The material damage initiation capability for ductile metals:
is intended as a general capability for predicting initiation of damage in metals,
including sheet, extrusion, and cast metals as well as other materials;
allows the specification of more than one damage initiation criterion;
includes ductile (tabular, Johnson-Cook, and Hosford-Coulomb), shear, forming limit
diagram (FLD), forming limit stress diagram
(FLSD) and Müschenborn-Sonne forming limit diagram
(MSFLD) criteria for damage initiation;
includes in Abaqus/Explicit the Marciniak-Kuczynski (M-K) and Johnson-Cook
criteria for damage initiation;
can be used in Abaqus/Standard in conjunction with Mises, Johnson-Cook, Hill, and Drucker-Prager plasticity (ductile,
shear, FLD, FLSD, and
MSFLD criteria); and
can be used in Abaqus/Explicit in conjunction with Mises and Johnson-Cook plasticity (ductile, shear,
MSFLD, Johnson-Cook, and
MK criteria) and in conjunction with Hill and
Drucker-Prager plasticity (ductile, shear, FLD,
Johnson-Cook criteria).
Two main mechanisms can cause the fracture of a ductile metal: ductile fracture due to the
nucleation, growth, and coalescence of voids; and shear fracture due to shear band
localization. Based on phenomenological observations, these two mechanisms call for
different forms of the criteria for the onset of damage (Hooputra et al., 2004). The functional forms provided by Abaqus for these criteria are discussed below. These criteria can be used in combination with
the damage evolution models for ductile metals discussed in Damage Evolution and Element Removal for Ductile Metals to model fracture of a ductile metal. (See Progressive failure analysis of thin-wall aluminum extrusion under quasi-static and dynamic loads for an example.)
Ductile Criterion
The ductile criterion is a phenomenological model for predicting the onset of damage due
to nucleation, growth, and coalescence of voids. The model assumes that the equivalent
plastic strain at the onset of damage, , is a function of stress triaxiality and strain rate:
where is the stress triaxiality, p is the pressure
stress, q is the Mises equivalent stress, and is the equivalent plastic strain rate. The criterion for damage
initiation is met when the following condition is satisfied:
where is a state variable that increases monotonically with plastic
deformation. At each increment during the analysis the incremental increase in is computed as
In Abaqus/Standard the ductile criterion can be used in conjunction with the Mises, Johnson-Cook, Hill,
and Drucker-Prager plasticity models and in Abaqus/Explicit in conjunction with the Mises, Johnson-Cook, Hill, and Drucker-Prager plasticity
models, including equation of state.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the equivalent plastic strain at the onset of
damage as a tabular function of stress triaxality, strain rate, and, optionally,
temperature and predefined field variables:
Property module: material editor: MechanicalDamage for Ductile MetalsDuctile Damage
Defining Dependency of Ductile Criterion on Lode Angle
Experimental results for aluminum alloys and other metals (Bai and Wierzbicki, 2008) reveal that, in addition to stress triaxiality and
strain rate, ductile fracture can also depend on the third invariant of deviatoric
stress, which is related to the Lode angle (or deviatoric polar angle). Specific models
that account for this dependency include the Modified Mohr-Coulomb (MMC) fracture
criterion proposed by Bai and Wierzbicki (2010) and the Hosford-Coulomb
criterion proposed by Mohr and Marcadet (2015). Abaqus allows the definition of the equivalent plastic strain at the onset of ductile
damage, , as a function of the Lode angle, , by way of the functional form
where the lode angle term, , is defined as
q is the Mises equivalent stress, and r is
the third invariant of deviatoric stress, . The lode angle term can take values from , for stress states on the compressive meridian, to , for stress states on the tensile meridian.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to indicate that the equivalent plastic strain at the
onset of ductile damage is a function of the Lode angle:
Property module: material editor: MechanicalDamage for Ductile MetalsDuctile Damage: Use Lode-dependent data
Johnson-Cook Criterion
The Johnson-Cook criterion (available only in Abaqus/Explicit) is a special case of the ductile criterion in which the equivalent plastic strain at
