched elements, see Modeling Discontinuities as an Enriched Feature Using the Extended Finite Element Method.
To accelerate the low-cycle fatigue analysis, the damage extrapolation technique is used,
which advances the crack by at least one element length after each stabilized cycle.
Onset and Growth of Fatigue Crack
The onset and growth of fatigue crack at an enriched element are characterized by using
the Paris law, which relates the relative fracture energy release rate, , to crack growth rates. Two criteria must be met to initiate fatigue
crack growth: one criterion is based on material constants, , and the current cycle number, ; the other criterion is based on the maximum fracture energy release
rate, , which corresponds to the cyclic energy release rate when the structure
is loaded up to its maximum value. Once the onset of fatigue crack growth criterion is
satisfied at the enriched elements, the crack growth rate, , is a piecewise function based on material constants and (the Paris law). The criteria for fatigue crack onset and growth are
discussed in detail in Modeling Discontinuities as an Enriched Feature Using the Extended Finite Element Method.
Damage Extrapolation Technique
If the onset of crack growth criterion is satisfied at any crack tip in the enriched
element at the end of a stabilized cycle, , Abaqus/Standard extends the crack length, , from the current cycle forward over a number of cycles, , to by fracturing at least one enriched element ahead of the crack tips.
Given the material constants and (as defined in Modeling Discontinuities as an Enriched Feature Using the Extended Finite Element Method), combined with
the known element length and likely propagation direction at the enriched elements ahead of the crack tips, the number of cycles
necessary to fail each enriched element ahead of the crack tip can be calculated as , where represents the enriched element ahead of the th crack tip. The analysis is set up to advance the crack by at least one
enriched element per increment after the loading cycle is stabilized. The element with the
fewest cycles is identified to be fractured, and its is represented as the number of cycles to grow the crack equal to its
element length, . The most critical element is completely fractured with a zero
constraint and a zero stiffness at the cracked surfaces at the end of the stabilized
cycle. As the enriched element is fractured, the load is redistributed, and a new relative
fracture energy release rate must be calculated for the enriched elements ahead of the
crack tips for the next cycle. This capability allows at least one enriched element ahead
of the crack tips to be fractured after each stabilized cycle and precisely accounts for
the number of cycles needed to cause fatigue crack growth over that length.
Progressive Delamination Growth along a Pre-Defined Path at Interfaces
Low-cycle fatigue analysis in Abaqus/Standard also allows the modeling of progressive delamination growth at the interfaces in
laminated composites. The interface along which the delamination (or crack) propagates must
be indicated in the model using a fracture criterion definition. The fracture energy release
rates at the crack tips in the interface elements are calculated based on the virtual crack
closure technique (VCCT). VCCT uses the principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics. Therefore,
VCCT is appropriate for problems in which brittle fatigue delamination growth
occurs along predefined surfaces, although nonlinear material deformations can occur in the
bulk materials. For more information about defining fracture criteria and
VCCT, see Crack Propagation Analysis.
To accelerate the low-cycle fatigue analysis, the damage extrapolation technique is used,
which releases at least one element length at the crack tip along the interface after each
stabilized cycle. When both brittle fatigue delamination at interfaces and ductile damage or
discrete crack growth in bulk materials are considered in an analysis, failure occurs first
at the weakest link.
Onset and Growth of Fatigue Delamination
The onset and growth of fatigue delamination at a defined crack interface are
characterized by using the Paris law, which relates the relative fracture energy release
rate, , to crack growth rates. Two criteria must be met to initiate fatigue
delamination growth: one criterion is based on material constants, , and the current cycle number, ; the other criterion is based on the maximum fracture energy release
rate, , which corresponds to the cyclic energy release rate when the structure
is loaded up to its maximum value. Once the onset of delamination growth criterion is
satisfied at the interface, the delamination growth rate, , is a piecewise function based on material constants and (the Paris law). The criteria for fatigue delamination onset and growth
are discussed in detail in Fatigue Crack Growth Criterion.
