can be defined on solid, structural, rigid, surface, gasket, or
acoustic elements;
can be deformable or rigid;
can be defined on any combination of elements in many cases;
can be defined on the exterior of any body; and
can be defined on the interior of any body that is modeled with
continuum, shell, membrane, surface, beam, pipe, truss, or rigid elements
(e.g., to define a cross-section through a body) either by simply cutting the
body with a plane or by identifying the elements and the corresponding interior
You must assign a name to all element-based surfaces; this name can be used
with various features to define a contact model, a surface-based load, or a
surface-based constraint. In addition, you must specify the region of your
model on which the surface is defined. In an input file you can define
element-based surfaces on element faces, edges, or ends.
you can define element-based surfaces on geometric or element faces, edges, or
The methods for defining surfaces depend on the underlying element type
and are discussed later in this section.
In an input file you need only specify an element number or element set name
and all exposed element faces of these elements (or “contact edges” of beam,
pipe, and truss elements) will be included in the surface. Optionally(and the only available method in
you can specify individual faces, edges, or ends, which allows you direct
control over which faces, edges, or ends are to be included in the surface.
An element number or element set name is specified as the
first entry of each data line. Optionally, an element face, edge, or end
identifier can be specified as the second entry on a data line. The face and
edge identifiers used in
are discussed later in this section.
Multiple data lines can be
used to define a surface. For example, SURF_1
can be specified by the following input:
Any module except Sketch, Job, and Visualization: ToolsSurfaceCreate: Name:surface_name
General Restrictions on Element-Based Surfaces
Elements defining a single surface must satisfy the following rules,
regardless of how the surface is used in
Two-dimensional, axisymmetric, and three-dimensional elements cannot be
mixed in the same surface definition.
deformable elements cannot be combined with rigid elements to define a single
surface, but can be combined with other deformable elements that are part of a
rigid body (see
Rigid Body Definition).
The following element types cannot be mixed with other element types in
the same surface definition:
Coupled thermal-electrical-structural elements
Coupled temperature-displacement elements
Heat transfer elements
Pore pressure elements
Coupled thermal-electrical elements
Acoustic finite or infinite elements
The axisymmetric solid Fourier elements with nonlinear, asymmetric
deformation (CAXA elements) cannot form element-based surfaces.
The face identifier label is required to import an element-based surface from an input
Surface Discretization
For element-based surfaces
uses a faceted geometry defined by the finite element mesh as the surface
definition. The surface in a coarse finite element model may not be a very good
approximation for contact modeling if the physical surface is curved.
Therefore, sufficient mesh refinement must be used to ensure that the faceted
surface is a reasonable approximation of the curved physical surface.
Alternatively, some curved surface geometries may be more effectively modeled
with analytical rigid surfaces (see
Analytical Rigid Surface Definition).
Creating Surfaces on Solid, Continuum Shell, and Cohesive Elements
There are three ways to define the facets of an element-based surface on
solid, continuum shell, and cohesive elements:
by instructing
to generate the “free surface” from the exposed faces of elements,
by specifying the particular faces for each element, and
by instructing
to generate an interior surface from element faces that are not exposed (i.e.,
not part of the “free surface” of the model).
The automatic free surface generation approach is the simplest method of
defining exterior surfaces on solid elements. Specifying the element faces
gives you exact control over which element faces (any combination of exterior
and interior faces) form the surface. Automatic generation of an interior
surface is the simplest method of defining interior surfaces on solid elements
(interior surfaces can be useful for modeling surface erosion due to element
It is possible to use all three approaches in the same surface definition
when creating a single surface.
Generating the Free Surface Automatically
You can define the facets of a surface by specifying a series of elements.
The faces of these elements that are on the exterior (free) surface of the
model are included in the surface definition.
When the free surface generation method is used to define surfaces, the
specified elements can be a mixture of continuum and structural elements.
