Ductile, Johnson-Cook, Hosford-Coulomb, and shear
Elements tested
Features tested
Ductile, shear, and Hosford-Coulomb damage initiation criteria are tested
for the following material models: Mises plasticity; Hill plasticity; Drucker-Prager
plasticity; and, in Abaqus/Explicit, equation of state with Johnson-Cook plasticity. The Johnson-Cook criterion, a special
case of the ductile criterion, is also tested with the following material models: Mises
plasticity, Hill plasticity, Johnson-Cook plasticity, Drucker-Prager plasticity, and
equation of state with Mises plasticity. For the ductile and the shear damage initiation
criteria, the capability to specify initial conditions on the damage initiation measures
is tested.
Problem description
This verification test consists of a set of single-element models
subjected to biaxial tension; an exception is the truss and beam elements, which are
loaded by uniaxial tension. For each material model only those element types supported for
that model are used. The ductile criterion is specified in terms of the plastic strain at
the onset of damage as a tabular function of the stress triaxiality and the equivalent
plastic strain rate. In Abaqus/Explicit the ductile criterion can also be defined as a tabular function of Lode angle. The
Johnson-Cook criterion (available only in Abaqus/Explicit) is specified in terms of failure parameters –, the reference strain rate , the melting temperature, and the transition temperature. The shear
criterion is specified in terms of the plastic strain at the onset of damage as a tabular
function of the shear stress ratio and the equivalent plastic strain rate. The
Hosford-Coulomb criterion (available only in Abaqus/Standard) is specified in terms of failure parameters , , , and . The damage evolution law (available only in Abaqus/Explicit) is specified in terms of the equivalent plastic displacement or in terms of the
fracture energy dissipation. A maximum degradation of 0.75 is set. The default failure
choice (i.e., element deletion) is used in all tests in this subsection.
The tests for initial conditions on the damage initiation measures do not
subject the elements to any deformation. Instead, these tests verify only that
the specified initial conditions are output without any modifications.
Results and discussion
Material degradation starts when the equivalent plastic strain reaches the
specified damage initiation criterion. The damage variable evolves according to
the evolution law specified in terms of the plastic displacement or energy
dissipation. The element is deleted from the mesh once all the integration
points at any one section of an element fail; the element output variable STATUS will then be set to zero.
The FLD and FLSD damage initiation criteria are tested on elements with a plane
stress formulation for the following material models: Mises plasticity; Hill
plasticity; Drucker-Prager plasticity; and, in
for Johnson-Cook plasticity.
Problem description
This verification test consists of a set of single-element models subjected
to equibiaxial tension. The FLD criterion is specified in terms of the maximum in-plane
principal strain at damage initiation as a tabular function of the minimum
in-plane principal strain. The FLSD criterion is specified in terms of the maximum in-plane
principal limit stress as a tabular function of the minimum in-plane principal
stress. In
input files the damage evolution law is specified in terms of the equivalent
plastic displacement or in terms of the fracture energy dissipation. A maximum
degradation of 0.75 is used. The default failure choice (i.e., element
deletion) is used in all tests in this subsection.
Results and discussion
For the FLD criterion material degradation starts when the maximum
in-plane principal strain reaches the major limit strain according to the
specified forming limit curve. For the FLSD criterion material degradation starts when the maximum
in-plane principal stress reaches the major limit stress according to the
specified forming limit stress curve. The damage variable evolves according to
the evolution law specified in terms of the plastic displacement or energy
The M-K damage initiation criterion is
tested for Mises plasticity in
Problem description
First, a set of single elements with plane stress formulation is loaded
under equibiaxial tension to test the M-K
damage initiation criterion for different element types. The material
properties for this test correspond to a steel alloy modeled with
rate-dependent Mises plasticity. The initial imperfection size is defined as a
tabular function of the angular direction. The
M-K criterion is specified in terms of the
limit ratio of the deformation in the groove (thickness imperfection) relative
to the nominal deformation outside the groove.