Damage Extrapolation Technique at the Interface Elements
If the onset of delamination growth criterion is satisfied at any crack tip in the
interface at the end of a stabilized cycle, , Abaqus/Standard extends the crack length, , from the current cycle forward over a number of cycles, , to by releasing at least one element at the interface. Given the material
constants and (as defined in Fatigue Crack Growth Criterion), combined with
the known node spacing at the interface elements at the crack tips, the number of cycles
necessary to fail each interface element at the crack tip can be calculated as , where j represents the node at the
jth crack tip. The analysis is set up to release at least one
interface element per increment after the loading cycle is stabilized. The element with
the fewest cycles is identified to be released, and its is represented as the number of cycles to grow the crack equal to its
element length, . The most critical element is completely released with a zero constraint
and a zero stiffness at the end of the stabilized cycle. As the interface element is
released, the load is redistributed, and a new relative fracture energy release rate must
be calculated for the interface elements at the crack tips for the next cycle. This
capability allows at least one interface element at the crack tips to be released after
each stabilized cycle and precisely accounts for the number of cycles needed to cause
fatigue crack growth over that length.
Controlling the Solution Accuracy
Low-cycle fatigue analysis utilizes the direct cyclic approach to obtain the stabilized
cyclic solution iteratively by combining a Fourier series approximation with time
integration of the nonlinear material behavior using a modified Newton method. The accuracy
of the algorithm depends on the number of Fourier terms used, the number of iterations taken
to obtain the stabilized solution, and the number of time points within the load period at
which the material response and residual vector are evaluated. Some methods for controlling
the solution accuracy in a direct cyclic analysis are described in detail in Direct Cyclic Analysis. They all remain valid in a low-cycle fatigue analysis
using the direct cyclic approach. In addition, the accuracy of a low-cycle fatigue analysis
depends on the number of cycles over which the damage is extrapolated forward, as described
Controlling the Accuracy of Damage Extrapolation in the Bulk Material When Using the
Continuum Damage Mechanics Approach
To accelerate the low-cycle fatigue analysis, the damage extrapolation technique is used
at the end of a stabilized cycle. In addition to specifying the minimum and maximum number
of cycles over which the damage is extrapolated (see Damage Extrapolation Technique in the Bulk Material
above), you can specify the damage extrapolation tolerance, , to control the accuracy of damage extrapolation in the bulk material.
The default is .
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the damage extrapolation tolerance:
Determining the Increment over Which Damage Is Extrapolated Forward
Abaqus/Standard uses an adaptive algorithm to determine the number of cycles over which the damage is
extrapolated forward in each increment. By default, Abaqus/Standard starts with 500 cycles (half of the default value of maximum increment in number of
cycles) and determines the maximum damage increment at any material points based on
If the maximum damage increment, , is greater than the damage extrapolation tolerance that you specify,
the number of cycles over which the damage is extrapolated forward is reduced
accordingly to ensure the maximum damage increment is less than the damage extrapolation
tolerance. On the other hand, if the maximum damage increment at all material points is
less than half of the damage extrapolation tolerance that you specify, the number of
cycles is increased accordingly to ensure the maximum damage increment is equal to the
damage extrapolation tolerance.
Controlling Element Fracture
In addition to elements forecast to be fully or almost fully damaged after , additional elements are allowed to fracture if they are within the
tolerances described below in the current cycle. This approach avoids a jagged (not
smooth) crack front. The traction is removed immediately on fracture or ramped down
gradually (see Specifying How a Debonding Force Is Released after a Fracture Criterion Is Met in Abaqus/Standard).
Two criteria are available to control additional fracture of elements ahead of the
current crack front: a cycle-based criterion (with a tolerance ) and a damage-based criterion (with a tolerance ). If both tolerances are specified, the damage-based tolerance takes
Elements that satisfy the following expression fracture if the cycle-based criterion is
in effect:
Elements that satisfy the following expression fracture if the damage-based criterion is
in effect:
where and are the scalar damage variables at the end of cycles and , respectively.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the tolerance for the least number of cycles to
fracture an element:
Specifying a tolerance for the least number of cycles to fracture an element is not
supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Initial Conditions
Initial values of stresses, temperatures, field variables, solution-dependent state
variables, etc. can be specified (see Initial Conditions).
Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions can be applied to any of the displacement or rotation degrees of
freedom. During the analysis, prescribed boundary conditions must have an amplitude
definition that is cyclic over the step: the start value must be equal to the end value (see
Amplitude Curves). If the analysis
consists of several steps, the usual rules apply (see Boundary Conditions). At each new
step, the boundary condition can either be modified or completely defined. All boundary
conditions defined in previous steps remain unchanged unless they are redefined.
