If the thermal expansion coefficient is temperature or field-variable dependent, it is
evaluated at the temperature and field variables at the beam axis. Therefore, since we
assume that varies linearly over the section, also varies linearly over the section.
The temperature is defined from the temperature of the beam axis and the gradients of
temperature with respect to the local - and -axes:
The axial force, N; bending moments, and about the 1 and 2 beam section local axes; torque, T;
and bimoment, W, are defined in terms of the axial stress and the shear stress (see Beam element formulation). These terms are
is the area of the section,
is the moment of inertia for bending about the 1-axis of the section,
is the moment of inertia for cross-bending,
is the moment of inertia for bending about the 2-axis of the section,
is the torsional constant,
is the sectorial moment of the section,
is the warping constant of the section,
is the axial strain measured at the centroid of the section,
is the thermal axial strain,
is the curvature change about the first beam section local axis,
is the curvature change about the second beam section local axis,
is the twist,
is the bicurvature defining the axial strain in the section due to the twist of the
beam, and
is the difference between the unconstrained warping amplitude, , and the actual warping amplitude, w.
, , , and are nonzero only for open-section beam elements.
Defining Linear Section Behavior for Library Cross-Sections or Linear Generalized
Linear beam section response is defined geometrically by A, , , , J, and (if necessary) and .
You can input these geometric quantities directly or specify a standard library section
and Abaqus calculates these quantities. In either case define the orientation of the beam section
(see Beam Element Cross-Section Orientation).
You can specify Young's modulus, the shear modulus, and the coefficient of thermal
expansion as functions of temperature; and associate the section properties with a region
of your model. If the thermal expansion coefficient is temperature dependent, the
reference temperature for thermal expansion must also be defined as described later in
this section.
Alternatively, you can associate a material definition (Material Data Definition) with the section
definition. Abaqus determines the equivalent section properties. You must associate the section behavior
with a region of your model.
Specifying the Geometric Quantities Directly
You can define “generalized” linear section behavior by specifying
A, , , , J, and—if necessary— and directly. In this case you can specify the location of the centroid,
thus allowing the bending axis of the beam to be offset from the line of its nodes. In
addition, you can specify the location of the shear center.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define generalized linear beam section
Property module:
Create Profile: Name:generalized_section, GeneralizedCreate Section: select Beam as the section Category and Beam as the section Type: Section integration: Before analysis, Profile name:generalized_section: Centroid and Shear CenterAssignSection: select regions
Specifying a Standard Library Section and Allowing Abaqus to Calculate the Geometric Quantities
You can select one of the standard library sections (see Beam Cross-Section Library) and specify the geometric input data required
to define the shape of the cross-section. Abaqus then calculates the geometric quantities required to define the section behavior
In addition, you can specify an offset for the section origin, as illustrated in Figure 1, for a rectangular cross-section. In Figure 1, the original cross-section axes - are always placed at the beam axis, while the local 1-2 system defines
the shifted cross-section axes after offsets of and are applied in the - and -directions, respectively.
Property module:
Create Profile: Name:library_sectionCreate Section: select Beam as the section Category and Beam as the section Type, Section integration: Before analysis, Profile name:library_section, Offset for origin of cross-section:specify X1 and X2 valuesAssignSection: select regions
Specifying the Linear Section Response with a Material Definition
The material definition (Material Data Definition) can contain
isotropic linear elastic behavior (Linear Elastic Behavior) and isotropic
thermal expansion behavior (Thermal Expansion). If both the
isotropic linear elastic material behavior and the isotropic thermal expansion behavior
are temperature or field variable dependent, the values of the independent variables
(temperature or field variables) that you specify must be the same for both the linear
elastic moduli and thermal expansion coefficient. You can specify damping behavior
(Material Damping). In Abaqus/Explicit you must define the density (Density) of the material. In an Abaqus/Standard analysis the density is needed only when the mass of the beam elements is required.
Any nonlinear material properties (such as plastic behavior) are ignored.