In addition, to demonstrate the capability of the
M-K analysis in predicting forming limit
diagrams for an aluminum alloy, a set of parametric studies are performed to
evaluate the effect of strain paths on the FLDs using S4R elements. In these studies an aluminum alloy
(AA 5754–O) is modeled using isotropic Mises
plasticity with Nadai hardening: ,
with MPa,
and .
The initial imperfection size is assumed to be 0.9999 in these studies. The
number of virtual imperfections is set to 100. A set of analyses are performed
with the ratio between the major and minor principal strain parameterized and
kept constant throughout each individual analysis, which generates the FLD curve without prestrain. To evaluate the effect of the loading
paths on the FLDs, two more sets of studies are performed in which the material
is initially prestrained (either with plane strain or equibiaxial loading) and
subsequently subjected to the same type of proportional loading as in the case
without prestrain.
Results and discussion
Material degradation starts when the ratio of the deformation in the groove
relative to the nominal deformation reaches the specified critical value. The
damage variable evolves according to the evolution rule specified in terms of
the plastic displacement or energy dissipation.
Figure 1
shows the FLD curves predicted with the M-K
analyses for the three sets of parametric studies described above, along with a
typical loading path involved in each study. The predicted FLD curve with no prestrain matches the analytical criterion
suggested by
(1952) in the left side of the FLD curve (drawing region). The 10% plane strain prestrain shifts
the FLD curve upward and, thus, increases the forming limit in both
the drawing region and the stretching region. The 10% equibiaxial prestrain
moves the FLD curve downward and to the right; therefore, the forming limit
is increased in some regions while lowered in others. These results suggest
that the FLDs strongly depend on the loading paths prior to reaching the
localization point.
Script file for parametric study of aluminum alloy with biaxial prestrain.
Müschenborn-Sonne forming limit diagram (MSFLD)
Elements tested
Features tested
The MSFLD damage initiation criterion is tested for Mises plasticity.
The capability to specify initial conditions on the damage initiation measure
is also tested.
Problem description
A set of single elements with a plane stress formulation is loaded under
equibiaxial tension to test the MSFLD damage initiation criterion for different element types. The MSFLD criterion is specified in terms of the maximum in-plane
principal strain at damage initiation as a tabular function of the minimum
in-plane principal strain (FLD definition) or in terms of the equivalent plastic strain at
damage initiation as a tabular function of the ratio of principal strain rates
(MSFLD definition).
To demonstrate the capability of the MSFLD criterion in predicting failure for nonlinear strain paths, a
number of numerical simulations of two-step forming processes have been carried
out in
using the MSFLD criterion as well as the M-K
criterion. Each of the two forming steps follows a linear path with constant
principal strain rate ratio ,
but there can be a jump in the value of
from the first step to second step; therefore, the overall deformation path is
not linear. Based on the value of
throughout the first step and the value of equivalent plastic strain at the end
of the first step, these simulations are grouped into five sets: within each
set, individual simulations differ only in the value of
during the second step. The same material model described in the last section
(AA 5754–O) has also been used here.
The test for initial conditions on the damage initiation measure does not
subject the elements to any deformation. Instead, this test verifies only that
the specified initial conditions are output without any modifications.
Results and discussion
As shown in
Figure 1,
the forming limit diagrams in the space of major versus minor principal strain
(FLD representation) strongly depend on the loading path. However,
by representing the same data from the M-K
analysis in the space of equivalent plastic strain versus the ratio of
principal strain rates (MSFLD representation), those three curves fall onto the same curve
as shown in
Figure 2.
This curve has been used to define the MSFLD criterion for the two-step numerical simulations described
above. The points of initiation of necking predicted by the
M-K criterion for each of the two-step forming
processes that are being considered are shown in
Figure 3,
Figure 4,
Figure 5,
Figure 6,
Figure 7.