The following loads can be prescribed in a low-cycle fatigue analysis using the direct
cyclic approach:
Concentrated nodal forces can be applied to the displacement degrees of freedom (1–6);
see Concentrated Loads.
Distributed pressure forces or body forces can be applied; see Distributed Loads. The
distributed load types available with particular elements are described in Abaqus Elements Guide.
During the analysis, each load must have an amplitude definition that is cyclic over the
step where the start value must be equal to the end value (see Amplitude Curves). If the analysis
consists of several steps, the usual rules apply (see About Loads). At each new
step, the loading can either be modified or completely defined. All loads defined in
previous steps remain unchanged unless they are redefined.
Predefined Fields
The following predefined fields can be specified in a low-cycle fatigue analysis using the
direct cyclic approach, as described in Predefined Fields:
Temperature is not a degree of freedom in a low-cycle fatigue analysis using the direct
cyclic approach, but nodal temperatures can be specified as a predefined field. The
temperature values specified must be cyclic over the step: the start value must be equal
to the end value (see Amplitude Curves). If the
temperatures are read from the results file, you should specify initial temperature
conditions equal to the temperature values at the end of the step (see Initial Conditions).
Alternatively, you can ramp the temperatures back to their initial condition values, as
described in Predefined Fields. Any
difference between the applied and initial temperatures will cause thermal strain if a
thermal expansion coefficient is given for the material (Thermal Expansion). The
specified temperature also affects temperature-dependent material properties, if any.
The values of user-defined field variables can be specified. These values affect only
field-variable-dependent material properties, if any. The field variable values
specified must be cyclic over the step.
Material Options
Most ductile material models that describe mechanical behavior are available for use in a
low-cycle fatigue analysis. The inelastic definition in a material point must be used in
conjunction with the linear elastic material model (Linear Elastic Behavior), the porous
elastic material model (Elastic Behavior of Porous Materials), or the
hypoelastic material model (Hypoelastic Behavior).
The following material properties are not active during a low-cycle fatigue analysis:
acoustic properties, thermal properties (except for thermal expansion), mass diffusion
properties, electrical conductivity properties, piezoelectric properties, and pore fluid
flow properties.
Different types of output are available for postprocessing and for monitoring a low-cycle
fatigue analysis using the direct cyclic approach.
Message File Information
As in a direct cyclic analysis, low-cycle fatigue analysis using the direct cyclic
approach in Abaqus/Standard prints the residual force, time average force, and a flag to indicate if equilibrium
was satisfied in the message (.msg) file at different time increments
for each iteration in each loading cycle. You can control the frequency in increments at
which information is printed to the message file, and you can suppress the output; the
default is to print output every 10 increments (see The Abaqus/Standard Message File for more
Abaqus/Standard also prints the number of Fourier terms used, the maximum residual coefficient, the
maximum correction to displacement coefficients, and the maximum displacement coefficient
in the Fourier series in the message file at the end of each iteration in each cycle. An
example of the output is shown below:
10 0.250 2.50 1.008E+01 50.9 N
20 0.250 5.00 1.622E+01 76.8 N
30 0.250 7.50 4.622E-02 99.8 Y
Results Output
Element and nodal output are written only when the stabilized cycle is reached. If a
stabilized cycle has not been reached at the end of a cycle, output is written for the
last iteration of the cycle. All standard output variables in Abaqus/Standard (Abaqus/Standard Output Variable Identifiers) are available.
In addition, the following variables are available for progressive damage in bulk ductile
material based on the continuum damage mechanics approach:
Status of element (the status of an element is 1.0 if the element is active, 0.0 if
the element is not).
Scalar stiffness degradation, D.
Number of cycles to initialize the damage at the material point.
The following variables are available for discrete crack propagation along an arbitrary
path based on the principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics with the extended finite
element method:
Status of the enriched element. (The status of an enriched element is 1.0 if the
element is completely cracked, 0.0 if the element is not. If the element is
partially cracked, the value lies between 1.0 and 0.0.)
Number of cycles to initialize the crack at the enriched element.
All components of strain energy release rate range.
Recovering Additional Results for a Stabilized Cycle
Recovering additional results for a stabilized cycle is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Specifying Output at Exact Times
Output at exact times is not supported for low-cycle fatigue analysis. If output at exact
times is requested, Abaqus will issue a warning message and change the output to an output at approximate times.