Multi-point constraints (General Multi-Point Constraints)
involving nodes on exposed surfaces are not taken into account during free
surface generation, which can result in faces that are not on the exterior of a
body being included in surface definitions. For example, the nodes of the
elements in element set REFINED shown in
Figure 1
are used in linear, mesh-refinement constraints. The surfaces generated with
and without multi-point constraints are shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Effect of multi-point constraints on automatic surface
Input File Usage
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set,
For example, if the name of the shaded element set in the
figure below is ESETA, the surface named
ASURF is specified by
The automatic free surface generation method is not supported in
Special Treatment of Cohesive Elements for Automatic Free Surface Generation
The definition of exposed faces of elements for the purpose of automatic
free surface generation has the following unique aspects regarding cohesive
Faces of non-cohesive elements along an interface of shared nodes with
cohesive elements are considered exposed.
The top and bottom faces of all cohesive elements are considered
exposed; side faces of cohesive elements are never considered exposed.
Creating Surface Facets by Specifying Solid, Continuum Shell, and Cohesive Element Faces
You can define the facets of a surface by identifying the element faces that
should be included in the surface definition.
Element face numbers are defined in
About the Element Library.
Table 1
contains a list of valid face identifiers for all solid, continuum shell, and
cohesive elements. The face identifier can refer to individual elements or to
entire element sets.
Table 1. Surface definition face identifier labels for solid, continuum shell,
and cohesive elements.
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or set, face identifier
When you specify the element faces to define surfaces, the
specified elements cannot be a mixture of continuum and structural elements;
however, each data line of the surface definition can refer to different
element types.
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Any module except Sketch, Job, and Visualization: ToolsSurfaceCreate: Name:surface_name, pick faces in viewport
Generating an Interior Surface Automatically
Abaqus/Explicit provides two approaches to define eroding surfaces for a solid element mesh for use in
general contact (see Modeling Surface Erosion). The recommended approach dynamically evolves the list of
surface faces to correspond to currently exposed faces of elements that have not failed.
The other approach statically creates all of the possible interior faces and tracks which
of these faces are active. These methods give approximately the same results, but the
dynamically evolving approach often uses much less memory and tends to be faster.
Elements that do not have any interior faces by definition (such as shell elements, beam
elements, pipe elements, and membrane elements) are ignored.
Multi-point constraints are not taken into account when generating interior
surfaces. This can result in faces that are on the interior of a body being
excluded from the surface definition.
Generating a Dynamically Evolving Eroding Surface
In this recommended approach the surface evolves to correspond to the currently exposed
faces of the specified element set. At a given point in the simulation, this surface may
be a combination of originally exposed faces and faces that were originally in the
Input File Usage
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set, ERODING
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Generating a dynamically evolving eroding surface is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
Generating a Static Interior Surface
In this approach all faces of the specified elements that are not on the exterior
(free) surface of the model are included in the surface definition. Abaqus tracks which of these faces are currently exposed. The automatic generation of an
interior surface is equivalent to constructing a surface consisting of all faces of the
elements and then subtracting the free surfaces of those elements. A static interior
surface is less convenient (because faces on the original exterior must be included
separately) and less efficient (due to memory allocation for all faces of all elements
rather than just currently active faces) to use than a dynamically evolving eroding
Input File Usage
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set, INTERIOR
For example, if the name of the shaded element set in the figure below is
ESETA, the surface named
ASURFINTR (the elements in the figure have been
reduced in size to differentiate faces that share the same nodes) is specified by
Any module except Sketch, Job, and Visualization: ToolsSurfaceCreate: Name:surface_name, Type: Mesh; pick element faces or edges from an interior surface
You can use the selection tools to select from an interior entity of a model; see
Selecting interior surfaces.
Creating Surfaces on Structural, Surface, and Rigid Elements
There are five ways to define surfaces on structural, surface, and rigid
You can create a single-sided surface with a well-defined orientation by
indicating either the top or bottom surface of each specified element.
You can create a double-sided surface by specifying only the elements
and letting
generate the “free surface” from the exposed faces.