Property module:
Create Profile: Name:library_sectionCreate Section: select Beam as the section Category and Beam as the section Type: Section integration: Before analysis; Profile name:library_section; Material definition type: Material name: material_nameAssignSection: select regions
Defining Linear Section Behavior for Meshed Cross-Sections
Linear beam section response for a meshed section profile is obtained by numerical
integration from the two-dimensional model. The numerical integration is performed once,
determining the beam stiffness and inertia quantities, as well as the coordinates of the
centroid and shear center, for the duration of the analysis. These beam section properties
are calculated during the beam section generation and are written to the text file
jobname.bsp. This text file can be
included in the beam model. See Meshed Beam Cross-Sections for a detailed
description of the properties defining the linear beam section response for a meshed
section, as well as for how a typical meshed section is analyzed.
Meshed cross-sections are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining Linear Section Behavior for Tapered Cross-Sections in Abaqus/Standard
In Abaqus/Standard you can define Timoshenko beams with linearly tapered cross-sections. General beam
sections with linear response and standard library sections are supported, with the
exception of arbitrary sections. The section parameters are defined at the two end nodes
of each beam element. The effective beam area and moment of inertia for bending about the
1- and 2-axis of the section used in the calculation of the beam stiffness matrix, section
forces, and stresses are
where the superscripts and refer to the two end nodes of the beam. The remaining effective
geometric quantities are calculated as the average between the values at the two end
nodes. This approximation suffices for mild tapering along each element, but it can lead
to large errors if the tapering is not gradual. Abaqus/Standard issues a warning message during input file preprocessing if the area or inertia ratio
is larger than 2.0 and an error message if the ratio is larger than 10.0.
The effective area and inertia are not used in the computation of the mass matrix.
Instead, terms on the diagonal quadrants use the properties from the respective nodes,
while off-diagonal quadrants use averaged quantities. For example, the axial inertia a
linear element would have the diagonal term coming from node of , while node contributes with and the two off-diagonal contributions equal . Mild tapering is assumed in this formulation, since the total mass of
the element totals .
When you apply a tapered beam section to geometry in Abaqus/CAE, the full tapering is applied to each element along the beam’s length. For beams that
include multiple elements, this modeling style can create a sawtooth
pattern along the length of the beam. If you want to model gradual tapering along the
entire length of the beam in Abaqus/CAE, you must calculate the size and shape of the beam profiles at the intermediate nodes,
then apply different tapered beam sections to each beam element along the length.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define linear section behavior of tapered
Property module:
Create Profile: Name:library_sectionCreate Section: select Beam as the section Category and Beam as the section Type: Section integration: Before analysis, Beam shape along length: Tapered: Beam start and Beam end options: Profile name:library_sectionAssignSection: select regions
Nonlinear Section Behavior
Typically nonlinear section behavior is used to include the experimentally measured
nonlinear response of a beam-like component whose section distorts in its plane. When the
section behaves according to beam theory (that is, the section does not distort in its
plane) but the material has nonlinear response, it is usually better to use a beam section
integrated during the analysis to define the section geometrically (see Using a Beam Section Integrated during the Analysis to Define the Section Behavior), in association with a material definition.
Nonlinear section behavior can also be used to model beam section collapse in an
approximate sense: Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a structure with local inelastic collapse illustrates this
for the case of a pipe section that may suffer inelastic collapse due to the application of
a large bending moment. In following this approach you should recognize that such unstable
section collapse, like any unstable behavior, typically involves localization of the
deformation: results, therefore, are strongly mesh sensitive.
Calculation of Nonlinear Section Response
Nonlinear section response is assumed to be defined by
where means a functional dependence on the conjugate variables: , , etc. For example, means that N is a function of:; , the temperature of the beam axis; and of , any predefined field variables at the beam axis. When the section
behavior is defined in this way, only the temperature and field variables of the beam axis
are used: any temperature or field-variable gradients given across the beam section are
These nonlinear responses may be purely elastic (that is, fully reversible—the loading
and unloading responses are the same, even though the behavior is nonlinear) or may be
elastic-plastic and, therefore, irreversible.
