Concrete Damaged Plasticity

The concrete damaged plasticity model in Abaqus:

  • provides a general capability for modeling concrete and other quasi-brittle materials in all types of structures (beams, trusses, shells, and solids);

  • uses concepts of isotropic damaged elasticity in combination with isotropic tensile and compressive plasticity to represent the inelastic behavior of concrete;

  • can be used for plain concrete, even though it is intended primarily for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures;

  • can be used with rebar to model concrete reinforcement;

  • is designed for applications in which concrete is subjected to monotonic, cyclic, and/or dynamic loading under low confining pressures;

  • consists of the combination of nonassociated multi-hardening plasticity and scalar (isotropic) damaged elasticity to describe the irreversible damage that occurs during the fracturing process;

  • allows user control of stiffness recovery effects during cyclic load reversals;

  • allows removal of elements based on material failure criteria;

  • can be defined to be sensitive to the rate of straining;

  • can be used in conjunction with a viscoplastic regularization of the constitutive equations in Abaqus/Standard to improve the convergence rate in the softening regime;

  • requires that the elastic behavior of the material be isotropic and linear (see Defining Isotropic Elasticity); and

  • is defined in detail in Damaged plasticity model for concrete and other quasi-brittle materials.

See Inelastic Behavior for a discussion of the concrete models available in Abaqus.

This page discusses:

See Also
About the Material Library
Inelastic Behavior
In Other Guides
Defining concrete damaged plasticity