the onset of damage, , is assumed to be of the form
where – are failure parameters and is the reference strain rate. This expression differs from the
original formula published by Johnson and Cook (1985) in the sign of the parameter . This difference is motivated by the fact that most materials
experience a decrease in with increasing stress triaxiality; therefore, in the above expression will usually take positive values. is the nondimensional temperature defined as
where is the current temperature, is the melting temperature, and is the transition temperature defined as the one at or below which
there is no temperature dependence on the expression of the damage strain . The material parameters must be measured at or below the transition
The Johnson-Cook criterion can be used in conjunction with the Mises, Johnson-Cook,
Hill, and Drucker-Prager plasticity models, including equation of state. When used in
conjunction with the Johnson-Cook plasticity model, the specified values of the melting
and transition temperatures should be consistent with the values specified in the
plasticity definition. The Johnson-Cook damage initiation criterion can also be
specified together with any other initiation criteria, including the ductile criteria;
each initiation criterion is treated independently.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the parameters for the Johnson-Cook initiation
Property module: material editor: MechanicalDamage for Ductile MetalsJohnson-Cook Damage
Hosford-Coulomb Criterion
The Hosford-Coulomb criterion is based on the work of Mohr and Marcadet (2015), Roth and Mohr (2014), and Roth and Mohr (2016) and is a special
case of the ductile criterion in which the equivalent plastic strain at the onset of
damage, , is assumed to be of the form
where is the stress triaxiality; a,
b, c, d, and
n are material parameters; is the reference strain rate; and
where the parameter is defined in terms of the Lode angle as
The Hosford exponent controls the effect of the Lode angle parameter and can reproduce
Tresca criteria ( or ) and von Mises criteria ( or ). The parameter equals the strain to fracture for uniaxial tension (or equibiaxial
tension). The friction coefficient controls the influence of stress triaxiality. The parameter can be regarded as the hardening exponent in a power law isotropic
hardening model; typically for metals.
The Hosford-Coulomb criterion can be used in conjunction with the Mises, Johnson-Cook,
Hill, and Drucker-Prager plasticity models. It can also be specified together with any
other initiation criteria; each initiation criterion is treated independently.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the parameters for the Hosford-Coulomb
initiation criterion:
Property module: material editor: MechanicalDamage for Ductile MetalsHosford-Coulomb Damage
Shear Criterion
The shear criterion is a phenomenological model for predicting the onset of damage due to
shear band localization. The model assumes that the equivalent plastic strain at the onset
of damage, , is a function of the shear stress ratio and strain rate:
Here is the shear stress ratio, is the maximum shear stress, and is a material parameter. A typical value of for aluminum is = 0.3 (Hooputra et al., 2004). The criterion for damage initiation is
met when the following condition is satisfied:
where is a state variable that increases monotonically with plastic
deformation proportional to the incremental change in equivalent plastic strain. At each
increment during the analysis the incremental increase in is computed as
Alternatively, the shear stress ratio, , can be expressed as a function of triaxiality, , and the Lode angle, . Rewriting the expression for the shear stress ratio as
the maximum shear stress can be expressed as a function of the Mises stress and the Lode
Substituting the above relation in the expression for the shear stress ratio, we
This expression shows that the criterion depends on the Lode angle and stress
triaxiality, and the parameter, , represents the influence of the stress triaxiality in shear
In Abaqus/Explicit the shear criterion can be used in conjunction with the Mises, Johnson-Cook, Hill, and
Drucker-Prager plasticity models, including equation of state. In Abaqus/Standard it can be used with the Mises, Johnson-Cook, Hill, and Drucker-Prager models.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify and to specify the equivalent plastic strain at the onset of damage as
a tabular function of the shear stress ratio, strain rate, and, optionally, temperature
and predefined field variables:
Property module: material editor: MechanicalDamage for Ductile MetalsShear Damage
Nonlinear Accumulation of the Damage Initiation Criterion
The linear form of accumulation of the damage initiation criterion described above might
not predict the correct onset of damage in situations when the deformation history is not
linear (for example, changing stress triaxiality). It has been shown that you can achieve
better predictions if you use a formulation based on a power law rule to characterize the
nonlinearity in the accumulation of the damage initiation criterion. This power law
formulation is available with the ductile, shear, and Hosford-Coulomb criteria in both Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit and with the Johnson-Cook criterion in Abaqus/Explicit. For the ductile and Johnson-Cook criteria, it has the form:
and for the shear criterion it can be expressed as:
where n is the accumulation power.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to defined the accumulation power:
Property module: material editor: MechanicalDamage for Ductile Metalscriterion: Accumulation Power: N
Initial Conditions
Optionally, you can specify the initial work hardened state of the material by providing
the initial equivalent plastic strain values (see Defining Initial Values of State Variables for Plastic Hardening) and, if residual stresses are also present, the initial stress values (see Defining Initial Stresses). Abaqus uses this information to initialize the values of the ductile and shear damage
initiation criteria, and , assuming constant values of stress triaxiality and shear shear ratio
(linear stress path).
Input File Usage
Use the following options to specify that material hardening and residual stresses
have occurred prior to the current analysis:
Use the following options to specify that material hardening and residual stresses
have occurred prior to the current analysis:
Load module: Create Predefined Field: Step: Initial, choose Mechanical for the Category and Hardening and Stress for the Types for Selected Step
Damage Initiation Criteria for Sheet Metal Instability
Necking instability plays a determining factor in sheet metal forming processes: the size
of the local neck region is typically of the order of the thickness of the sheet, and local
necks can rapidly lead to fracture. Localized necking cannot be modeled with traditional
shell elements used in sheet metal forming simulations because the size of the neck is of
the order of the thickness of the element. Abaqus supports four criteria for predicting the onset of necking instability in sheet metals:
forming limit diagram (FLD); forming limit stress diagram
(FLSD); Müschenborn-Sonne forming limit diagram
(MSFLD); and Marciniak-Kuczynski
(M-K) criteria, which is available only in Abaqus/Explicit. These criteria apply only to elements with a plane stress formulation (plane stress,
shell, continuum shell, and membrane elements); Abaqus ignores these criteria for other elements. The initiation criteria for necking
instability can be used in combination with the damage evolution models discussed in Damage Evolution and Element Removal for Ductile Metals to account for the damage induced by necking.
Classical strain-based forming limit diagrams (FLDs) are
known to be dependent on the strain path. Changes in the deformation mode (for example,
equibiaxial loading followed by uniaxial tensile strain) may result in major modifications
in the level of the limit strains. Therefore, the FLD
damage initiation criterion should be used with care if the strain paths in the analysis are
nonlinear. In practical industrial applications, significant changes in the strain path may
be induced by multistep forming operations, complex geometry of the tooling, and interface
friction, among other factors. For problems with highly nonlinear strain paths Abaqus offers three additional damage initiation criteria: the forming limit stress diagram
(FLSD) criterion, the Müschenborn-Sonne forming limit
diagram (MSFLD) criterion, and in Abaqus/Explicit the Marciniak-Kuczynski (M-K) criterion; these
alternatives to the FLD damage initiation criterion are
intended to minimize load path dependence.
The characteristics of each criterion available in Abaqus for predicting damage initiation in sheet metals are discussed below.