The assumption that these nonlinear responses are uncoupled is restrictive; in general,
there is some interaction between these four behaviors, and the responses are coupled. You
must determine if this approximation is reasonable for a particular case. The approach
works well if the response is dominated by one behavior, such as bending about one axis.
However, it may introduce additional errors if the response involves combined loadings.
Defining Nonlinear Section Behavior
You can define “generalized” nonlinear section behavior by specifying the area,
A; moments of inertia, for bending about the 1-axis of the section, for bending about the 2-axis of the section, and for cross-bending; and torsional constant, J. These
values are used only to calculate the transverse shear stiffness; and, if needed,
A is used to compute the mass density of the element. In addition,
you can define the orientation and the axial, bending, and torsional behavior of the beam
section (N, , , T), as well as the thermal expansion coefficient.
If the thermal expansion coefficient is temperature dependent, the reference temperature
for thermal expansion must also be defined as described below.
Nonlinear generalized beam section behavior cannot be used with beam elements with
warping degrees of freedom.
The axial, bending, and torsional behavior of the beam section and the thermal expansion
coefficient are defined by tables. See Material Data Definition for a detailed
discussion of the tabular input conventions. In particular, you must ensure that the range
of values given for the variables is sufficient for the application since Abaqus assumes a constant value of the dependent variable outside this range.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define generalized nonlinear beam section
Nonlinear generalized cross-sections are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining Nonlinear Elastic Response for N,
M1, M2, and
If the particular behavior is nonlinear but elastic, the data should be given from the
most negative value of the kinematic variable to the most positive value, always giving
a point at the origin. See Figure 2 for an example.
Figure 2. Example of elastic nonlinear beam section behavior definition.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define nonlinear elastic axial, bending, and
torsional behavior:
Nonlinear generalized cross-sections are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Defining Elastic-Plastic Response for N,
M1, M2, and
By default, elastic-plastic response is assumed for N, , , and T.
The inelastic model is based on assuming linear elasticity and isotropic hardening (or
softening) plasticity. The data in this case must begin with the point and proceed to give positive values of the kinematic variable at
increasing positive values of the conjugate force or moment. Strain softening is
allowed. The elastic modulus is defined by the slope of the initial line segment, so
that straining beyond the point that terminates that initial line segment is partially
inelastic. If strain reversal occurs in that part of the response, it is elastic
initially. See Figure 3 for an example.
Figure 3. Example of inelastic nonlinear beam section behavior definition.
Input File Usage
Use the following options to define elastic-plastic axial, bending, and torsional
Property module: Create Section: select Beam as the section Category and Beam as the section Type: Section integration: Before analysis: Basic: Specify reference temperature:
Defining the Initial Section Forces and Moments
You can define initial stresses (see Defining Initial Stresses) for general beam sections that are applied as initial section forces and moments.
Initial conditions can be specified only for the axial force, the bending moments, and the
twisting moment. Initial conditions cannot be prescribed for the transverse shear forces.
Defining a Change in Cross-Sectional Area due to Straining
In the shear flexible elements Abaqus provides for a possible uniform cross-sectional area change by allowing you to specify an
effective Poisson's ratio for the section. This effect is considered only in geometrically
nonlinear analysis (see Defining an Analysis) and is provided
to model the reduction or increase in the cross-sectional area for a beam subjected to large
axial stretch.
The value of the effective Poisson's ratio must be between −1.0 and 0.5. By default, this
effective Poisson's ratio for the section is set to 0.0 so that this effect is ignored.
Setting the effective Poisson's ratio to 0.5 implies that the overall response of the
section is incompressible. This behavior is appropriate if the beam is made of rubber or if
it is made of a typical metal whose overall response at large deformation is essentially
incompressible (because it is dominated by plasticity). Values between 0.0 and 0.5 mean that
the cross-sectional area changes proportionally between no change and incompressibility,
respectively. A negative value of the effective Poisson's ratio results in an increase in
the cross-sectional area in response to tensile axial strains.