You can create an edge-based surface.
You can create a cross-section surface on the ends of beam, pipe, and
truss elements.
You can create a three-dimensional curve-type surface along the length
of beam, pipe, and truss elements by specifying only the elements and letting
generate the “free surface.”
It is possible to use any or all of the above approaches in the same surface
definition as long as it makes sense in the use of that surface with other
features in
Table 2
contains a list of valid face and edge identifiers for structural, surface, and
rigid elements.
Table 2. Surface definition face and edge identifier labels for structural,
surface, and rigid elements.
must use node-based surfaces with the contact pair algorithm in
E2, E3
E2, E3,
E2, E3
E2, E3,
Defining Single-Sided Surfaces
You can define a single-sided surface on the positive or negative face of
structural, surface, or rigid elements. The positive face is defined as the one
in the direction of the positive element normal, and the negative face is
defined as the one in the direction opposite to the element normal. The
definition of the element normal for all elements is given in
About the Element Library.
You must ensure that all of the specified elements have their normals
oriented consistently. If they are oriented as shown in
Figure 2,
the surface normals will reverse direction as the surface is traversed and
improper results may occur when the surface is used with features requiring an
orientation such as distributed surface loads.
Figure 2. Inconsistent orientation of structural element normals can result in
an invalid surface.
Further, an error message will be issued and the analysis will terminate if
this condition is detected for surfaces used with mesh tie constraints in
or with contact pairs. To correct the surface orientations in this figure, two
separate element sets with different face identifiers should be used.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a surface on the positive
face of a structural, surface, or rigid element:
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set, SPOS
Use the following option to define a surface on the negative
face of a structural, surface, or rigid element:
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set, SNEG
For example, single-sided surfaces on the positive faces of
the elements in element set SHELL can be defined
using input similar to
Any module except Sketch, Job, and Visualization: ToolsSurfaceCreate: Name:surface_name, pick face in viewport, click mouse button 2, and specify the side of the selected face
Defining Double-Sided Surfaces
You can create double-sided surface facets on three-dimensional shell,
membrane, surface, and rigid elements using the automatic surface facet
generation approach (i.e., specifying only the element numbers or sets). Some
applications that refer to surfaces do not allow the use of double-sided
surfaces: examples include contact pairs in
and features requiring an oriented surface such as distributed surface loads.
When double-sided surfaces can be used, they are often preferred to
single-sided surfaces. In some applications, such as when defining the contact
domain for general contact, it does not matter whether single- or double-sided
surfaces are used.
When double-sided surfaces are used with contact pairs in
the normals of all the underlying elements do not need to have a consistent
positive orientation:
will define the contact surface such that its facets have consistent normals,
even if the underlying elements do not have consistent normals. The facet
normals will be the same as the element normals if the element normals are all
consistent; otherwise, an arbitrary positive orientation is chosen for the
surface. The positive orientation is significant only with respect to the sign
of the contact pressure output variable for the contact pair algorithm, CPRESS (see
Although contact is enforced unconditionally on both sides of a surface when self-contact is used
with contact pairs, contact is enforced on both sides of a surface used in two-body
contact only when that surface is double-sided (if allowed). The use of single-sided
surfaces with contact pairs is sometimes desirable: the resolution of large initial
overclosures in contact pairs is more robust with single-sided surfaces than with
double-sided surfaces (see Contact Initialization for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Explicit). However,
single-sided contact is generally more limiting than double-sided contact; it may cause an
analysis to fail due to excessive element distortion or not enforce the contact conditions
realistically if a secondary node unexpectedly moves behind a main surface. This condition
can occur, for example, when large deformations or rigid-body motions are present or due
to complex tool shapes in a forming analysis.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a double-sided surface on
three-dimensional shell, membrane, surface, or rigid elements in
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set,
For example, double-sided surfaces on the elements in element
set SHELL can be defined using input similar
Any module except Sketch, Job, and Visualization: ToolsSurfaceCreate: Name:surface_name, pick face in viewport, click mouse button 2, and choose Both sides
Defining Edge-Based Surfaces
You can define an edge-based surface on three-dimensional shell, membrane,
surface, or rigid elements by specifying the individual edges. Alternatively,
you can specify that all the edges of the elements that are on the exterior
(free) surface of the model are used to form the surface; this method cannot be
used to define edge-based surfaces that are in the interior of the model. It is
possible to use both methods in the same surface definition when creating a
single surface.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the individual edges that
form the surface:
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set, edge identifier
The individual edge identifiers used in
are listed in
Table 2.