Forming Limit Diagram (FLD) Criterion
The forming limit diagram (FLD) is a useful concept
introduced by Keeler and Backofen (1964) to determine the amount of deformation that a
material can withstand prior to the onset of necking instability. The maximum strains that
a sheet material can sustain prior to the onset of necking are referred to as the forming
limit strains. A FLD is a plot of the forming limit
strains in the space of principal (in-plane) logarithmic strains. In the discussion that
follows major and minor limit
strains refer to the maximum and minimum values of the in-plane principal limit strains,
respectively. The major limit strain is usually represented on the vertical axis and the
minor strain on the horizontal axis, as illustrated in Figure 1. The line connecting the states at which deformation becomes unstable is referred to as
the forming limit curve (FLC). The
FLC gives a sense of the formability of a sheet of
material. Strains computed numerically by Abaqus can be compared to a FLC to determine the feasibility
of the forming process under analysis.
Figure 1. Forming limit diagram (FLD).
The FLD damage initiation criterion requires the
specification of the FLC in tabular form by giving the
major principal strain at damage initiation as a tabular function of the minor principal
strain and, optionally, temperature and predefined field variables, . The damage initiation criterion for the
FLD is given by the condition , where the variable is a function of the current deformation state and is defined as the
ratio of the current major principal strain, , to the major limit strain on the FLC
evaluated at the current values of the minor principal strain, ; temperature, ; and predefined field variables, :
For example, for the deformation state given by point A in Figure 1 the damage initiation criterion is evaluated as
If the value of the minor strain lies outside the range of the specified tabular values,
Abaqus will extrapolate the value of the major limit strain on the
FLC by assuming that the slope at the endpoint of the
curve remains constant. Extrapolation with respect to temperature and field variables
follows the standard conventions: the property is assumed to be constant outside the
specified range of temperature and field variables (see Material Data Definition).
Experimentally, FLDs are measured under conditions of
biaxial stretching of a sheet, without bending effects. Under bending loading, however,
most materials can achieve limit strains that are much greater than those on the
FLC. To avoid the prediction of early failure under
bending deformation, Abaqus evaluates the FLD criterion using the strains at the
midplane through the thickness of the element. For composite shells with several layers
the criterion is evaluated at the midplane of each layer for which a
FLD curve has been specified, which ensures that only
biaxial stretching effects are taken into account. Therefore, the
FLD criterion is not suitable for modeling failure
under bending loading; other failure models (such as ductile and shear failure) are more
appropriate for such loading. Once the FLD damage
initiation criterion is met, the evolution of damage is driven independently at each
material point through the thickness of the element based on the local deformation at that
point. Thus, although bending effects do not affect the evaluation of the
FLD criterion, they may affect the rate of evolution of
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the limit major strain as a tabular function of
minor strain:
Property module: material editor: MechanicalDamage for Ductile MetalsFLD Damage
Forming Limit Stress Diagram (FLSD) Criterion
When strain-based FLCs are converted into stress-based
FLCs, the resulting stress-based curves have been shown
to be minimally affected by changes to the strain path (Stoughton, 2000); that is,
different strain-based FLCs, corresponding to different
strain paths, are mapped onto a single stress-based FLC.
This property makes forming limit stress diagrams (FLSDs)
an attractive alternative to FLDs for the prediction of
necking instability under arbitrary loading. However, the apparent independence of the
stress-based limit curves on the strain path may simply reflect the small sensitivity of
the yield stress to changes in plastic deformation. This topic is still under discussion
in the research community.
A FLSD is the stress counterpart of the
FLD, with the major and minor principal in-plane
stresses corresponding to the onset of necking localization plotted on the vertical and
horizontal axes, respectively. In Abaqus the FLSD damage initiation criterion requires the
specification of the major principal in-plane stress at damage initiation as a tabular
function of the minor principal in-plane stress and, optionally, temperature and
predefined field variables, . The damage initiation criterion for the
FLSD is met when the condition is satisfied, where the variable is a function of the current stress state and is defined as the ratio of
the current major principal stress, , to the major stress on the FLSD
evaluated at the current values of minor stress, ; temperature, ; and predefined field variables, :
If the value of the minor stress lies outside the range of specified tabular values, Abaqus will extrapolate the value of the major limit stress assuming that the slope at the
endpoints of the curve remains constant. Extrapolation with respect to temperature and
field variables follows the standard conventions: the property is assumed to be constant
outside the specified range of temperature and field variables (see Material Data Definition).