This effective Poisson's ratio is not available for use with Euler-Bernoulli beam elements.
Property module: Create Section: select Beam as the section Category and Beam as the section Type: Section integration: Before analysis: Basic: Section Poisson's ratio:
Defining Damping
When the beam section and material behavior are defined by a general beam section, you can
include mass and viscous stiffness proportional damping in the dynamic response (calculated
in Abaqus/Standard with the direct time integration procedure, Implicit Dynamic Analysis Using Direct Integration).
See Material Damping for more
information about the material damping types available in Abaqus.
Property module: Create Section: select Beam as the section Category and Beam as the section Type: Section integration: Before analysis: Damping: Alpha, Beta, Structural, and Composite
Specifying Temperature and Field Variables
Define temperatures and field variables by giving the values at the origin of the
cross-section as either predefined fields or initial conditions (see Predefined Fields or Initial Conditions). Temperature
gradients can be specified in the local 1- and 2-directions; other field-variable gradients
defined through the cross-section are ignored in the response of beam elements that use a
general beam section definition.
You can output stress and strain at particular points in the section. For linear section
behavior defined using a standard library section or a generalized section, only axial
stress and axial strain values are available. For linear section behavior defined using a
meshed section, axial and shear stress and strain are available. For nonlinear generalized
section behavior, axial strain output only is provided.
Specifying the Output Section Points for Standard Library Sections and Generalized
To locate points in the section at which output of axial strain (and, for linear section
behavior, axial stress) is required, specify the local coordinates of the point in the cross-section with respect to the
section origin in the local coordinate system (that is, the 1-2 axes in Figure 1) of the cross-section: Abaqus numbers the points 1, 2, … in the order that they are given.
The variation of over the section is given by
where are the local coordinates of the centroid of the beam section and and are the changes of curvature for the section.
For open-section beam element types, the variation of over the section has an additional term of the form , where is the warping function. The warping function itself is undefined in the
general beam section definition. Therefore, Abaqus will not take into account the axial strain due to warping when calculating section
points output. Axial strains due to warping are included in the stress/strain output if a
beam section integrated during the analysis is used.
Abaqus uses St. Venant torsion theory for noncircular solid sections. The torsion function and
its derivatives are necessary to calculate shear stresses in the plane of the
cross-section. The function and its derivatives are not stored for a general beam section.
Therefore, you can request output of axial components of stress/strain only. A beam
section integrated during the analysis must be used to obtain output of shear stresses.
Input File Usage
Use both of the following options to specify the output section points for general
beam sections:
Property module: Create Section: select Beam as the section Category and Beam as the section Type: Section integration: Before analysis: Output Points: x1, x2, ...
Requesting Output of Maximum Axial Stress/Strain in Abaqus/Standard
If you specify the output section points to obtain the maximum axial stress/strain
(MAXSS) for a linear generalized
section, the output value is the maximum of the values at the user-specified section
points. You must select enough section points to ensure that this is the true maximum.
MAXSS output is not available for
nonlinear generalized sections or for an Abaqus/Explicit analysis.
Specifying the Output Section Points for Meshed Cross-Sections
For meshed cross-sections you can indicate in the two-dimensional cross-section analysis
the elements and integration points where the stress and strain will be calculated during
the subsequent beam analysis. Abaqus will then add the section points specification to the resulting
jobname.bsp text file. This text file is
then included as the data for the general beam section definition in the subsequent beam
analysis. See Meshed Beam Cross-Sections for details.
The variation of the axial strain over the meshed section is given by
where are the local coordinates of the centroid of the beam section and and are the changes of curvature for the section.
The variations of shear components and over the meshed section are given by
where are the local coordinates of the shear center of the beam section, is the twist of the beam axis, is the warping function, and and are shear strains due to the transverse shear forces.
For the case of an orthotropic composite beam material, the axial stress and the two shear components and are calculated in the beam section (1, 2) axis as follows:
where determines the material orientation.
Input File Usage
Use both of the following options in the two-dimensional meshed cross-section
analysis to specify the output section points for the subsequent beam analysis: