are used to model gaskets and other seals between two components, each
of which may be deformable or rigid; and
are connected to the adjacent components by sharing nodes, by using
surface-based tie constraints, by using MPCs
type TIE or PIN, or by using contact pairs.
This section discusses the techniques that are available to discretize gaskets and assemble them
in a model representing several components, such as an internal combustion engine. The methods
described all apply to gasket elements that have all displacement degrees of freedom active at
their nodes. Typically they also apply to gasket elements with only thickness-direction
behavior; exceptions are discussed later in this section.
Gaskets are generally manufactured as independent components. The gasket
behavior is usually measured by performing a compression experiment on the
gasket. In this case the gasket can be discretized as a single layer of gasket
Gaskets are sometimes made of several layers of materials. If the behavior
of the gasket is obtained by compression testing of the entire gasket, the
gasket can again be discretized as a single layer of gasket elements. However,
if the behavior of the gasket is obtained by compression testing of each layer
constituting the gasket, the gasket can be discretized with a corresponding set
of layers of gasket elements.
Discretizing Gaskets with Multiple Layers
If layers of gasket elements are used in the thickness direction and these layers do not have the
same element layout in the plane of the gasket, use surface-based tie constraints, mesh
refinement MPCs, or tied contact pairs to connect the
different layers of the gasket. If tied contact pairs are used, assign a positive value to
the adjustment zone depth, a, for the contact pairs (see Contact Initialization for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Standard) so that all
secondary nodes are properly tied at the beginning of the analysis.
Assembling Gaskets to Other Components in a Model
The easiest method to connect gasket elements that use all displacement
components at their nodes to other components in a model is to define the mesh
so that the gasket elements can share nodes with the elements on the surfaces
of the adjacent components. More generally, when the gasket mesh is not matched
to the meshing of the surfaces of the adjacent components or when the gasket
elements that consider only thickness-direction behavior are used, gasket
elements can be connected to other components by using contact pairs.
Connecting Gaskets to Other Components by Using Contact Pairs or Surface-Based Constraints
Gaskets are usually composed of materials that are softer than the materials that compose the
neighboring components. In addition, the discretization of gaskets will usually be finer
than the discretization of neighboring parts. These two facts suggest that the contacting
surfaces of a gasket should be the secondary surfaces and that the contacting surfaces of
neighboring parts should be the main surfaces. The second consideration also suggests that
mismatched meshes will often be used in analyses involving gaskets. If mismatched meshes
are used, the pressure distribution on a compressed gasket may not be predicted
accurately; submodeling (About Submodeling) may be
required to obtain accurate local results. Two techniques are available to connect gasket
elements to other parts in the model when surface-based constraints are used.
Using a Regular Contact Pair and a Tied Contact Pair or a Surface-Based Constraint
This technique is required when the gasket membrane behavior is not
defined. Use a tied contact pair (Defining Tied Contact in Abaqus/Standard)
or a tie constraint (Mesh Tie Constraints)
on one side of the gasket and a regular contact pair on the other side, as
shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Connecting gaskets to other parts using contact pairs.
Because a regular contact pair is used on one side of the gasket, tensile
stresses cannot develop in the gasket thickness direction should the components
surrounding the gasket be pulled apart.
Assign a positive value to the adjustment zone depth, a, for the tied
contact pair (see Contact Initialization for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Standard) or, if
necessary, specify a position tolerance for the tie constraint (see Mesh Tie Constraints) so that all
secondary nodes are properly tied at the beginning of the analysis. This technique
allows for frictional slip on only one side of the gasket.
Using a Regular Contact Pair and a Contact Pair That Does Not Allow Separation
This technique allows for frictional slip to be transmitted on both sides
of the gasket. It is recommended when membrane behavior is defined for the
gasket since it allows for the gasket membrane to stretch or contract as a
result of frictional effects considered on both sides of the gasket. A contact
pair or a constraint pair that does not allow for separation of the surfaces
(Contact Pressure-Overclosure Relationships)
should be used on one side of the gasket and a regular contact pair on the
other, as shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Connecting gaskets to other parts when the gasket membrane behavior
is defined.
Assign a positive value to the adjustment zone depth,
a, for the contact pair (see
Contact Initialization for Contact Pairs in Abaqus/Standard)
so that the surfaces are in contact at the beginning of the analysis. Use the
no separation contact pressure-overclosure relationship (see
Contact Pressure-Overclosure Relationships)
so that these surfaces do not separate during the analysis. This technique will
prevent rigid body modes of the gasket in its thickness direction. You may
still need to prevent rigid body modes in the plane of the gasket until
frictional forces develop between the gasket and the adjacent components.
Having Gasket Elements Share Nodes with Other Elements
When the gaskets and their neighboring parts have matched meshes, it is
straightforward to connect gaskets to other components in a model simply by
sharing nodes (see
Figure 3).