For reasons similar to those discussed earlier for the
FLD criterion, Abaqus evaluates the FLSD criterion using the stresses
averaged through the thickness of the element (or the layer, in the case of composite
shells with several layers), ignoring bending effects. Therefore, the
FLSD criterion cannot be used to model failure under
bending loading; other failure models (such as ductile and shear failure) are more
suitable for such loading. Once the FLSD damage
initiation criterion is met, the evolution of damage is driven independently at each
material point through the thickness of the element based on the local deformation at that
point. Thus, although bending effects do not affect the evaluation of the
FLSD criterion, they may affect the rate of evolution
of damage.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the limit major stress as a tabular function of
minor stress:
Property module: material editor: MechanicalDamage for Ductile MetalsFLSD Damage
Marciniak-Kuczynski (M-K) Criterion
Another approach available in Abaqus/Explicit for accurately predicting the forming limits for arbitrary loading paths is based on
the localization analysis proposed by Marciniak and Kuczynski (1967). The approach can be
used with the Mises and Johnson-Cook plasticity models, including kinematic hardening. In
M-K analysis, virtual thickness imperfections are
introduced as grooves simulating preexisting defects in an otherwise uniform sheet
material. The deformation field is computed inside each groove as a result of the applied
loading outside the groove. Necking is considered to occur when the ratio of the
deformation in the groove relative to the nominal deformation (outside the groove) is
greater than a critical value.
Figure 2 shows schematically the geometry of the groove considered for
M-K analysis. In the figure a
denotes the nominal region in the shell element outside the imperfection, and
b denotes the weak groove region. The initial thickness of the
imperfection relative to the nominal thickness is given by the ratio , with the subscript 0 denoting quantities in the initial, strain-free
state. The groove is oriented at a zero angle with respect to the 1-direction of the local
material orientation.
Figure 2. Imperfection model for the M-K analysis.
Abaqus/Explicit allows the specification of an anisotropic distribution of thickness imperfections as a
function of angle with respect to the local material orientation, . Abaqus/Explicit first solves for the stress-strain field in the nominal area ignoring the presence of
imperfections; then it considers the effect of each groove alone. The deformation field
inside each groove is computed by enforcing the strain compatibility condition
and the force equilibrium equations
The subscripts n and t refer to the directions
normal and tangential to the groove. In the above equilibrium equations and are forces per unit width in the t-direction.
The onset of necking instability is assumed to occur when the ratio of the rate of
deformation inside a groove relative to the rate of deformation if no groove were present
is greater than a critical value. In addition, it may not be possible to find a solution
that satisfies equilibrium and compatibility conditions once localization initiates at a
particular groove; consequently, failure to find a converged solution is also an indicator
of the onset of localized necking. For the evaluation of the damage initiation criterion
Abaqus/Explicit uses the following measures of deformation severity:
These deformation severity factors are evaluated on each of the specified groove
directions and compared with the critical values. (The evaluation is performed only if the
incremental deformation is primarily plastic; the M-K
criterion will not predict damage initiation if the deformation increment is elastic.) The
most unfavorable groove direction is used for the evaluation of the damage initiation
criterion, which is given as
where , , and are the critical values of the deformation severity indices. Damage
initiation occurs when or when a converged solution to the equilibrium and compatibility
equations cannot be found. By default, Abaqus/Explicit assumes ; you can specify different values. If one of these parameters is set
equal to zero, its corresponding deformation severity factor is not included in the
evaluation of the damage initiation criterion. If all of these parameters are set equal to
zero, the M-K criterion is based solely on nonconvergence
of the equilibrium and compatibility equations.
