Saving Temperatures, Normalized Concentrations, and Electric Potentials for Predefined Fields in Subsequent Analyses
Nodal temperatures, normalized concentrations, and electrical potentials can be stored as functions of time for use in subsequent analyses. Temperatures can be stored in either the results (.fil) file or the output database (.odb) file, but normalized concentrations and electrical potentials can be used only if they are stored in the output database file. Saved values must be read into the new analyses as predefined fields. See Node Output and Writing Nodal Output to the Output Database.
Saving Temperatures for Predefined Fields in Subsequent Analyses
To be read as a predefined field, nodal temperatures must be stored as functions of time in the results (.fil) file or output database (.odb) file. You can request nodal temperature output (NT) in an uncoupled heat transfer analysis or in a coupled thermal-electrical analysis.
Saving Normalized Concentrations for Predefined Fields in Subsequent Analyses
To be read as predefined fields, normalized concentrations must be stored as functions of time in the output database (.odb) file—unlike nodal temperatures they cannot be read directly from a results file. You can request nodal normalized concentrations output (NNC) in a mass diffusion analysis.
Saving Electric Potentials for Predefined Fields in Subsequent Analyses
To be read as predefined fields, electrical potentials must be stored as functions of time in the output database (.odb) file—unlike nodal temperatures they cannot be read directly from a results file. You can request nodal electric potential output (EPOT) in a coupled thermal-electrical analysis or a piezoelectric analysis.