Figure 3. Gasket elements sharing nodes with other
This method of connecting gaskets to other components is suited for cases
when no frictional slip occurs between the gasket and the other components. It
can be used whether or not the membrane behavior of the gasket elements is
defined; however, if the gasket membrane behavior is defined, using a contact
pair approach will lead to more realistic results since the difference in
membrane stiffness between the gasket and its neighboring parts may lead to
frictional slip. The method of sharing nodes will also lead to some small
tensile stresses in the gasket should the parts connected to the gasket be
pulled apart, as a result of the numerical stabilization technique added to the
gasket thickness-direction behavior (see
Defining the Gasket Behavior Directly Using a Gasket Behavior Model).
The contact pair approach will avoid such tensile stresses. This node-sharing
approach cannot be used with the gasket elements that consider only
thickness-direction behavior.
Using Gasket Elements That Model Thickness-Direction Behavior Only
In general, the modeling techniques discussed earlier can be used with
gasket elements that model thickness-direction behavior only. However, these
elements have only one displacement degree of freedom per node and cannot share
nodes with elements that have all displacement degrees of freedom active at a
node. They can, however, share nodes with other gasket elements that model
thickness-direction behavior only.
Discretizing a Gasket with Gasket Elements That Model Thickness-Direction Behavior Only
When discretizing a gasket with several layers of gasket elements along the
gasket direction, it is recommended that all the nodes belonging to a
cross-section of the gasket have the same thickness direction (see
Figure 4).
An approximate solution will be generated if the thickness direction changes,
since only the magnitude of the force is transmitted from one gasket element to
the next through the thickness of the gasket.
Figure 4. Discretizing a gasket using several layers of elements with
thickness-direction behavior only.
Connecting Gaskets to Other Components When Gasket Elements with Thickness-Direction Behavior Only Are Chosen
Contact pairs can be used to connect the gasket mesh to adjacent components,
as explained above, but only frictionless, small-sliding contact can be used.
MPC type PIN or TIE can also be used to connect a one degree of freedom node of a gasket
element to another coincident node that has all its displacement degrees of
freedom active (see
Figure 5).
automatically constrains the single displacement degree of freedom node to the
global displacements of the other node.
Surface-based tie constraints cannot be used to connect gasket elements that
model thickness-direction behavior only.
Figure 5. Connecting gasket elements with thickness-direction behavior only to
other parts by using MPCs.
Additional Considerations When Using Gasket Elements
Several cases require special consideration when using gasket elements.
Using Gasket Elements in Large-Displacement Analyses
Gasket elements are small-strain, small-displacement elements. They can be
used in large-displacement analyses. However, the local directions of the
gasket elements are not updated with the solution, so incorrect results will be
generated if the assembly containing the gasket elements undergoes any
significant amount of rotation.
Using 12-Node Gasket Elements
These elements are primarily for use when the adjacent components are
modeled with modified 10-node tetrahedral elements (element type C3D10M). When the contact pair approach is used, such elements can also
be placed adjacent to other three-dimensional solid continuum elements;
however, if the meshes are badly mismatched, the solution may be noisy.
Using 18-Node Gasket Elements
These elements are intended to share nodes with 21 to 27-node brick
elements. They can also be connected to a mesh composed of 21 to 27-node brick
elements or a mesh composed of 20-node brick elements when the contact pair
approach is used.
allows the node numbers and the coordinates of the midface nodes in the 18-node
gasket elements to be generated automatically if the faces are part of contact
surfaces, similar to the way that midface nodes are generated for 20-node brick
element faces on which a contact surface is defined. This feature is invoked by
leaving the entries for nodes 17 and 18 in the element connectivity blank.
Using the Three-Dimensional Line Gasket Elements
Three-dimensional line gasket elements are typically used to model narrow,
thicker features in gaskets, such as an elastomeric insert around a hole. A
typical mesh for such a case is presented in
Figure 6.
The gasket is discretized mainly with three-dimensional area elements. The
insert is modeled with three-dimensional line elements that may or may not be
connected to the area elements. These gasket elements are connected to
surrounding components using two sets of contact pairs, and the area elements
will typically have initial gaps specified in the gasket property definition so
that the thicker inserts develop pressure on contact before the area elements
Figure 6. Typical use of three-dimensional line gasket elements to model inserts
in gaskets.
If three-dimensional line gasket elements that have all displacement degrees
of freedom active at their nodes are used to discretize a gasket and the local
3-direction is the same at all the nodes of these elements (this is the case
when all elements lie in a plane), the nodes of these elements can move in the
local 3-direction without creating any strain in the elements (see
Defining the Gasket Behavior Directly Using a Gasket Behavior Model
for additional details about the local direction of three-dimensional line
elements). In such a case you should make sure that these elements are
restrained properly in the local 3-direction.