You must specify the fraction, , equal to the initial thickness at the virtual imperfection divided by
the nominal thickness (see Figure 2), as well as the number of imperfections to be used for the evaluation of the
M-K damage initiation criterion. It is assumed that
these directions are equally spaced angularly. By default, Abaqus/Explicit uses four imperfections located at 0°, 45°, 90°, and 135° with respect to the local
1-direction of the material. The initial imperfection size can be defined as a tabular
function of angular direction, ; this allows the modeling of an anisotropic distribution of flaws in the
material. Abaqus/Explicit will use this table to evaluate the thickness of each of the imperfections that will be
used for the evaluation of the M-K analysis method. In
addition, the initial imperfection size can also be a function of initial temperature and
field variables; this allows defining a nonuniform spatial distribution of imperfections.
Abaqus/Explicit will compute the initial imperfection size based on the values of temperature and field
variables at the beginning of the analysis. The initial size of the imperfection remains a
constant property during the rest of the analysis.
A general recommendation is to choose the value of such that the forming limit predicted numerically for uniaxial strain
loading conditions () matches the experimental result.
The virtual grooves are introduced to evaluate the onset of necking instability; they do
not influence the results in the underlying element. Once the criterion for necking
instability is met, the material properties in the element are degraded according to the
specified damage evolution law.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the initial imperfection thickness relative to
the nominal thickness as a tabular function of the angle with respect to the 1-direction
of the local material orientation and, optionally, initial temperature and field
Property module: material editor: MechanicalDamage for Ductile MetalsM-K Damage
Performance Considerations for the M-K
There can be a substantial increase in the overall computational cost when the
M-K criterion is used. For example, the cost of
processing a shell element with three section points through the thickness and four
imperfections, which is the default for the M-K
criterion, increases by approximately a factor of two compared to the cost without the
M-K criterion. You can mitigate the cost of
evaluating this damage initiation criterion by reducing the number of flaw directions
considered or by increasing the number of increments between
M-K computations, as explained below. Of course, the
effect on the overall analysis cost depends on the fraction of the elements in the model
that use this damage initiation criterion. The computational cost per element with the
M-K criterion increases by approximately a factor of
where is the number of imperfections specified for the evaluation of the
M-K criterion and is the frequency, in number of increments, at which the
M-K computations are performed. The coefficient of in the above formula gives a reasonable estimate of the cost increase
in most cases, but the actual cost increase may vary from this estimate. By default, Abaqus/Explicit performs the M-K computations on each imperfection
at each time increment, . Care must be taken to ensure that the
M-K computations are performed frequently enough to
ensure the accurate integration of the deformation field on each imperfection.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the number of imperfections and frequency of
the M-K analysis:
Müschenborn and Sonne (1975) proposed a method to predict the influence of the
deformation path on the forming limits of sheet metals on the basis of the equivalent
plastic strain, by assuming that the forming limit curve represents the sum of the highest
attainable equivalent plastic strains. Abaqus makes use of a generalization of this idea to establish a criterion of necking
instability of sheet metals for arbitrary deformation paths. The approach requires
transforming the original forming limit curve (without predeformation effects) from the
space of major versus minor strains to the space of equivalent plastic strain, , versus ratio of principal strain rates, .
For linear strain paths, assuming plastic incompressibility and neglecting elastic
As illustrated in Figure 3, linear deformation paths in the FLD transform onto
vertical paths in the – diagram (constant value of ).
Figure 3. Transformation of the forming limit curve from traditional
FLD representation (a) to
MSFLD representation (b). Linear deformation paths
transform onto vertical paths.
According to the MSFLD criterion, the onset of localized
necking occurs when the sequence of deformation states in the – diagram intersects the forming limit curve, as discussed below. It is
emphasized that for linear deformation paths both FLD and
MSFLD representations are identical and give rise to
the same predictions. For arbitrary loading, however, the
MSFLD representation takes into account the effects of
the history of deformation through the use of the accumulated equivalent plastic strain.