Use the following option to specify that all the edges of the elements
that are on the exterior (free) surface of the model are used to form the
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set, EDGE
For example, if the shaded element set in the figure below is
composed of three-dimensional shell elements and is named
ESETA, the surface named
ESURF could be specified by the following
Any module except Sketch, Job, and Visualization: ToolsSurfaceCreate: Name:surface_name, pick edges in viewport
you can specify that all the edges of the elements that are on the exterior
(free) surface of the model are used to form the surface by directly picking
all the free edges in the viewport.
Defining a Surface over the Cross-Section at the Ends of Beam, Pipe, and Truss Elements
To define a surface over the cross-section of beam, pipe, or truss elements,
you must specify the end on which the surface is defined. Surfaces created on
the ends of these elements can be used only for integrated output request (see
Integrated Output) and
integrated output section (see
Integrated Output Section Definition)
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a surface over the
cross-section of a beam, pipe, or truss element:
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set, END1 or END2
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Any module except Sketch, Job, and Visualization: ToolsSurfaceCreate: Name:surface_name, pick three-dimensional wire region in viewport, click mouse button 2, and choose End (Magenta) or End (Yellow)
Defining a Surface along the Length of Three-Dimensional Beam, Pipe, and Truss Elements
You cannot specify the faces to define a surface along the length of
three-dimensional beams, pipes, or trusses because their element connectivity
cannot define a unique element or surface normal. Instead, you must specify
should generate a surface for these elements. Therefore, the use of surfaces
along the length of these elements is restricted.
In Abaqus/Standard element-based surfaces created along the length of three-dimensional beam, pipe, or
truss elements can be used with the general contact algorithm or tie constraints. In a
contact pair simulation, they can be used only as secondary surfaces. There are several
advantages to using an element-based surface rather than a node-based surface when
modeling contact in Abaqus/Standard with three-dimensional beams, pipes, or trusses:
The default local tangent directions are parallel and orthogonal to the
element axis.
calculates the contact results as contact forces per unit length rather than
just contact forces.
It can be easier to define an element-based surface than a node-based
a surface definition is not allowed for cases where three or more
three-dimensional beams, pipes, or trusses are joined at a common node because
of the lack of uniquely defined element tangents.
element-based surfaces created along the length of three-dimensional beam,
pipe, or truss elements can be used only with the general contact algorithm or
tie constraints. To define contact for these elements using the contact pair
algorithm, the nodes forming the beam, pipe, or truss elements can be included
in a node-based surface definition (Node-Based Surface Definition)
and a contact pair can be defined for this node-based surface and a
non-node-based surface.
Surfaces along the length of three-dimensional beam, pipe, or truss elements
cannot be used to prescribe a distributed surface load since the loading
direction is not unique.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a surface along the length
of a three-dimensional beam, pipe, or truss element:
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set,
Abaqus/CAE Usage
Any module except Sketch, Job, and Visualization: ToolsSurfaceCreate: Name:surface_name, pick three-dimensional wire region in viewport, click mouse button 2, and choose Circumferential
Surfaces along the Length of Two-Dimensional Beam, Pipe, and Truss Elements
Surfaces created along the length of two-dimensional beam, pipe, and truss elements can be used
as main surfaces in a contact pair simulation because the underlying elements have unique
element normals that lie in the plane of the model. These surfaces can also be used to
prescribe distributed surface loads.
