Frequency Response of a Poroelastic Acoustic Medium
The frequency domain theory of the poroelastic acoustic medium is presented in Poroelastic acoustic medium in frequency domain. The primary variables in the formulation are structural displacements and fluid pore pressure . The dynamic equilibrium equations are
Here, is the steady-state dynamics excitation frequency, is the porosity defined as the ratio of the connected volume fully saturated by fluid to the whole volume, is the structural stress, is the structural dilatation, and parameters with an overtilde (~) are derived from the material properties of the solid structural skeleton and fluid. The terms in the equations above represent the fluid-structure volumetric coupling terms. Without these terms the equations are the regular dynamic equilibrium equations for the separate solid and fluid phases. For the solid skeleton, there is no factor in the stiffness or density structural terms.
Generally, complex solid and fluid properties and coupling terms are determined from classical isotropic linear elastic solid properties, including the skeleton density plus the fluid real and complex material densities, complex bulk modulus, and the medium tortuosity. In the case of no damping, all properties are real valued with zero imaginary parts. For the solid, the damping can come from structural damping; for the fluid, from nonzero imaginary parts of the complex density and bulk modulus.
There are two ways to obtain the fluid complex density and bulk modulus: either directly from input data as implemented in the Biot-Atalla acoustic medium porous model or using special theory under the Biot-Johnson model. The Biot-Atalla model is a convenient way to compare poroelastic acoustic results versus pure acoustic results.