For the specification of the MSFLD damage initiation
criterion in Abaqus, you can directly provide the equivalent plastic strain at damage initiation as a
tabular function of and, optionally, equivalent plastic strain rate, temperature, and
predefined field variables, . Alternatively, you can specify the curve in the traditional
FLD format (in the space of major and minor strains) by
providing a tabular function of the form . In this case Abaqus will automatically transform the data into the – format.
Let represent the ratio of the current equivalent plastic strain, , to the equivalent plastic strain on the limit curve evaluated at the
current values of ; strain rate, ; temperature, ; and predefined field variables, :
The MSFLD criterion for necking instability is met when
the condition is satisfied. Necking instability also occurs if the sequence of
deformation states in the – diagram intersects the limit curve due to a sudden change in the
straining direction. This situation is illustrated in Figure 4. As changes from to , the line connecting the corresponding points in the – diagram intersects with the forming limit curve. When this situation
occurs, the MSFLD criterion is reached despite the fact
that . For output purposes Abaqus sets the value of equal to one to indicate that the criterion has been met.
Figure 4. Illustration of how a sudden change in the straining direction, from to , can produce a horizontal intersection with the limit curve and lead
to onset of necking.
The equivalent plastic strain used for the evaluation of the MSFLD
criterion in Abaqus is accumulated only over increments that result in an increase of the element area.
Strain increments associated with a reduction of the element area cannot cause necking and
do not contribute toward the evaluation of the MSFLD
If the value of lies outside the range of specified tabular values, Abaqus extrapolates the value of equivalent plastic strain for initiation of necking assuming
that the slope at the endpoints of the curve remains constant. Extrapolation with respect
to strain rate, temperature, and field variables follows the standard conventions: the
property is assumed to be constant outside the specified range of strain rate,
temperature, and field variables (see Material Data Definition).
As discussed in Progressive damage and failure of ductile metals, predictions
of necking instability based on the MSFLD criterion agree
remarkably well with predictions based on the Marciniak and Kuczynski criterion, at
significantly less computational cost than the Marciniak and Kuczynski criterion. There
are some situations, however, in which the MSFLD
criterion may overpredict the amount of formability left in the material. This occurs in
situations when, sometime during the loading history, the material reaches a state that is
very close to the point of necking instability and is subsequently strained in a direction
along which it can sustain further deformation. In this case the
MSFLD criterion may predict that the amount of
additional formability in the new direction is greater than that predicted with the
Marciniak and Kuczynski criterion. However, this situation is often not a concern in
practical forming applications where safety factors in the forming limit diagrams are
commonly used to ensure that the material state is sufficiently far away from the point of
necking. Refer to Progressive damage and failure of ductile metals for a
comparative analysis of these two criteria.
For reasons similar to those discussed earlier for the
FLD criterion, Abaqus evaluates the MSFLD criterion using the strains at the
midplane through the thickness of the element (or the layer, in the case of composite
shells with several layers), ignoring bending effects. Therefore, the
MSFLD criterion cannot be used to model failure under
bending loading; other failure models (such as ductile and shear failure) are more
suitable for such loading. Once the MSFLD damage
initiation criterion is met, the evolution of damage is driven independently at each
material point through the thickness of the element based on the local deformation at that
point. Thus, although bending effects do not affect the evaluation of the
MSFLD criterion, they may affect the rate of evolution
of damage.
Input File Usage
Use the following option to specify the
MSFLD damage initiation criterion by
providing the limit equivalent plastic strain as a tabular function of (default):
Property module: material editor: MechanicalDamage for Ductile MetalsMSFLD Damage
Numerical Evaluation of the Principal Strain Rates Ratio
The ratio of principal strain rates, , can jump in value due to sudden changes in the deformation path.
