One-dimensional heat transfer, coupled thermal/electrical, and acoustic
elements are available only in
In addition, structural link (truss) elements are available in both
These elements can be used in two- or three-dimensional space to transmit loads
or fluxes along the length of the element.
Two-Dimensional Elements
provides several different types of two-dimensional elements. For structural
applications these include plane stress elements and plane strain elements.
also provides generalized plane strain elements for structural applications.
Plane Stress Elements
Plane stress elements can be used when the thickness of a body or domain is
small relative to its lateral (in-plane) dimensions. The stresses are functions
of planar coordinates alone, and the out-of-plane normal and shear stresses are
equal to zero.
Plane stress elements must be defined in the
X–Y plane, and all loading and
deformation are also restricted to this plane. This modeling method generally
applies to thin, flat bodies. For anisotropic materials the
Z-axis must be a principal material direction.
Plane Strain Elements
Plane strain elements can be used when it can be assumed that the strains in
a loaded body or domain are functions of planar coordinates alone and the
out-of-plane normal and shear strains are equal to zero.
Plane strain elements must be defined in the
X–Y plane, and all loading and
deformation are also restricted to this plane. This modeling method is
generally used for bodies that are very thick relative to their lateral
dimensions, such as shafts, concrete dams, or walls. Plane strain theory might
also apply to a typical slice of an underground tunnel that lies along the
Z-axis. For anisotropic materials the
Z-axis must be a principal material direction.
Since plane strain theory assumes zero strain in the thickness direction,
isotropic thermal expansion may cause large stresses in the thickness
Generalized Plane Strain Elements
Generalized plane strain elements provide for the modeling of cases in
where the structure has constant curvature (and, hence, no gradients of
solution variables) with respect to one material direction—the “axial”
direction of the model. The formulation, thus, involves a model that lies
between two planes that can move with respect to each other and, hence, cause
strain in the axial direction of the model that varies linearly with respect to
position in the planes, the variation being due to the change in curvature. In
the initial configuration the bounding planes can be parallel or at an angle to
each other, the latter case allowing the modeling of initial curvature of the
model in the axial direction. The concept is illustrated in
Figure 1.
Generalized plane strain elements are typically used to model a section of a
long structure that is free to expand axially or is subjected to axial loading.
Figure 1. Generalized plane strain model.
Each generalized plane strain element has three, four, six, or eight
conventional nodes, at each of which x- and
y-coordinates, displacements, etc. are stored. These nodes
determine the position and motion of the element in the two bounding planes.
Each element also has a reference node, which is usually the same node for all
of the generalized plane strain elements in the model. The reference node of a
generalized plane strain element should not be used as a conventional node in
any element in the model. The reference node has three degrees of freedom 3, 4,
and 5: (,
and ).
The first degree of freedom ()
is the change in length of the axial material fiber connecting this node and
its image in the other bounding plane. This displacement is positive as the
planes move apart; therefore, there is a tensile strain in the axial fiber. The
second and third degrees of freedom (,
are the components of the relative rotation of one bounding plane with respect
to the other. The values stored are the two components of rotation about the
X- and Y-axes in the bounding planes
(that is, in the cross-section of the model). Positive rotation about the
X-axis causes increasing axial strain with respect to the
y-coordinate in the cross-section; positive rotation about
the Y-axis causes decreasing axial strain with respect to
the x-coordinate in the cross-section. The
x- and y-coordinates of a generalized
plane strain element reference node (
discussed below) remain fixed throughout all steps of an analysis. From the
degrees of freedom of the reference node, the length of the axial material
fiber passing through the point with current coordinates
(x, y) in a bounding plane is defined
is the current length of the fiber,
is the initial length of the fiber passing through the reference node (given
as part of the element section definition),
is the displacement at the reference node (stored as degree of freedom 3 at
the reference node),
are the total values of the components of the angle between the bounding
planes (the original values of ,
are given as part of the element section definition—see
Defining the Elements Section Properties:
the changes in these values are the degrees of freedom 4 and 5 of the reference
node), and
are the coordinates of the reference node in a bounding plane.
The strain in the axial direction is defined immediately from this axial
fiber length. The strain components in the cross-section of the model are
computed from the displacements of the regular nodes of the elements in the
usual way. Since the solution is assumed to be independent of the axial
position, there are no transverse shear strains.
Three-Dimensional Elements
Three-dimensional elements are defined in the global X,
Y, Z space. These elements are used
when the geometry and/or the applied loading are too complex for any other
element type with fewer spatial dimensions.
Cylindrical Elements
Cylindrical elements are three-dimensional elements defined in the global
X, Y, Z space.
These elements are used to model bodies with circular or axisymmetric geometry
subjected to general, nonaxisymmetric loading. Cylindrical elements are
available only in
Cylindrical elements are useful in situations where the expected solution
over a relatively large angle is nearly axisymmetric. In this case a very
coarse mesh of cylindrical elements is often sufficient. Footprint and
steady-state rolling analyses of tires are good examples of where cylindrical
elements have distinct advantages over conventional continuum elements (see
Steady-state rolling analysis of a tire).
