Element-Based Surface Definition

An element-based surface:

  • can be defined on solid, structural, rigid, surface, gasket, or acoustic elements;

  • can be deformable or rigid;

  • can be defined on any combination of elements in many cases;

  • can be defined on the exterior of any body; and

  • can be defined on the interior of any body that is modeled with continuum, shell, membrane, surface, beam, pipe, truss, or rigid elements (e.g., to define a cross-section through a body) either by simply cutting the body with a plane or by identifying the elements and the corresponding interior facets.

For details about defining node-based surfaces, see Node-Based Surface Definition. For details about defining analytical rigid surfaces, see Analytical Rigid Surface Definition. For details about defining surfaces using Boolean combinations of existing surfaces, see Operating on Surfaces.

This page discusses:

See Also
About Surfaces
Integrated Output Section Definition
In Other Guides
Distributed Loads
Prescribed Assembly Loads
Mesh Tie Constraints
Coupling Constraints
Shell-to-Solid Coupling
About Contact Interactions
Cavity Radiation in Abaqus/Standard
What is a surface?