Special care is required during explicit dynamic simulations to avoid nonphysical jumps
in triggered by numerical noise, which may cause a horizontal
intersection of the deformation state with the forming limit curve and lead to the
premature prediction of necking instability.
To overcome this problem, rather than computing as a ratio of instantaneous strain rates, Abaqus/Explicit periodically updates based on accumulated strain increments after small but significant
changes in the equivalent plastic strain. The threshold value for the change in
equivalent plastic strain triggering an update of is denoted as , and is approximated as
where and are principal values of the accumulated plastic strain since the
previous update of . The default value of is 0.002 (0.2%).
In addition, Abaqus/Explicit supports the following filtering method for the computation of :
where represents the accumulated time over the analysis increments required
to have an increase in equivalent plastic strain of at least . The factor () facilitates filtering high-frequency oscillations. This filtering
method is usually not necessary provided that an appropriate value of is used. You can specify the value of directly. The default value is (no filtering).
In Abaqus/Standard is computed at every analysis increment as , without using either of the above filtering methods. However, you can
still specify values for and ; and these values can be imported into any subsequent analysis in Abaqus/Explicit.
Property module: material editor: MechanicalDamage for Ductile MetalsMSFLD Damage: Omega: , Peinc:
Initial Conditions
When we need to study the behavior of a material that has been previously subjected to
deformations, such as those originated during the manufacturing process, initial
equivalent plastic strain values can be provided to specify the initial work hardened
state of the material (see Defining Initial Values of State Variables for Plastic Hardening).
In addition, when the initial equivalent plastic strain is greater than the minimum
value on the forming limit curve, the initial value of plays an important role in determining whether the
MSFLD damage initiation criterion will be met during
subsequent deformation. It is, therefore, important to specify the initial value of in these situations. To this end, you can specify initial values of
the plastic strain tensor (see Defining Initial Values of Plastic Strain). Abaqus will use this information to compute the initial value of as the ratio of the minor and major principal plastic strains; that
is, neglecting the elastic component of deformation and assuming a linear deformation
Input File Usage
Use both of the following options to specify that material hardening and plastic
strain have occurred prior to the current analysis:
Load module: Create Predefined Field: Step: Initial, choose Mechanical for the Category and Hardening for the Types for Selected Step
Initial plastic strain conditions are not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
The damage initiation criteria for ductile metals can be used with any elements in Abaqus that include mechanical behavior (elements that have displacement degrees of freedom)
except for the pipe elements in Abaqus/Explicit.
The models for sheet metal necking instability (FLD,
M-K) are available only with elements that include
mechanical behavior and use a plane stress formulation (that is, plane stress, shell,
continuum shell, and membrane elements).
In addition to the standard output identifiers available in Abaqus(Output Variables), the
following variables have special meaning when a damage initiation criterion is specified:
Ratio of principal strain rates, , used for the MSFLD damage
initiation criterion.
Shear stress ratio, , used for the evaluation of the shear damage initiation criterion.
All damage initiation criteria components listed below.
Ductile damage initiation criterion, .
Johnson-Cook damage initiation criterion (available only in Abaqus/Explicit).
Shear damage initiation criterion, .
Maximum value of the FLD damage initiation
criterion, , during the analysis.
Maximum value of the FLSD damage initiation
criterion, , during the analysis.
Maximum value of the MSFLD damage initiation
criterion, , during the analysis.
Marciniak-Kuczynski damage initiation criterion, (available only in Abaqus/Explicit).
Hosford-Coulomb damage initiation criterion.
A value of 1 or greater for output variables associated with a damage initiation criterion
indicates that the criterion has been met. Abaqus will limit the maximum value of the output variable to 1 if a damage evolution law has
been prescribed for that criterion (see Damage Evolution and Element Removal for Ductile Metals).
However, if no damage evolution is specified, the criterion for damage initiation will
continue to be computed beyond the point of damage initiation; in this case the output
variable can take values greater than 1, indicating by how much the initiation criterion has
been exceeded.
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