Shell, Membrane, or Rigid Element Thickness and Shell Offset
Some applications that refer to surfaces will account for underlying element
thicknesses and any offset of the midsurface relative to the reference surface
for surfaces based on shell, membrane, or rigid elements. For example, all of
the contact algorithms available in
can account for these effects. Of the contact algorithms available in
only the surface-to-surface small-sliding contact formulation can account for
these effects. See the following sections for additional details on
applications that can account for surface thickness and offset:
When surfaces are defined on gasket elements, automatic surface facet
generation cannot be used because only the top and bottom element faces can be
used to create surfaces (see
About Gasket Elements).
cannot create surfaces on gasket link elements since the top and bottom
surfaces are each reduced to a single node. For other gasket elements you must
specify the top and bottom surfaces directly. The positive face of the element
is in the thickness direction of the element. The definition of the thickness
direction of all gasket elements is given in
Defining the Gasket Element's Initial Geometry.
The negative face is defined as the face in the direction opposite to the
thickness direction of the element.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define a surface on the positive
face of a gasket element:
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set, SPOS
Use the following option to define a surface on the negative
face of a gasket element:
SURFACE, NAME=surface_name, TYPE=ELEMENTelement number or element set, SNEG
For example, single-sided surfaces on the positive faces of
the elements in element set GASKET can be
defined using input similar to
Any module except Sketch, Job, and Visualization: ToolsSurfaceCreate: Name:surface_name, pick top or bottom faces in viewport
Surfaces on Three-Dimensional Gasket Line Elements
There are several advantages to using an element-based surface rather than a
node-based surface when modeling contact in
with three-dimensional gasket line elements:
The local tangent directions are parallel and orthogonal to the gasket
line element, which is useful for output purposes and for anisotropic friction
calculates the contact results as contact forces per unit length rather than
just contact forces.
Surfaces created on three-dimensional gasket line elements can be used only as secondary surfaces
because Abaqus/Standard cannot form unique normals for these surfaces.
Creating Interior Cross-Section Surfaces
To study the “force-flow” through various paths in a model, you must create
interior surfaces that cut through one or more components (similar to a
cross-section) so that you can request integrated output of the total force
transmitted across these surfaces (see
Requesting Integrated Output for “Force-Flow” Studies).
provides a simple method to create such an interior surface over the element
facets, edges, or ends by cutting through a region of the model with a plane.
The region can be identified using one or more element sets. If no element sets
are specified, the region consists of the whole model. The cutting plane is
defined by specifying the coordinates of a point on the plane and a vector
normal to the plane. Alternatively, the cutting plane can be defined by
specifying the global node numbers of point a on the plane
and point b that lies off the cutting plane with the
normal determined as the vector from point a to point
then automatically forms a surface close to the specified cutting plane by
selecting the element facets, edges, or ends of the continuum solid, shell,
membrane, surface, beam, pipe, truss, or rigid elements in the selected region.
The surface generated in this manner is an approximation for the cutting plane.
Multi-point mesh constraints are ignored while generating the interior
surface based on the cutting plane; therefore, the result may be a surface that is not
continuous if these constraints stitch disjointed meshes together in a region that is cut by
the cutting plane. When the cutting plane
intersects a beam, pipe, or truss element, the entire element is shown in the Visualization module of Abaqus/CAE as being part of the surface. However, if this surface is used for integrated output,
only the element nodal forces from the element end that lies on the positive side as
defined by the normal to the cutting plane are included in the integrated output.
Point mass and rotary elements, connector elements, spot welds, and spring elements will not
be part of the generated surface even if they are cut by the cutting plane.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to define the cutting surface by
specifying coordinates of a point on the plane and a vector normal to the
Interior cross-section surfaces are not supported in
Whole-Model Free Surface in an Abaqus/Explicit Input File
In an
input file you can create a surface containing the exposed faces of all
elements (and “contact edges” of beam, pipe, and truss elements) in the model
except cohesive elements by specifying a blank element set name and a blank
face identifier. This “free” surface of the model can be used as the base
surface for the cropping and combining operations; without modifications this
surface is similar to the default all-inclusive surface commonly used in
general contact (see
About General Contact in Abaqus/Explicit).
