The cure modeling capabilities allow you to analyze the evolution of material
properties and strains during curing processes of thermosetting polymers.
The cure modeling capabilities:
are intended to model the curing process in adhesives and other thermosetting
polymer materials;
predict the degree of cure, volumetric heat generation, and shrinkage strain due to
curing reactions;
allow you to specify a maximum value of the degree of cure;
are active in transient procedures that use elements with displacement degrees of
freedom, in the transient heat transfer procedure, and in the transient coupled
thermal-electrical procedure; and
are intended for use with existing elastic and viscoelastic behaviors that describe
the mechanical response of the material as a function of the degree of cure.
The cure modeling capabilities described in this section are based on dedicated cure
modeling options and output variables. These capabilities are more general and are
intended to supersede those available as a special-purpose material modeling capability
based on built-in user-defined material options (Modeling the Cure Process in Thermosetting Polymers).
Curing processes are essential to the manufacturing of products that use
thermosetting polymers (such as epoxy resins) to bond components. The use of epoxies
and other cured structural adhesives is common in many industries. As a result of
the curing reaction, chemical shrinkage strains and residual stresses develop, which
can result in damage to the adherents or warpage of the bonded assembly. The Abaqus cure modeling capability enables you to analyze curing processes, including the
reaction kinetics, heat generation, shrinkage strain development, and the evolution
of mechanical properties. The model is based on the work of Lindeman et al. (2021) and Li et al. (2004). The mechanical response can include both elastic and
viscoelastic effects. You can define the elastic, viscoelastic, and thermal
expansion properties of the material as functions of the degree of cure and
Reaction Kinetics
The degree of cure (or conversion) of a material is characterized by a normalized
quantity, , with a value changing from 0 (corresponding to the uncured
state; that is, no bonds) to 1 (corresponding to the fully cured material).
Since curing is an irreversible process, the value of the degree of cure that
Abaqus computes never decreases. The value either increases or remains constant. Abaqus provides four methods of specifying the cure kinetics: the Kamal equations,
the Grindling equation, a conversation rate table, and a user-defined form using
user subroutine UCURE.
Kamal model
The Kamal equation provides a well-accepted description of the cure reaction
kinetics that is known to produce accurate results, particularly for epoxy
resins. It is given by the following rate form:
is the number of terms,
are rate constants,
are activation energies,
are reaction constants,
is the absolute zero on the temperature scale used, and
is the universal gas constant.
The material constants, , are introduced to allow a nonzero initial conversion rate
by setting at least one of them to a small positive value. Alternatively,
you can specify a nonzero initial conversion value, , using initial conditions (see Initial
Conditions) or set at least one of the parameters, , to zero. If you do not define , , or , the degree of cure (conversion) remains equal to zero
throughout the analysis.
The constant, , controls the maximum degree of cure. By default, . You can define a different value, as described in Maximum Conversion.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define the conversion rate in the Kamal
The Kamal equation describes cure kinetics very well at cure temperatures
higher than the glass transition temperature, where the reaction kinetics is
chemically controlled. However, during isothermal curing processes the
curing temperature can fall below the glass transition temperature, , even if it was higher than at the beginning of the curing process. This is because
the glass transition temperature depends strongly on the degree of cure, and
its value changes during the curing process. If the curing temperature falls
below glass transition temperature, premature vitrification takes place and
the material undergoes a transition from a rubbery to a glassy state, which
slows the curing process rate considerably since the reaction kinetics
becomes diffusion controlled. Although the Kamal model can account for this
behavior by limiting the maximum value of conversion by specifying for temperatures below the glass transition temperature,
the Grindling model can predict gradual transition from the chemically
controlled to the diffusion-controlled reaction rates and produce accurate
results in this case. The conversion rate for the Grindling model is given by:
where , , and are material parameters, is reaction rate, which is assumed to have the
Arrhenius-type form:
where is a material parameter and is the activation energy.
The effective rate coefficient, , is used to switch between the chemically and the
diffusion-controlled reaction, and it is given by
where and are the chemically and diffusion controlled rates,
respectively. The rate coefficient, , has the Arrhenius-type form similar to the rate
coefficient :
where is a material parameter and is the activation energy.
The diffusion-controlled rate coefficient, , is computed from the following relations depending on the
value of the glass transition temperature:
where , , and are material parameters and is the diffusion-controlled rate coefficient at the
temperature equal to the glass transition temperature.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define the conversion rate in the
Grindling equation:
The diffusion-controlled rate, , strongly depends on the glass transition temperature,
which in turn depends on the degree of cure and possibly other quantities,
such as temperature. Therefore, the glass transition temperature must be
specified when using the Grindling model. Abaqus provides two methods to define the glass transition temperature: the
DiBenedetto model and the tabular form. The DiBenedetto model is widely used
and defines as a function of the degree of cure in the following form:
where is a material parameter (), is the glass transition temperature in the uncured state,
and is the glass transition temperature in the fully cured
Alternatively, you can use a tabular definition to specify as a piecewise linear function of degree of cure,
temperature, and field variables.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the glass transition temperature
using the DiBenedetto equation:
You can also specify the rate of conversion, , in tabular format. This format allows you to express the
rate as a function of conversion and, optionally, temperature and field variables:
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define the conversion rate in tabular
An alternative method to define the cure kinetics is to specify the degree of
cure rate in the user subroutine UCURE. In addition to
the degree of cure rate, you must also specify the values of the derivatives
of the degree of cure rate with respect to the temperature and the degree of
cure. Optionally, you can also specify the number of property values needed
as data in the user subroutine as well as the number of solution-dependent
variables (see About User Subroutines and Utilities).