If, however, the expected solution has significant non-axisymmetric components,
a finer mesh of cylindrical elements will be needed and it may be more
economical to use conventional continuum elements.
Axisymmetric Elements
Axisymmetric elements provide for the modeling of bodies of revolution under
axially symmetric loading conditions. A body of revolution is generated by
revolving a plane cross-section about an axis (the symmetry axis) and is
readily described in cylindrical polar coordinates r,
z, and .
Figure 2
shows a typical reference cross-section at .
The radial and axial coordinates of a point on this cross-section are denoted
by r and z, respectively. At
the radial and axial coordinates coincide with the global Cartesian
X- and Y-coordinates.
Figure 2. Reference cross-section and element in an axisymmetric solid.
does not apply boundary conditions automatically to nodes that are located on
the symmetry axis in axisymmetric models. If required, you should apply them
directly. Radial boundary conditions at nodes located on the
z-axis are appropriate for most problems because without
them nodes may displace across the symmetry axis, violating the principle of
compatibility. However, there are some analyses, such as penetration
calculations, where nodes along the symmetry axis should be free to move;
boundary conditions should be omitted in these cases.
If the loading and material properties are independent of
the solution in any r–z plane
completely defines the solution in the body. Consequently, axisymmetric
elements can be used to analyze the problem by discretizing the reference
cross-section at .
Figure 2
shows an element of an axisymmetric body. The nodes
i, j, k,
and l are actually nodal “circles,” and the volume of
material associated with the element is that of a body of revolution, as shown
in the figure. The value of a prescribed nodal load or reaction force is the
total value on the ring; that is, the value integrated around the
Regular Axisymmetric Elements
Regular axisymmetric elements for structural applications allow for only
radial and axial loading and have isotropic or orthotropic material properties,
being a principal direction. Any radial displacement in such an element will
induce a strain in the circumferential direction (“hoop” strain); and since the
displacement must also be purely axisymmetric, there are only four possible
nonzero components of strain (,
and ).
Generalized Axisymmetric Stress/Displacement Elements with Twist
Axisymmetric solid elements with twist are available only in
for the analysis of structures that are axially symmetric but can twist about
their symmetry axis. This element family is similar to the axisymmetric
elements discussed above, except that it allows for a circumferential loading
component (which is independent of )
and for general material anisotropy. Under these conditions, there may be
displacements in the -direction
that vary with r and z but not with
The problem remains axisymmetric because the solution does not vary as a
function of
so that the deformation of any r–z
plane characterizes the deformation in the entire body. Initially the elements
define an axisymmetric reference geometry with respect to the
r–z plane at
where the r-direction corresponds to the global
X-direction and the z-direction
corresponds to the global Y-direction.
Figure 3
shows an axisymmetric model consisting of two elements. The figure also shows
the local cylindrical coordinate system at node 100.
Figure 3. Reference and deformed cross-section in an axisymmetric solid with
The motion at a node of an axisymmetric element with twist is described by
the radial displacement ,
the axial displacement ,
and the twist
(in radians) about the z-axis, each of which is constant
in the circumferential direction, so that the deformed geometry remains
Figure 3(b)
shows the deformed geometry of the reference model shown in
Figure 3(a)
and the local cylindrical coordinate system at the displaced location of node
100, for a twist .
Generalized axisymmetric elements with twist cannot be used in contour
integral calculations and in dynamic analysis. Elastic foundations are applied
only to degrees of freedom
and .
These elements should not be mixed with three-dimensional elements.
Axisymmetric elements with twist and the nodes of these elements should be
used with caution within rigid bodies. If the rigid body undergoes large
rotations, incorrect results may be obtained. It is recommended that rigid
constraints on axisymmetric elements with twist be modeled with kinematic
coupling (see
Kinematic Coupling Constraints).
Stabilization should not be used with these elements if the deformation is
dominated by twist, since stabilization is applied only to the in-plane
Axisymmetric Elements with Nonlinear, Asymmetric Deformation
These elements are intended for the linear or nonlinear analysis of
structures that are initially axisymmetric but undergo nonlinear,
nonaxisymmetric deformation. They are available only in
The elements use standard isoparametric interpolation in the
r–z plane, combined with Fourier
interpolation with respect to .
The deformation is assumed to be symmetric with respect to the
r–z plane at
Up to four Fourier modes are allowed. For more general cases, full
three-dimensional modeling or cylindrical element modeling is probably more
economical because of the complete coupling between all deformation modes.
These elements use a set of nodes in each of several
r–z planes: the number of such planes
depends on the order N of Fourier interpolation used with
respect to ,
as follows:
Number of Fourier modes
Number of nodal planes
Nodal plane locations with respect
Each element type is defined by a name such as CAXA8RN (continuum elements) or SAXA1N (shell elements). The number N should
be given as the number of Fourier modes to be used with the element
(N=1, 2, 3, or 4). For example, element type CAXA8R2 is a quadrilateral in the
r–z plane with biquadratic
interpolation in this plane and two Fourier modes for interpolation with
respect to .
The nodal planes associated with various Fourier modes are illustrated in
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Nodal planes of a second-order axisymmetric element with nonlinear,
asymmetric deformation and (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3, or (d) 4 Fourier modes.