The whole-model automatic free surface generation method is not supported
Trimming the Perimeter of an Open Surface
An “open” surface is one that has ends in two dimensions or an outside edge
in three dimensions. The ends of a two-dimensional surface and the edge of a
three-dimensional surface are called the surface's “perimeter.” Since
allows a surface to be defined as only a part of the surface of a body, it may
have a perimeter even though it is defined on a closed body.
automatically performs surface “trimming” on solid element meshes. You can
change the default setting when a surface is created, providing some basic
control over the extent of surfaces.
Surface trimming:
is a recursive procedure that removes undesirable convex corners near
the perimeter of an open surface (see the example below for details);
has no effect on closed surfaces (ones with no ends or edges);
is performed automatically, unless the surface is used as a main surface in a finite-sliding
simulation in Abaqus/Standard or the surface is used with the contact pair algorithm in Abaqus/Explicit;
can be used only for external surfaces on solid element meshes (either
specified surfaces or automatically generated free surfaces); and
has no effect on surfaces used with the contact pair algorithm in
Input File Usage
Use the following option to suppress automatic surface
Automatic surface trimming cannot be suppressed in
The Effect of Surface Trimming
The effect of surface trimming is best explained by means of an example.
Figure 3
illustrates the effect of trimming for two different surfaces defined on the
same simple two-dimensional mesh.
Figure 3. Case I: Faces A and B are
removed when trimming is done since one node of each of the faces is an end
node and the other is a corner node. Case II:
Faces A and B are not removed when
trimming is done since one node of each of the faces is an end node but the
other is not a corner node.
In Case I the surface definition consists of a single layer of elements on
the perimeter of the model. Using automatic surface facet generation, the
resulting default surface (curve) includes the vertical element faces
A and B since these faces lie on the
perimeter of the model. Trimming the default surface created in Case I
eliminates faces A and B since their
presence results in the two spurious corners near the perimeter of the curve.
uses a special criterion in deciding to remove faces A and
B from the original open curve. A face is removed if one
of its end nodes is an endpoint and either of the following is true: another
face node is a node on an element corner belonging to the curve or the face
normal differs by more than 30° from the normal of an adjacent face also
belonging to the curve. To be a node on an element corner belonging to the
curve means to be a node on two different faces of the same element, both of
which are part of the curve. The face removal criterion is applied recursively
to the curve definition until all corners on or near the perimeter of the curve
have been removed. This procedure is generalized for three-dimensional surface
In Case II in
Figure 3
trimming would not result in the elimination of faces A
and B because neither of the endpoints of these two faces
meets the criterion described above.
Why Abaqus Will, by Default, Trim Most Surfaces
Trimming of surfaces used for application of distributed loads is usually
desired since loads are normally applied to specific sides of a body. Any
surface that is used for application of a distributed load will, by default, be
In Abaqus/Standard trimming the secondary surface in contact or interaction simulations results in more
accurate estimates of the contact pressures, heat fluxes, and electrical current densities
along the perimeter of the surface. Any surface that is used as a secondary surface in a
contact or interaction simulation will, by default, be trimmed. If the secondary surface
is left untrimmed, the nodes at the corners of the surface will be assigned additional
contact area from the element faces around the corners that may never be involved in the
interaction between the surfaces. This additional contact area introduces errors into the
estimates of the contact output variables at those nodes. Main surfaces in small-sliding
simulations will, by default, be trimmed; Abaqus/Standard will normally form a better approximate surface. However, main surfaces in
finite-sliding contact simulations will, by default, be left untrimmed, and they should
extend far enough away from all expected regions of contact. This practice protects
against the possibility of the secondary surface nodes sliding off the main surface (see
Common Difficulties Associated with Contact Modeling in Abaqus/Standard).