In these figures the solid symbols represent the material state at the end of
the first forming step (i.e., the starting point for the second loading step)
and the corresponding hollow symbols represent the points of initiation of
necking along different loading paths during the second step. The same data are
also plotted in
Figure 8
in the -
diagram. The dashed lines in
Figure 8
connect the necking points obtained using the MSFLD criterion for each of the two-step forming processes. As shown
in the figure, in most situations the necking predictions based on the MSFLD compare remarkably well with those based on the more expensive
M-K analysis. The only case observed in this
figure in which the M-K and MSFLD criteria are not in close agreement corresponds to the
predeformation of
= 0.3 with higher equivalent plastic strain (solid square). In this case the MSFLD criterion slightly over predicts the forming limits for
deformation states on the right side of the curve. This situation may be
expected to occur when the deformation state of the material gets very close to
the forming limit curve sometime during the loading history and is subsequently
strained in a direction along which it can sustain further deformation.
However, this mismatch can be accounted for through precalibration and the use
of a safety factor. These results indicate that the onset of necking
instability occurs when a new deformation state in the equivalent plastic
strain versus principal strain rate ratio space either lies on the forming
limit curve or, upon sudden change in the strain rate ratio, a line connecting
the states just before and after the change in strain rate ratio crosses the
forming limit diagram. This example demonstrates the capability of the MSFLD criterion in predicting necking even for the nonlinear strain
Script file for parametric study using M-K
analysis with starting point of
= –0.4.
Figure 2. Forming limit diagrams predicted with
M-K analyses and plotted in the space of
equivalent plastic strain versus ratio of principal strain rates (MSFLD representation). Figure 3. Forming limits predicted using M-K
analyses for two-step forming processes with starting point of
= –0.4. Figure 4. Forming limits predicted using M-K
analyses for two-step forming processes with starting point of
= –0.6 and lower equivalent plastic strain. Figure 5. Forming limits predicted using M-K
analyses for two-step forming processes with starting point of
= –0.6 and higher equivalent plastic strain. Figure 6. Forming limits predicted using M-K
analyses for two-step forming processes with starting point of
= 0.3 and lower equivalent plastic strain. Figure 7. Forming limits predicted using M-K
analyses for two-step forming processes with starting point of
= 0.3 and higher equivalent plastic strain. Figure 8. Comparison of forming limit diagrams predicted using MSFLD criterion and those using M-K
analyses. (Solid symbols: state at end of first step for various type of
loading. Hollow symbols: state corresponding to initiation of necking during
the second step predicted using the M-K
analyses. Dashed lines: necking points obtained using the MSFLD criterion. Refer to the input file descriptions for an
explanation of the labels.)
Element deletion
Elements tested
Features tested
The nondefault degradation behavior is tested in
by specifying that fully damaged elements should remain in the computations.
Problem description
The ductile initiation criterion is used on a set of single-element models,
subjected to plane strain compression followed by plane strain tension for the
elements with two-dimensional and three-dimensional stress states. The truss
elements are loaded in uniaxial compression followed by uniaxial tension.
Results and discussion
For elements with two-dimensional and three-dimensional stress states, only
the deviatoric and tensile hydrostatic response of the material are degraded
once the damage initiation criterion is met; the compressive hydrostatic
response is not degraded. For elements with one-dimensional stress states, the
stress component is degraded only when it is positive. All elements remain
active when element deletion is not used.
The maximum and multiplicative rules for computing the overall damage
variable from each individual damage variable contribution are tested in
The field and temperature dependence of the damage initiation criteria and the
damage evolution rules are also tested.
Problem description
This verification test consists of six elements, each associated with a
different material. For each of the first five materials, only one initiation
criterion with its corresponding evolution rule is specified; for the material
assigned to the sixth element, all five initiation criteria with their
corresponding evolution rules are specified. In this way the individual
contribution to the overall damage variable (in the sixth element) can be
obtained explicitly from the damage variables of the first five elements.
Results and discussion
The overall damage variable matches with the total contributions from each
of the individual damage variables according to the specified combination rule;
i.e., maximum or multiplicative.
Hill, R., “On
Discontinuous Plastic States, with Special Reference to Localized Necking in
Thin Sheets,” Journal of the Mechanics and
Physics of
Solids, vol. 1, pp. 19–30, 1952.