Input File Usage
Use the following options to specify the degree of cure rate in user
subroutine UCURE:
In general, the degree of cure can reach a maximum value of 1 (corresponding
to a fully cured material). However, at lower temperatures, the reaction
might slow down considerably, and a fully cured state might not be reached
(corresponding to ). You can specify the maximum conversion as a function of
temperature. The default is .
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the maximum conversion:
Curing reactions are irreversible, exothermic processes that are activated by
mixing or heating. The amount of heat released per unit volume per unit time is
given by the relationship:
where is the density, is the specific heat of the reaction, and is the conversion rate.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define the volumetric heat generation
During the curing process, the material undergoes permanent shrinkage. The shrinkage
is due to cross-linking because the formation of bonds moves the atoms closer
together than in the unbonded state. The shrinkage and thermal strains that develop
during the curing process result in residual stresses that might cause warpage of
the final product. Predicting residual stress distributions is often one of the main
reasons for performing numerical simulations. You can model the thermal strain using
Abaqus capabilities (see Thermal Expansion). The cure shrinkage
strain is expressed in the following general rate form:
where is the cure shrinkage strain, is the shrinkage coefficient matrix, and is the conversion rate. Abaqus supports four forms of cure shrinkage coefficients: volumetric, isotropic,
orthotropic, and anisotropic. You can use the orthotropic and anisotropic forms only
with materials where the material directions are defined with local orientations
(see Orientations).
Volumetric Cure Shrinkage Strain
The volumetric cure shrinkage strain is computed from the following rate
In this case, you need to specify only a single coefficient, , as a function of temperature and field variables.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the volumetric shrinkage
Example: Defining the Cure Properties of a Material
This example illustrates defining the cure modeling capabilities in combination with
a typical viscoelastic material definition. The material properties are defined as a
function of the degree of cure using field variable dependency. Field variable 1 is
used for the example.
DENSITYData lines to specify mass densityELASTIC, DEPENDENCIES=1Data lines to specify linear elastic parametersVISCOELASTICData lines to specify viscoelastic parametersTRS, DEFINITION=TABULAR, DEPENDENCIES=1Data line to specify logarithm of the shift functionEXPANSIONData line to specify thermal expansion coefficientsCURE KINETICS, DEFINITION=KAMALData line to specify the Kamal model parametersCURE MAX CONVERSIONData line to specify maximum value of the degree of cureCURE SHRINKAGE, TYPE=ISOData line to specify the isotropic shrinkage coefficientsCURE HEAT GENERATIONData lines to define the volumetric heat generation rateCONDUCTIVITYData line to specify the thermal conductivitySPECIFIC HEATData lines to specify the specific heatUSER DEFINED FIELD, TYPE=SPECIFIED
Data line to control incrementation and to specify the total time
Initial Conditions
You can specify a nonzero initial value of the degree of cure of the material. This
approach is commonly used to define a small value to trigger the start of the curing
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define initial conditions for the degree of
The mechanical response of the material in the uncured state is typically
viscoelastic and, in the fully cured state, is often viscoelastic. Therefore, the
cure modeling capabilities are typically used in combination with the small-strain
viscoelastic modeling capabilities already available in Abaqus.
Cure-Dependent Material Properties
The elastic and viscoelastic material properties can change considerably as the
cross-linking progresses and the material transitions from the uncured to the
cured state. In general, these material properties depend on the degree of cure.
To obtain accurate results, you must account for this dependency. You can
consider the dependency of material properties on the degree of cure in the
model by associating the value of a field variable with the degree of cure and
specifying the material properties as a function of this field variable (see
Specifying Material Data as Functions of Solution-Dependent Variables). Hedegaard et al. (2021) describe a testing procedure for measuring
viscoelastic properties as a function of temperature and conversion level.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to associate the degree of cure with a field
You can use the cure modeling capabilities with any stress/displacement, coupled
temperature-displacement, heat transfer, or coupled thermal-electrical elements in
Abaqus (see Choosing the Appropriate Element for an Analysis Type). However, the
cure shrinkage strain is ignored when elements without displacement degrees of
freedom are used (that is, heat transfer and coupled thermal-electrical
The cure modeling capabilities are active in the following procedures:
The capability is inactive during any other procedure, and the value of the degree of
cure remains constant.
In addition to the standard output identifiers available in Abaqus (Abaqus/Standard Output Variable Identifiers), the
following variables have special meaning for the cure material model:
Degree of cure (conversion), .
Rate of degree of cure, .
Derivative of the rate of degree of cure with respect to temperature.
Cure shrinkage strain, .
Grindling, J., Simulation zur Verarbeitung von reaktiven
Nonpost-cure-Epoxidharz-Systemen im Druckgelieren und konventionellen
VergiessenDissertation, Shaker,
Aachen, 2006.
Hedegaard, A., E. Breedlove, S. Carpenter, V. Jusuf, C. Li, and D. Lindeman, Time-Temperature-Cure Superposition (TTCS) Methods for
Determining Viscoelasticity of Structural Adhesives During
Curing44th Meeting of the Adhesion Society,
Li, C., Y. Wang, and J. Mason, “The Effects of Curing History on Residual Stresses in Bone Cement During Hip Arthroplasty,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, vol. 70B, pp. 30–36, 2004.
Lindeman, D., S. Carpenter, and C. Li, Residual Stress Development During Curing of Structural
Adhesives: Experimental Characterization and Modeling44th Meeting of the Adhesion Society,