A low-cycle fatigue analysis using the direct cyclic approach is subject to the following
Contact conditions cannot change during a given cycle when direct cyclic analysis is
used iteratively to obtain a stabilized solution.
The analysis may not perform well when there is compressive load on the crack surface
during a loading cycle because the global stiffness is formed only one time at the
beginning of each given loading cycle.
Geometric nonlinearity can be included only in any general step prior to a direct
cyclic step; however, only small displacements and strains will be considered during the
cyclic step.
Input File Template
The following is an example of modeling progressive damage and failure in the bulk
material based on the continuum damage mechanics approach and progressive delamination
growth at the interface:
BOUNDARYData lines to specify zero-valued boundary conditionsINITIAL CONDITIONSData lines to specify initial conditionsAMPLITUDEData lines to define amplitude variations
MATERIALOptions to define material propertiesDAMAGE INITIATION, CRITERION=HYSTERESIS ENERGYData lines to define material constants for bulk ductile material damage initiationDAMAGE EVOLUTION, TYPE=HYSTERESIS ENERGYData lines to define material constants for bulk ductile material damage evolution
SURFACE, NAME=secondaryData lines to define secondary surface at delamination interfaceSURFACE, NAME=mainData lines to define main surface at delamination interfaceCONTACT PAIRsecondary, main
Set INC equal to the maximum number of increments in a single loading cycleDIRECT CYCLIC, FATIGUEData line to define time increment, cycle time, initial number of Fourier terms,
maximum number of Fourier terms, increment in number of Fourier terms,
and maximum number of iterationsData line to define minimum increment in number of cycles,
maximum increment in number of cycles, total number of cycles,
and damage extrapolation toleranceDEBOND, SECONDARY=secondary, MAIN=mainFRACTURE CRITERION, TYPE=FATIGUEData lines to define material constants used in Paris law and fracture criterion
Data lines to prescribe zero-valued or nonzero boundary conditionsCLOAD and/or DLOAD, AMPLITUDE=
Data lines to specify loadsTEMPERATURE and/or FIELD, AMPLITUDE=
Data lines to specify values of predefined fields
The following is an example of modeling discrete crack growth in the bulk material based
on the principles of linear elastic fracture mechanics with the extended finite element
method and progressive delamination growth at the interface:
BOUNDARYData lines to specify zero-valued boundary conditionsINITIAL CONDITIONSData lines to specify initial conditionsAMPLITUDEData lines to define amplitude variations
MATERIALOptions to define material propertiesSURFACE, INTERACTION=INTERACTIONSURFACE BEHAVIORFRACTURE CRITERION, TYPE=FATIGUEData lines to define material constants used in the Paris law and fracture criterion in the bulk
material for enriched elements
SURFACE, NAME=secondaryData lines to define secondary surface at delamination interfaceSURFACE, NAME=mainData lines to define main surface at delamination interfaceCONTACT PAIRsecondary, main
Set INC equal to the maximum number of increments in a single loading cycleDIRECT CYCLIC, FATIGUEData line to define time increment, cycle time, initial number of Fourier terms,
maximum number of Fourier terms, increment in number of Fourier terms,
and maximum number of iterationsData line to define minimum increment in number of cycles,
maximum increment in number of cycles, total number of cycles,
and damage extrapolation toleranceDEBOND, SECONDARY=secondary, MAIN=mainFRACTURE CRITERION, TYPE=FATIGUEData lines to define material constants used in the Paris law and fracture criterion at the interface
Data lines to prescribe zero-valued or nonzero boundary conditionsCLOAD and/or DLOAD, AMPLITUDE=
Data lines to specify loadsTEMPERATURE and/or FIELD, AMPLITUDE=
Data lines to specify values of predefined fields
Coffin, L., “A
Study of the Effects of Cyclic Thermal Stresses on a Ductile
Metal,” Transactions of the American Society
of Mechanical
Engineering, vol. 76, pp. 931–951, 1954.
Manson, S., “Behavior
of Materials under Condition of Thermal
Stress,” Heat Transfer Symposium, University
of Michigan Engineering Research Institute, Ann Arbor,
MI, pp. 9–75, 1953.
Paris, P., M. Gomaz, and W. Anderson, “A
Rational Analytic Theory of Fatigue,” The
Trend in
Engineering, vol. 15, 1961.